well woopdeedoo

Apr 01, 2006 18:23

hi everyone. how are all of you? yes, i have converted over to the myspace cult. so this is pretty much just for old time's sake. SO today is april fools day. my brother played a trick on us. he put a rubber band on the sink sprayer thingy so when i turned on the sink it sprayed all over me. it was pretty darn funny. and i'm short, so of course, it sprayed right on my face.
so yes, in exactly 1 month and 23 days i will be 19. AND after i come back from my coworker year, i will be 20. isn't that CRAZY!!!!!???? yeah, that's right, i won't be a teenager anymore!! it's cool though. it's just another stage in my life. a new page. a different color of the rainbow of my life. (ok, i made that up, i know it was really lame.) anyway, i have to say, since i probably won't ever update on this again (well, actually, i probably will, but just for giving me an excuse to say all of the following): here is how my year of being 18 went: well, my birthday SUCKED lol not really....well, in some ways, but what the heck, how can you be sad when you are becoming an adult? lol so after a while, things started shaping up, i started college, got my first real job, had some fun, went to mexico, met an awesome mexican dude who i still talk to and stuff, met new people, flirted A LOT (i have no clue why...maybe my age? my confidence? boredom?) whatever. anyway, that's pretty much it...pretty much the lot of what has been happening. OH i got an electric guitar, i got a laptop, I GRADUATED (how could i forget that), i bought some lotto tickets and won nothing, i got third place in the march madness bracket thingy, i became a godmother (or at least i will in about 6 months), i decided to be a coworker, and that's pretty much it. OH AND GUESS WHAT!!! i convinced my parents to maybe allow me to go to mexico for next year. not that i get to pick, but i can choose it as one of my choices. so that's pretty exciting. don't worry, i will keep in touch next year. through email or something like that. AND next year i will be going to rome and maybe even jerusalem!!! but i haven't told my parents that part yet. i highly doubt that my mom would like me going to jerusalem very much. ok well, i have to go babysit now, but you can leave me a little comment if you do feel so inclined, it would be very much appreciated, and i will talk to you all later.
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