Remember, way, way back, when Baby Lucas decided that certain words were hilariously funny? Remember how he couldn’t stop giggling when you said "caterwaul"? (Or "codswallop!" Or "flibbertigibbet!" Or "flimflam!") Remember how people from all over racked their brains to bring us silly words in the hopes that their silly word would make Lucas giggle uncontrollably?
I have a list of them somewhere ... 'cuz I'm that kind of crazy. Let's see .... Yes, here they are:
- codswallop (introduced by Grandma Sydney. Probably his favorite)
- snagglepuss (introduced by Suzi)
- fandango (introduced by a book and song around the same time-September '04)
- bonzai (introduced by mom)
- caterwaul (introduced by mom)
- skedaddle
- suspicious (introduced by Grandma Sydney)
- balderdash (introduced by Grandma Sydney.
- namby-pamby
- willy-nilly
- mishmash (introduced by Grandma Sydney)
- flibbertigibbet (introduced by Grandma Sydney)
- scuttle (Lucas came up with this one himself)
- gaddywampus ? (introduced by Mario)
- bamboozle
- periwinkle
- pumpernickel
- froufrou
- gesundeit
- ridiculous
- hilarious
- persnikey
- loquacious (introduced by VoVo, 1-3-05)
He was about the age Asher is now.
Guess what new word Asher thinks is just too ridiculous! Can ya guess? Can ya?
As in,
Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells
And cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.
Tee hee.