Thanks for all the hard work on this. Obviously a labor of luuuv though ! You and I must be on the same wavelength as far as series watching goes. I had just started watching The Sentinel about the same time you did and now The Magnificent Seven. But then, great minds do think alike, right?
My thoughts while watching the first season are that I'm gonna just love Chris/Vin stories. They're a couple of very beautiful men and are pushing all my buttons in the strong, silent but deadly categories. However, in my uneducated opinion, Buck/JD have great chemistry going between them. I wasn't sure at first, cause I'm usually drawn to the first type. But I can just envision the more experienced Buck showing "innocent" JD the ropes.
And finally, have you heard any information about when or if there is a season two to this show? I've searched for a while now but so far no luck.
Thanks again for putting up the great screen shots. So very entertaining.
Thanks for all the hard work on this. Obviously a labor of luuuv though !
You're so very welcome. It is a lot of work, but *so* worth it!! I have so much fun doing these.
I had just started watching The Sentinel about the same time you did and now The Magnificent Seven. But then, great minds do think alike, right?
And you're also into due South. :D Great minds truly do think alike.
My thoughts while watching the first season are that I'm gonna just love Chris/Vin stories.
Oh GOD yes, because...just *swoon*!! And the connection between them is so amazingly *obvious* and it's at the level of "practically not subtext" which is pretty much what I need to slash a pairing.
However, in my uneducated opinion, Buck/JD have great chemistry going between them.They *totally* do, I'm just still trying to figure out what kind of chemistry it is. But I've hardly seen *any* of the show at all, so I don't have much info to draw on. From the pilot I could either see them going in a slashy direction (though Buck is *such* the ladies man) or
( ... )
You know, after I posted the "can't find season two" comment, just announced it. I mean, like overnight, cause I checked yesterday. AND they have a deal for if you buy season one of Alais Smith and Jones. Which I did, breaking my promise to not buy anything new since signing up with Oh well. Can I claim this as a life? Not interesting, perhaps, but a life none the less.
Part 1 (because I talk too much *g*)spikedluvFebruary 21 2007, 16:45:50 UTC
~Okay, I’ve had to give up. I just can’t load all these caps, even with the poor quality my accelerator gives them. Drat! I wanted to see the pretties, too. *pouts* Darned dial-up
( ... )
Re: Part 1 (Response 1 of 2--because I talk too much too)sara_merry99February 21 2007, 18:27:57 UTC
~Okay, I’ve had to give up. I just can’t load all these caps, even with the poor quality my accelerator gives them. Drat! I wanted to see the pretties, too. *pouts* Darned dial-up.
I'm sorry. I could bundle them in to a .zip file for you and upload them to yousendit for you to download. Would that be easier for you?
Now we know he’s got a heart of gold underneath all that black he wears *g*, but I think he was just being cautious and checking out the lay of the land, so to speak, before rushing in.
Yeah, I think so. That's kind of what I figured out. And there were a lot of other men in the lynch mob, so, as you say, tackling it alone and getting killed wasn't going to help Nathan at all. And, just maybe, he was trying to get a feel for the town too--because he was sure watching the other men in town to see if any of them were going to do anything.
The fact that it took just a look from Vin, knowing he had at least one man at his back, to make him interfere in the hanging shows us, I think, that Chris is predisposed to help, as
( ... )
Re: Part 1 (Response 1 of 2--because I talk too much too)spikedluvFebruary 26 2007, 14:19:05 UTC
~I'm sorry.
Not your fault I'm still on the dreaded dial-up (grrrr), but I do really appreciate you making the caps available in your LJ thingy. I'm almost through them, lol! I haven't been at the computer too much over the past three days and of course I want to load the big version of the Chris and Vin pics, with full quality, so I can see them in all their glory. *g* So, yeah, it's taking me a while, but I'm nearly there!
~And, just maybe, he was trying to get a feel for the town too
Great point! He's new in town, probably just passing through, doesn't want to step on toes if his assistance isn't needed. I wonder what he thought when the only person to stand up to the outlaws was a woman?
~I also think he wanted to help the SeminoleBut again, he'd be in a position where one, or even two, men probably wouldn't make much of a difference. Plus, having Vin at his back probably served as a dose of moral support. And I can see this being, like, foreplay, or a first date, lol
( ... )
Re: Part 1 (Response 1 of 2--because I talk too much too)sara_merry99February 26 2007, 16:12:42 UTC
I do really appreciate you making the caps available in your LJ thingy.
All of my caps are in LJ galleries. I'll try to remember to slip you a link direct to the gallery, so you can get them in more reasonable sized chunks. Particularly if I go crazy nutso again like this time. :)
I wonder what he thought when the only person to stand up to the outlaws was a woman?
That's an interesting question. Do we get any idea of how Chris relates to women? I mean he doesn't dismiss the Beautiful Eyed Lady (is that Mary, BTW?) as the editor of the newspaper just because she's a woman. Of course, the frontier was a lot less sexist than one would imagine for the era. Everything was just a little too close to the edge to throw away the skills and abilities of half the population just on principle.
But, that said, I bet he doesn't have a very high opinion of the men of the town, leaving a woman to do what should have been their work.
I can see this being, like, foreplay, or a first date, lol!Yeah! I love the idea of the whole defense of the
( ... )
~The way Chris and Vin connected with just a look? *swoons* And the way they’re always in each other’s company? It’s like, the two of them standing together against whatever’s thrown at them. Sure, Nathan was the first one to say he’d accept the Seminole’s offer, but Chris and Vin were, like, a package deal. Chris wasn’t in without Vin, and I think Vin knew that Chris would follow his lead
( ... )
Re: Part 2sara_merry99February 21 2007, 18:38:32 UTC
~The way Chris and Vin connected with just a look? *swoons* And the way they’re always in each other’s company?
Oh, oh, yes!! I *love* that! I feel like a sort of backwards slasher sometimes, because I just can't slash where I can't see the relationship on the screen. But this is like practically *canon*. It's so ... ::sighs and swoons::
Maybe I'll just move into the slashy happy place. :)
It’s like, the two of them standing together against whatever’s thrown at them.
I do totally get from them the "It's the two of us against the world. When do we attack?" vibe. They clicked so quickly and so powerfully. ::mmmmmm::
Sure, Nathan was the first one to say he’d accept the Seminole’s offer, but Chris and Vin were, like, a package deal. Chris wasn’t in without Vin, and I think Vin knew that Chris would follow his lead.Which is interesting, because Chris followed Vin's lead into helping the Seminole, but after that he was *clearly* the leader of the whole group. So there's some sort of interesting relationship dynamics going on there,
( ... )
~Hee, backward slasher! See, I don't see that as backward at all. I don't just slash two guys 'cause they're pretty, I need to see the chemistry (no matter how minute, lol), before I can slash them. And this? So canon. It always surprises that they don't just sleep in the same room.
~Which is interesting, because Chris followed Vin's lead into helping the Seminole, but after that he was *clearly* the leader of the whole group. So there's some sort of interesting relationship dynamics going on there, it seems.Not only between Chris and Vin, but between Chris and the rest of the group. Everyone defers to him. However, back to Chris and Vin *g*, Vin doesn't appear to be the type of person who needs to be in control. He's pretty mellow and laid back. Chris, otoh, appears to need control, possibly because the important part of his past (the death of his wife and child), were out of his control. Yet, Chris doesn't demand obedience, or doesn't appear to demand obedience. The only times I recall him taking a stand were with JD,
( ... )
Re: Part 2sara_merry99February 26 2007, 16:46:04 UTC
See, I don't see that as backward at all. I don't just slash two guys 'cause they're pretty, I need to see the chemistry (no matter how minute, lol), before I can slash them.
Well, I've seen a few things around LJ lately where people have been all anti-OTP (::snivel::) because a good writer can sell any pairing and it's not good to be closed-minded and etc. And that's true. But I am very OTPish in all of my fandoms (I just haven't settled on my OTP in due South because I haven't seen much of Kowalski yet) because I need to be able to see the guys in love with each other. Or I just can't slash them.
Dear friends of mine write CSI slash of a variety of pairings, and even when I can enjoy the stories some part of me feels like they're just making shit up. (And no, other stories don't seem like that even though it's all fiction. The highways and byways of my mind are dark and twisty places.)
Chris, otoh, appears to need control, possibly because the important part of his past (the death of his wife and child), were out of his control.
( ... )
Ooo...OMG, pretty... You weren't kidding. (Not that I think you'd lie to me or anything, but you have now proven yourself to be especially trustworthy in these matters)
Cigar chewing...YAY!
That's a nice package! Normally I don't notice things like that, well, okay, not *always*
BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! *dies laughing* Yeah, ok... No, wait...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (Honey, you have a crotch shot icon collection) (And, my god, do I love your "enthralled" mood pic....)
Ooh, god...I love Ezra's get up (in the pic where you call him a dandy). Is he a good character? I could like him, I think.
Nice flirty scene! I have no idea what's going on, and I still am really enjoying this.
OH pretty!! I'm totally going to have to check this out. I've been watching a lot of Clint Eastwood movies lately and am kind of in the cowboy groove. :)
Ooo...OMG, pretty... You weren't kidding. (Not that I think you'd lie to me or anything, but you have now proven yourself to be especially trustworthy in these matters)
Told you! The pretty is just *breathtaking* in this show. Absolutely stunning!
Cigar chewing...YAY!
And Chris and Ezra both do that cigar chewing thing *so* well!! Just mmmm!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! *dies laughing* Yeah, ok... No, wait...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (Honey, you have a crotch shot icon collection)
::sticks out tongue at Sassy:: *g*
Well, yeah, but look--when I'm watching Riptide with arouette and Catyah, Arouette's forever pointing out "Look Cody just adjusted himself" or "Check out Murray's package" and I'd never noticed. I'm usually just looking in the wrong place or something. Well, except that I'm often looking there...but I just miss stuff. :D
I'm shutting up now.
Ooh, god...I love Ezra's get up (in the pic where you call him a dandy). Is he a good character? I could like him, I think.I think you'd *really* like Ezra. He's a little morally slippery--a
( ... )
Vin wears one, but it doesn't really show in this ep. Chris's holster is tied down against his leg, but right at his upper thigh where I *so* want to picture Vin untying it ::koff, sorry::. You can sort of see the knot for it in the nice package screencap. :) JD's guns are right up on his hips, as is Ezra's. I didn't notice on Josiah and Nathan mostly uses his knives, which he has a special sort of backpacky deal for. Buck's holster's pretty low slung, but it doesn't have the tie down.
So, I apologize--it appears to be just *one* thigh holster, but it made a big impression on me. :D You can see it pretty well in this pic:
Comments 66
My thoughts while watching the first season are that I'm gonna just love Chris/Vin stories. They're a couple of very beautiful men and are pushing all my buttons in the strong, silent but deadly categories. However, in my uneducated opinion, Buck/JD have great chemistry going between them. I wasn't sure at first, cause I'm usually drawn to the first type. But I can just envision the more experienced Buck showing "innocent" JD the ropes.
And finally, have you heard any information about when or if there is a season two to this show? I've searched for a while now but so far no luck.
Thanks again for putting up the great screen shots. So very entertaining.
You're so very welcome. It is a lot of work, but *so* worth it!! I have so much fun doing these.
I had just started watching The Sentinel about the same time you did and now The Magnificent Seven. But then, great minds do think alike, right?
And you're also into due South. :D Great minds truly do think alike.
My thoughts while watching the first season are that I'm gonna just love Chris/Vin stories.
Oh GOD yes, because...just *swoon*!! And the connection between them is so amazingly *obvious* and it's at the level of "practically not subtext" which is pretty much what I need to slash a pairing.
However, in my uneducated opinion, Buck/JD have great chemistry going between them.They *totally* do, I'm just still trying to figure out what kind of chemistry it is. But I've hardly seen *any* of the show at all, so I don't have much info to draw on. From the pilot I could either see them going in a slashy direction (though Buck is *such* the ladies man) or ( ... )
Can I claim this as a life? Not interesting, perhaps, but a life none the less.
Oh, sure!! As long as you're happy with it. :D
I'm sorry. I could bundle them in to a .zip file for you and upload them to yousendit for you to download. Would that be easier for you?
Now we know he’s got a heart of gold underneath all that black he wears *g*, but I think he was just being cautious and checking out the lay of the land, so to speak, before rushing in.
Yeah, I think so. That's kind of what I figured out. And there were a lot of other men in the lynch mob, so, as you say, tackling it alone and getting killed wasn't going to help Nathan at all. And, just maybe, he was trying to get a feel for the town too--because he was sure watching the other men in town to see if any of them were going to do anything.
The fact that it took just a look from Vin, knowing he had at least one man at his back, to make him interfere in the hanging shows us, I think, that Chris is predisposed to help, as ( ... )
Not your fault I'm still on the dreaded dial-up (grrrr), but I do really appreciate you making the caps available in your LJ thingy. I'm almost through them, lol! I haven't been at the computer too much over the past three days and of course I want to load the big version of the Chris and Vin pics, with full quality, so I can see them in all their glory. *g* So, yeah, it's taking me a while, but I'm nearly there!
~And, just maybe, he was trying to get a feel for the town too
Great point! He's new in town, probably just passing through, doesn't want to step on toes if his assistance isn't needed. I wonder what he thought when the only person to stand up to the outlaws was a woman?
~I also think he wanted to help the SeminoleBut again, he'd be in a position where one, or even two, men probably wouldn't make much of a difference. Plus, having Vin at his back probably served as a dose of moral support. And I can see this being, like, foreplay, or a first date, lol ( ... )
All of my caps are in LJ galleries. I'll try to remember to slip you a link direct to the gallery, so you can get them in more reasonable sized chunks. Particularly if I go crazy nutso again like this time. :)
I wonder what he thought when the only person to stand up to the outlaws was a woman?
That's an interesting question. Do we get any idea of how Chris relates to women? I mean he doesn't dismiss the Beautiful Eyed Lady (is that Mary, BTW?) as the editor of the newspaper just because she's a woman. Of course, the frontier was a lot less sexist than one would imagine for the era. Everything was just a little too close to the edge to throw away the skills and abilities of half the population just on principle.
But, that said, I bet he doesn't have a very high opinion of the men of the town, leaving a woman to do what should have been their work.
I can see this being, like, foreplay, or a first date, lol!Yeah! I love the idea of the whole defense of the ( ... )
Oh, oh, yes!! I *love* that! I feel like a sort of backwards slasher sometimes, because I just can't slash where I can't see the relationship on the screen. But this is like practically *canon*. It's so ... ::sighs and swoons::
Maybe I'll just move into the slashy happy place. :)
It’s like, the two of them standing together against whatever’s thrown at them.
I do totally get from them the "It's the two of us against the world. When do we attack?" vibe. They clicked so quickly and so powerfully. ::mmmmmm::
Sure, Nathan was the first one to say he’d accept the Seminole’s offer, but Chris and Vin were, like, a package deal. Chris wasn’t in without Vin, and I think Vin knew that Chris would follow his lead.Which is interesting, because Chris followed Vin's lead into helping the Seminole, but after that he was *clearly* the leader of the whole group. So there's some sort of interesting relationship dynamics going on there, ( ... )
~Which is interesting, because Chris followed Vin's lead into helping the Seminole, but after that he was *clearly* the leader of the whole group. So there's some sort of interesting relationship dynamics going on there, it seems.Not only between Chris and Vin, but between Chris and the rest of the group. Everyone defers to him. However, back to Chris and Vin *g*, Vin doesn't appear to be the type of person who needs to be in control. He's pretty mellow and laid back. Chris, otoh, appears to need control, possibly because the important part of his past (the death of his wife and child), were out of his control. Yet, Chris doesn't demand obedience, or doesn't appear to demand obedience. The only times I recall him taking a stand were with JD, ( ... )
Well, I've seen a few things around LJ lately where people have been all anti-OTP (::snivel::) because a good writer can sell any pairing and it's not good to be closed-minded and etc. And that's true. But I am very OTPish in all of my fandoms (I just haven't settled on my OTP in due South because I haven't seen much of Kowalski yet) because I need to be able to see the guys in love with each other. Or I just can't slash them.
Dear friends of mine write CSI slash of a variety of pairings, and even when I can enjoy the stories some part of me feels like they're just making shit up. (And no, other stories don't seem like that even though it's all fiction. The highways and byways of my mind are dark and twisty places.)
Chris, otoh, appears to need control, possibly because the important part of his past (the death of his wife and child), were out of his control. ( ... )
Cigar chewing...YAY!
That's a nice package! Normally I don't notice things like that, well, okay, not *always*
BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! *dies laughing* Yeah, ok... No, wait...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (Honey, you have a crotch shot icon collection) (And, my god, do I love your "enthralled" mood pic....)
Ooh, god...I love Ezra's get up (in the pic where you call him a dandy). Is he a good character? I could like him, I think.
Nice flirty scene! I have no idea what's going on, and I still am really enjoying this.
OH pretty!! I'm totally going to have to check this out. I've been watching a lot of Clint Eastwood movies lately and am kind of in the cowboy groove. :)
Told you! The pretty is just *breathtaking* in this show. Absolutely stunning!
Cigar chewing...YAY!
And Chris and Ezra both do that cigar chewing thing *so* well!! Just mmmm!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! *dies laughing* Yeah, ok... No, wait...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (Honey, you have a crotch shot icon collection)
::sticks out tongue at Sassy:: *g*
Well, yeah, but look--when I'm watching Riptide with arouette and Catyah, Arouette's forever pointing out "Look Cody just adjusted himself" or "Check out Murray's package" and I'd never noticed. I'm usually just looking in the wrong place or something. Well, except that I'm often looking there...but I just miss stuff. :D
I'm shutting up now.
Ooh, god...I love Ezra's get up (in the pic where you call him a dandy). Is he a good character? I could like him, I think.I think you'd *really* like Ezra. He's a little morally slippery--a ( ... )
Ezra sounds great - I kind of like morally shifty *g* And he looks quite pretty.
Also - your H/C post is up at my LJ when you get a chance to look at it. :)
Vin wears one, but it doesn't really show in this ep. Chris's holster is tied down against his leg, but right at his upper thigh where I *so* want to picture Vin untying it ::koff, sorry::. You can sort of see the knot for it in the nice package screencap. :) JD's guns are right up on his hips, as is Ezra's. I didn't notice on Josiah and Nathan mostly uses his knives, which he has a special sort of backpacky deal for. Buck's holster's pretty low slung, but it doesn't have the tie down.
So, I apologize--it appears to be just *one* thigh holster, but it made a big impression on me. :D You can see it pretty well in this pic:
Ezra sounds great - I kind of like morally shifty *g* And he looks quite pretty.
I figured you'd like Ezra. :D And he is pretty--nice green eyes. I think you'll like Chris too because he's so deliciously alpha! :D
Also - your H/C ( ... )
and I was gonna make Miami Vice icons today...
I'm going to be making some Mag7 icons tonight, I'm pretty sure. :D
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