
Apr 27, 2008 16:47

Super Junior M~~~!!!

I've finally convinced my mom to let me order something online! I'm so excited. I've ordered Super Junior M's Album. I ordered the Hong Kong Version of the CD so then I can get a folder (Is it really a folder?). But then after I ordered it I saw that there was a Korean version of the CD and that CD comes with 3 extra songs and it was a lot cheaper as well (Hong Kong Version was $18.99 and the Korean Version was $12.99).
Would I rather get a CD that came with a folder that costs $18.99 or one that comes with three extra songs that costs $12.99?? But since I ordered it already I guess I can't complain.

While I'm waiting for it to come out I'll be listening to the downloaded versions of Super Junior M. They sound really really good. I think it's worth the buy. I won't provide any links to download it since I fully support Super Junior M. I suggest you do the same.

Fangirling Reviews on Super Junior M's CD:

01. Me - The song is really catchy and it has a nice beat. "It's gonna be me~~" I totally loved the chorus. RyeoWook's and KyuHyun's voice stand out a lot. I can't really tell the difference between the member's voices since its so different singing in Mandarin. I can only tell KyuHyun, RyeoWook, SiWon, and DongHae (Could it be because they're Korean singing in Mandarin?). I don't know. But I really love the song. Very very catchy. "It's gonna be me~"

02. U - The MV was love<333

The dance moves are just totally awesome. The vocals were just amazing as well. This song sounds really nice in Mandarin. I've see some translations for this version of U and it sounds a lot different than the Korean version but it still seems to convey the same message. KYAA~ The dance moves just killed me. I mean they're soo... sexy. They're so charismatic in this video. Especially RyeoWook, ZhouMi, KyuHyun, and DongHae. HanKyung and SiWon are always charismatic. Henry was just amazing with his violin! AHh~~ I loved ZhouMi's rapping!

03.  At Least I Still Have You - watch their preformance~~~ :DDD

They are positively glowing with talent. ZhouMi looks awesome in it. AND I can tell who sings what now since they're preforming it live. I really love how ZhouMi smiles after singing. He looks totally handsome! Ahhh~~~ I'm such a fan girl over ZhouMi. RyeoWook and KyuHyung's voices~~ Homiegosh it was totally bliss listening to them. Their voices are so strong! DongHae sounds totally awesome~! Ahhhh~~~ He looks so nice in this. The effects totally make every single member glow and shine~~ SiWon and HanKyung are just totally awesome no matter what ^___________^ Henry he should get more lines~~ BUT he looks awesome as always I really love his look. I just wanna pinch his cheeks since they look so pinch-able! My sister says they look chubby she also says that he hasn't lost his baby fat in his cheeks yet.

04. Miracle - AHHH~~ I loved this song from Super Junior's debut album! It was just awesome and cute and awesome! It sounds kind of weird listening to it in Mandarin since I listened to it a lot in Korean but it doesn't really matter since its Miracle. AHH I'm so glad that KyuHyun gets to take part in this recording because he didn't get to since he was added in Super Junior during U. The 'Hey' after 'life couldn't get better' sounds so different its most likely because of how little members there are. Henry's English! You can so tell that its him saying 'I love you baby and I'm never going to stop~~' The line the KiBum says but instead Henry says it. Kyaaa~~~~ I totally loved this remake!

05. Love Song - This sounds positively cute! I bet it is. Its an upbeat song that could almost rival Miracle. I said almost. Miracle is still the best if you're looking for a cutesy song. RyeoWook's voice matches this song the best I mean it sounds so cute! But RyeoWook can change his voice to match any song. I mean he made it sound sexy and charismatic in U and he made it cutesy and sweet in Love Song. Ahhh~~~ I don't know what else to say but it'll just make you happy if you listen to it. Was this one of the songs that were made by ZhouMi? It was said that he created four of the songs is this one of them?

06. In My Arms - This is kind of a rock ballad? It sounds so soothing and nice with a little bit of rock mixed into it. It seems like it would be made for someone to sing it to the one they love before they go to sleep or something like that. RyeoWook's background vocals are just amazing as always! AHHH~ KyuHyun's 'Ohhhh~' In the end was just awesome! I think this song is also one of songs that ZhouMi made. I dunno if it is I'm just guessing what they are so do not quote me on it.

07. Don't Don - Henry's saying the words that EunHyuk said in the Korean version of Don't Don. It sounds really nice. I love both versions. This song also feels kinda awkward to listen to since I've listened to the Korean version a lot. They have Henry saying a lot of the English wording in the song but it doesn't matter since he still wins at almost anything just like ZhouMi and Super Junior. They are just pure win.

08. Marry U - AHH~ Henry with English again. The song sounds totally soothing in Mandarin as well as in Korean. I totally loved it. But once again it does sound kind of weird because I've listened to this song a lot and it was in Korean. But who cares both songs are wonderful. RyeoWook's vocals are nice also along with KyuHyun's. SiWon's vocals are wonderful as well so are HanKyung's and DongHae's! ZhouMi as well. He's always wonderful. ^__________________^

09. Happiness - Pure happiness hearing that KyuHyun could take part in this recording. Henry's rapping sounds so wonderful. They sound so wonderful harmonizing with each other and it seems like they had fun in this recording. Their voices sound really happy. I think in this song I can tell their voices apart from each other. Ahh~ Such happiness!

10. A Man In Love - This song sounds very different for some reason. It doesn't seem to sound as powerful. It has more of a gracefulness in it when its sung in Mandarin. They translated the remixed version of A Man In Love. I really liked this song. But I was hoping that Super Junior M could do 'The Last Defeat (The Girl is Mine)' That is like my favorite song ever. Anyway back to the real song that I'm supposed to be talking about. The vocals are totally awesome in this I mean the background vocals and the main vocals sound really wonderful!

11. The Moment - This song sounds really nice. I really like it. It sounds to techno and cool. I can imagine that this song could be used for a drama or something since it sounds kind of like H.I.T or Success from the drama series H.I.T. Henry rapping in English then using his violin!! It sounds so wonderful! KYAAA~~~ I totally love this song. Especially with Henry rapping in English then it come the violin solo right after its totally cool.

12. The One - Their song that was dedicated to the Olympics. It sounds so nice I totally love it. Their voices are so soothing and they sound so nice in it. It sounds like they really got into the songs and really sang it from the heart. ZhouMi's voice sounds so nice and wonderful. RyeoWook's voice once again stands out along with KyuHyun's voice. Henry's violin solo was just amazing! Just pure love! SiWon, HanKyung and DongHae are always perfect. DongHae's Mandarin sounds like its gotten really good but I heard that when they were recording the songs they were really strict on pronunciation. So I guess thats why it sounds really nice. But it doesn't matter. I'm sure DongHae will become fluent in Mandarin also everyone else as well.

Whew... I'm finished fangirling reviewing every song. Hehe~ It was fun.

AHH I can't wait for the CD to come out and get over here to where I live!

Also along with the CD I ordered Super Junior's Repackaged CD. I've been wanting it for so long! I can finally give them the support I've always wanted too. I downloaded the songs I have now in my mp3 player knowing that Super Junior would be disappointed in me for doing so. But I was going to purchase the CD's later so that I could really support them in the future.

Oh well. Support Super Junior and Super Junior M! I'm sure Super Junior would want you to support Super Junior M as well. Don't break their hearts. Especially ZhouMi and Henry. Those poor things... I love you!

Super Junior Fighting!
Super Junior M Jai You!!
I love you both!

super junior, reviews, super junior m

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