Is this thing on?

Oct 02, 2007 17:29

Hello dear friends! I have been gone from LJ for so long, I miss everyone! *BIGHUGS* What's been happening with everyone? I must wish a happy belated birthday to muddor and popfly! I hope you both had wonderfully delicious days! I also must thank lucie_inthesky for the beautiful birthday card! It was really touching, thank you!

An update on is crazy, but in a very good way. Since I last posted about the attempted carjacking my life has been rolling along very quickly. James and I have gone to see a crisis counselor 3 times and I think it has helped. We have also seen each other all but 2 days since September 6th. Things are moving fast, which at first was because of our need to protect each other, now, at least for me, it is because I really enjoy seeing him and spending time together. He is a great guy and I'm very happy. Consequently though I have hardly seen my family or my friends, nor been on the net (LJ I MISS YOU!)or watched TV. It is amazing how fast things can change. Within 6 weeks life has moved in ways that I never envisioned. We will see what happens but for now I'm happier than I've been in a really long time, if ever, and I just want to hold on to that.

I hope everyone is well! Please drop me a line if you get the chance. Take care! *HUGS*


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