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A new Year and a new Header post.
For all those interested my deviantArt account is here:
So go see my pretty pictures! And my account is here:
Go here for complete chapters and sequential scenes. My Fanfic Production Counts Plus Links.
Time Enough Final Fantasy VII
Antiviral For Love Of Hindsight is 20/20 Like It Rough 1/2 2/2 Small Packages & History Inverted To Earn the Sky Gundam Wing
Mistakes and Misdemeanours
Perception PetShop of Horrors
Event Horizons
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Patching the Trousers
Action Equals Reaction Always the Quiet Ones Before Dawn (Nine Rings of Vos AU) Compromising Positions High Stakes Wager: The Bet Nine Rings of Vos =/=
Drop me a line if there's anything you particularly want to read!