More Vincent/Cid shinanigans

Feb 16, 2008 18:59

And the Fic continues!

Continued from the First Half

Vincent was drowning, and what small part of his mind remained capable of rational thought was idly wondering how exactly he had gone from questioning Cid on his strange behaviour to mauling the man against the wall.

He had tried, Hel’s frozen Gates he had tried, to get the truth out into the open and have a frank discussion, but then out of nowhere, bam! Cid had started to smell so very good. Alluring even. Before he had quiet realized what he was doing Vincent had impulsively followed to prompting of one (or more) of his many little voices and gotten closer. Much closer. Vincent had no clue where the idea to lick Cid had come from (Galien Beast), but the man tasted just as good as he smelled. Vincent could not put a name on it, but it was something that bypassed rational thought, flipped all of Vincent’s systems to ‘sex now’. Even the demons agreed in their own way, which normally would have tripped all of Vincent’s alarms, except Cid kept making these sounds. The blonde’s whiskey voice roughened and choked on bitten back moans. Vincent forgot all about being alarmed as he was gripped by the rampant desire to make Cid scream.

Cid’s mouth tasted like tea and the honey he sometimes used to sweeten it. Vincent was not particularly fond of tea, but it was such an oddly appropriate flavour for Cid that the gunman found a whole new appreciation for boiled leaves.

Vincent had never really appreciated Cid’s lackadaisical fashion sense before beyond acknowledging its functionality, but just like the taste of tea, he had just discovered a whole new affection for Cid’s clothes. The oversized bombers jacket and loose t-shirt slid off with a minimum of fuss. The fastening of Cid’s jeans was but a small obstacle as Vincent tried to undo the button as taste the newly bared skin of Cid’s chest at the same time. When Vincent decided to forgo untying the other mans boots and instead simply snapped the laces, Cid had just enough presence of mind left to protest the abuse of his footwear.

“Hey! Easy on the duds - mmph!” Vincent plundered Cid’s conveniently open mouth and bit the blonde’s bottom lip. Leaving Cid blinking in hazy bemusement as Vincent finished stripping the blonde with his usual single-minded efficiency. It was actually rather flattering, Cid thought, the way Vincent seemed to want Cid enough that he was not taking ‘no’ for an answer. Which was kind of strange now that Cid thought about it. Vincent had always seemed like the kind of guy who asked first, or at least spent a decent amount of time dancing around the subject, instead of skipping straight to the getting naked part. Which made this sudden out-of-the-blue molestation king of worrying.

“Ah!” Cid moaned as Vincent dragged his tongue over the nipple he had bitten to reclaim the pilots wandering attention. The red-eyed gunman was pleased by the way clever fingers twined in his hair and the way strong legs flexed where they were wrapped tight around his hips. Cid had very nice legs, Vincent mused, his usual thoughts and concerns lost in a haze of lust that obscured pretty much everything beyond the blonde man in his arms and the many ways Vincent could make him gasp and moan and scream. Cid had a nice voice too, Vincent noted, especially when he was panting in desire and calling Vincent’s name. Cid had a very nice everything really.


In the first days after his release from the coffin that had been his decades long prison, Vincent had felt like he ill fit his own body. Before the experiments, he had been reasonably tall, and fit as benefited a Turk of his reputation, and he had known his own attractiveness, having been appraised of it by his trainers over the years. Afterwards though, he had been wasted, pared down by his captivity to skin and bone and sinew, getting by on supernatural strength. The demons had stretched his bones over the long years, helped by Hojo in the beginning, enlarging his frame to make the transformations of his Limit Breaks simpler. While previously he had stood a little over six feet, he now neared seven. The years since the Meteor quest had brought eventual adjustment to his new size and being able to eat had filled out his frame with new muscle, so that at least he no longer felt like a walking skeleton. Yet sometimes he still felt awkward, overlarge and cumbersome next to other people who were so comfortable in their own skins. Only Cloud came close to understanding, having spent five years growing from youth to man inside a mako tube. But with Cid Vincent always felt comfortable, able to put aside his discomfort as the sheer energy and emotion the pilot put into simply existing made it difficult to dwell on such things.

Now though Cid felt so small in Vincent’s hold, steamy kisses having stolen the bluster that distracted from the more than a foots height difference between the two of them. But Cid really did have a lovely body; trained and fit for all that he was not the tallest man to walk the planet. The sort of balanced physique achieved by track and field athletes evident in the coiled strength in the limbs flexing around him. Vincent thoroughly explored Cid’s body with mouth and hand, keeping his claw under Cid’s thigh for support, delighting in the shivers and sounds his ministrations produced.

Tracing the elegant arch of Cid’s collarbone with his teeth, nuzzling the surprisingly delicate hollows of the pilot’s throat. Drinking in each shuddering moan from the blondes welcoming mouth. Sliding his palm over a defined pectoral and appreciating the hitching gasp as the gun calluses on his fingers caught on a nipple. Then he had to pinch, roll the tightly drawn flesh between his fingers and lower his mouth to the other, set his teeth against the pebbled bud before he sucked. Felt Cid jump and twist in his grip, felt the pilot’s arms and legs tighten in order to pull their two bodies closer together. Vincent growled in approval and Cid groaned, squirmed against him, bare skin sliding damply against the gunman’s worn leathers.

Vincent was drowning in sensations, seeing each muscle flex and shift, the dark swollen wetness of Cid’s mouth - Vincent bit Cid’s lower lip - the lazy heat of blue eyes that focused on him, on Vincent, and showed no aversion to being with Vincent. Felt the energy in the lithe body he held against him, ready to snap or break or fly with the next touch, or the next, the hardness brushing his stomach with each grind of Cid’s hips. Vincent rubbed a finger along the crease of Cid’s thigh and smirked at the way the unconscious rhythm of Cid’s hips faltered, jumped, the other man ready to shake apart in his arms at the way each touch was always too soft or short or just not enough to give him satisfaction. The sound of Cid’s voice, his pleasure vocalized in each gasping breath and broken curse, the drag of skin against leather filled his ears. The taste of steel and tea on his tongue, tastes stolen directly form Cid’s mouth. And the scent, the aroma that had first baffled him then enticed him then hauled him in closer was all around them, strong and thick and clinging, hanging around their entwined bodies like a cloud of invisible desire. It blotted out his reason, made Vincent want to bite and pin and claim, made him want to cover Cid in his scent, his mark, so that no one else would be tempted to take away that which was now Vincent’s.

Which was ridiculous really, it was not like someone was going to wander by and snatch Cid up. For one thing the pilot could take care of himself, and would raise an unholy fuss if someone tried to take him against his will. But for some reason it all made perfect sense in Vincent’s currently addled mental state.

So Vincent growled again and latched onto Cid’s neck, adding yet another love bite to a rapidly growing collection. Cid cursed appreciation and Vincent smoothed his hand down Cid’s flank, enjoying the way the pilot pressed into the touch.


Cid blinked up at the ceiling of his cabin and tried to formulate a coherent thought. It was hard - Shiva’s ice! Bad word choice - but frustration was its own kind of motivation. Vincent was holding Cid up with one fucking hand, a casual display of strength that would have left Cid weak in the knees if his feet were not already a significant distance from the floor. Cid had an ironic weakness for strength - of any kind - and Vincent was strong in so many ways, had survived things that Cid did not even like to think about - Gods be damned but the man turned Cid on!

Although Cid was not a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, he had taken only a few lovers, the kind of things that got his attention not things that could safely be found in one-night stands. (A bad experience in his late teens had taught him that much, and very well at that.)

Cid moaned, dragging Vincent’s mouth off his neck by the grip he had on the other mans hair, kissing him again. Thinking bemused thoughts about the wonders of oral fixations when he opened his mouth to allow Vincent’s tongue to plunder him. Cid wondered hazily if Vincent was as skilled with the rest of his body as he was with his mouth, and as Vincent surged against him, crushing Cid up against the wall, wondering when they were going to move on to something a little more in depth than groping and kisses.

One of Vincent’s many buckles pinched the skin of Cid’s inner thigh and he pulled his head back, blinking at Vincent to clear his vision of the fireworks going off behind his eyes. Cid shook his head, realizing for the first time that he was completely bare-assed naked while Vincent still had all his clothes on.

“Whoa, Vince, hold up a sec will ya?” An un-amused growl let Cid know What Vincent thought about stopping and alarmed Cid really looked at Vincent. The gunman’s eyes were glowing bright enough to qualify as shining, casting odd shadows on his face.

“No.” Vincent snarled, eyes narrowing and - were those fangs? Cid swallowed, smoothing his hands through Vincent’s hair, aware that something wild, something feral had a hold of them both.

“Ease up hotshot, I’m not sayin’ stop. But yer fuckin’ buckles pinch and there’s a decent enough bed ‘bout two steps thataway. What say we getcher clothes off and make use of the mattress, yeah?” Vincent relaxed a bit as Cid talked, apparently thinking the proposition over. Cid grinned and decided to suit actions to words as he got to work on Vincent’s clothes. The bandanna was a simple matter of pulling it free and dropping it to the floor. Vincent’s cloak was unbuckled and fluttering to the ground by the time he realized the inherent sense in Cid’s plan.

Moments later Cid found himself settled on the bed as he was treated to the planet’s fastest strip show. Vincent was a walking Highwind wet dream, a pretty face topping seven feet of corded, mako-enhanced muscle, with unexpectedly broad shoulders and a wedge shaped torso that flowed into long, strong limbs. The terrible scars were thick and numerous, but just added a layer of immediacy to the strength in the body settling over Cid’s with a low hiss of pleasure.

Cid reached up and pushed back the long, thick locks of Vincent’s hair, meeting the blazing red eyes and grinning fearlessly, his own blue gaze warm and inviting.

“Fancy meetin’ you here.” Cid drawled, his low voice a counterpoint to the slide on skin on skin as he wound his legs around Vincent’s hips again.

“Cid.” Vincent’s voice was a growling purr of pleasure as bare length met bare length for the first time. Cid groaned as he pulled Vincent into a kiss fraught with barely restrained desperation. Cid released his hold on Vincent’s hair to run his hands over scar-seamed skin that had figured largely in his dreams for the last week and more. Clever, nimble hands closed on Cid’s real goal and Vincent broke the kiss with a surprised hiss, eyes lidded and pleased.

Big, Cid thought, squirming against the larger body rubbing against his, Vincent was just… damned impressive any-which way you looked at him. Big, yeah, bigger than he was used to but…

Cid let his gaze wander down Vincent’s large, lanky body as the gunman pushed himself up with his arms, fingers dug into the sheets by Cid’s shoulders, crimson eyes mostly closed in what looked like concentration. Cid watched his own hands map out the tight, ruddy skin of Vincent’s erection. Licking his lips, Cid wrapped one hand around the root and slid his hand up the shaft to the head. Eyes narrowing in consideration, Cid turned the issue over in his mind a few more times before he made his decision.

Vincent was big, yes, but not impossible, and definitely worth the effort.

Mind made up, Cid figured it was time to take things to the next level. After one more lingering stroke Cid released his hold and twisted around to get at his side table drawer - and squeaked in an embarrassingly unmanly way as Vincent yanked him back.

“Hey!” More than a bit shocked by the abrupt treatment Cid sputtered as Vincent pinned him back in place with a barely coherent growled warning.

“Stay put.” Cid shivered at the rough command, at once aroused and concerned. His brain had finished playing connect-the-dots and Cid realized that Vincent was not really all there at the moment and what little control the gunman had over himself seemed tenuous as best. Vincent was breathing hard, eyes glazed, and that growl had not left his voice even during his more verbal moments since their little grind session had started. Cid felt like an idiot for not noticing sooner, but to be fair he had not exactly been in a situation conductive to clear thinking.

Now Cid had a few choices; he could calm Vincent down, get their clothes back on, find out what the fuck was going on… but he really did not want to think about how Vincent would react to stopping. The gunman would probably go angst somewhere and then Cid would never get laid. So, out of consideration for sparing them both a bad case of blue-balls, Cid decided to go with option B. Namely, get Vincent to do all of the work in order to appease his apparently raging Alpha Male impulses and get both of them off in a satisfactory manner. Cid knew it was stupid and somewhat akin to taking advantage of someone who was inebriated out of their mind, but well… Vincent was not drugged, was not drunk (again, as far as Cid knew) and was acting entirely under the direction of his own fucked up free will. And Cid wanted him. Wanted Vincent really fucking badly. So he would take him any way he could have him at this point. With a groan that was part self-loathing and part resignation, Cid very firmly turned his too-clever-for-its-own-good brain off and focused on the matter at hand.

“I’m not goin’ anywhere, Vince.” Cid looked up at Vincent and realized that Vincent was aware of what was happening, but was just so hyper-focused on Cid that nothing else was registering. Not a single doubt or regret was able to get through Vincent’s concentration. Cid smiled a bit, something lusty and coy curling his lips as he relaxed deliberately into Vincent’s grip.

“If you look in the drawer there you’ll find somethin’ we can use right about now.” Cid traced the lines of Vincent’s abdomen with his fingers, grinning at the way the muscles twitched in reaction, “You should be able to reach from here.”

Vincent stared at Cid for a long moment before reaching out. A moment of rummaging later and Vincent pulled out an economy-sized tube of lubricating gel. Vincent studied it for a moment.

“It’s been opened.” Cid twitched, flushing ever so slightly as Vincent turned a burning look on him.

“Er…” Cid shrugged helplessly as tension coiled in the larger body pinning him to the bed.

“And used.” Vincent not quite snarled, “Who?”

That was definitely a snarl right there. Cid blinked, Vincent’s expression was jealous. Possessive. It screamed from every inch of the gunman. Embarrassment died a messy death as Cid tried to find the words that would cut off Vincent’s sudden rage.

“Who were you with?” Vincent’s voice was inhuman (familiar)(Chaos), and his eyes promised pain and screaming. Not things conductive to the outcome Cid was angling for. Fucking hell but he was getting tired of all the fucking mood swings and delays. Was getting screwed into the mattress really too much to ask for? Did he have to fucking well play amateur shrink too?

“With you!” And there went Cid’s mouth, running without his permission again. Stupid thing.

“… What?” Vincent’s angry face switched abruptly to one of confusion as he stared down at Cid, although the psychotic edge remained around and in his eyes. At least he was verbal now.

“I opened it last week after I, erm, walked in on ya.” And hello utter mortification, welcome back. You and Captain Highwind are going to get along just fine. Cid grinned ruefully as a pink flush stained his face and ears, “I used it a couple a times. A mans got needs, ya know?”

“You pleasured yourself… while thinking of me, us, like this?” Vincent’s voice had shifted into a velvet purr and Cid swallowed back a whimper in reaction.

“Fuck, yeah. I did.” Screw it. He wanted to get laid sometime this week, “Thought about ya with me in this bed, about yer hands, and yer mouth bein’ on me. Thought about how it’d feel ta kiss ya, touch ya. How ya’d feel inside a me - mmn!”

The lube was dropped beside Cid’s head, but having Vincent’s tongue in his mouth had most of his attention. Cid pulled back and nipped along Vincent’s jaw line to his ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth only to release it after a gentle tug.

“Ya want me, Vince? Wanna fuck me?” Cid’s breath washed hotly over Vincent’s ear, making the gunman shake, a fine tremor running through him at the words coming from Cid’s mouth, “Ya can, y’know. Shove that huge cock a yours inta me an’ fuck me hard, knees up ‘round my ears.”

Vincent ducked his head to Cid’s chest, biting and sucking, loving the way the blonde’s breath hitched even as the words kept coming. Dirty, lewd, wanton goading descriptions of acts and fantasies that made Vincent’s insistent desire burn brighter.

“Had m’fingers up there this mornin’ in the shower, makin’ sure I was nice an’ clean. Was plannin’ on pullin’ out a toy ‘r two t’night, hopin’ ta get th’ itch t’ die down. Fingers can’t get deep enough - nngh! Vincent!” Cid bucked up into Vincent’s hand, and what little coherent thought that had been regained vanished.

Vincent reared up on his knees and snatched up the lube. Holding the cap between his teeth, Vincent had the tube opened with a few sharp twists. Absently Vincent spat the cap into the still open drawer of the side table so they could find it later. Vincent’s mind kept bombarding him with images to match Cid’s words. The thought of the pilot - brash, strong, independent Captain Highwind - touching himself that way, pretending it was Vincent…

The gunman growled and in a quick movement had a mound of gel in the palm of his flesh hand. He tossed the tube away to the side, uncaring of wither it landed on the table or not. Lowering his head Vincent nuzzled the jut of Cid’s hipbone. Cid whined, lifting his pelvis from the bed, and Vincent took advantage of Cid’s movement to get the pilots legs slung over his shoulders. After a small red mark had been made on Cid’s hip Vincent finally had pity on the writhing, moaning pilot and nosed the pale blonde curls at the base of Cid’s erection. In an impressive feat of dexterity Vincent managed to get his fingers evenly coated in the slick gel. Vincent could feel Cid’s thighs trembling; the pilot’s legs were spread wide open by Vincent’s shoulders, baring him to the gunman.

“Fuck, yes!” Cud moaned as Vincent’s slick fingers finally - finally! - went where he wanted them, spreading wetness on his skin as they trailed over and around his opening, “Gods dammit, c’mon Vince! Stop teasing! Just - nngh!”

Cid let his head fall back, eyes shut as he focused on the feeling of being breached. Vincent had great hands, wonderful big hands with long elegant fingers. Nice fingers, touching him just right. Vincent smirked against Cid’s skin as he slowly pressed on finger deep into Cid’s body, enjoying the shameless sounds of encouragement and appreciation Cid was making. Loving the heat, the way muscles clenched and fluttered and opened to him, the way Cid shook as he fought to spread his legs wider.

“You like this.” Vincent marvelled, the realization feeding warmth in his chest.

“Haah… Mm, ya think?” Cid grinned, his heel pressing insistently against Vincent’s shoulder blade, urging the other man on, “Yer good with yer hands, Vince. S’feels nice.”

Cid groaned when Vincent slid in a second Finger, feeling the flesh resist before giving way. Cid shuddered, watching Vincent’s eyes blaze as he focused on Cid, on what he was doing to Cid, who still could not quite believe that this was really happening. Cid expected to wake up any time now, so he was determined to get the most out of this experience while he could.

A third finger was pushed inside, spreading him wider than he ever managed on his own. Cid relaxed into the pressure, appreciating the slight burn of stretching muscles. Vincent was a damn sight bigger than Cid’s previous partners (which considering that he had been married for the last year, saving the world two years before than, and rabidly anti-social for at least five years before that… yeah, it had been a damned long time since Cid had taken much more than his own fingers or a vibrator.) And Cid’s previous romp partners had been coworkers, and had been relatively close to the Captain’s own size and build. So Cid really was very thankful that Vincent was taking his time and being thorough in preparing Cid for the final act. Especially considering how wild the gunman had been when this little game of tumble-the-pilot had started. But if Vincent did not hurry the fuck up and get on with it Cid’s balls were going to explode and there would be screaming and tears and then no one was going to get laid tonight.

And that would be a damn shame.

Because Cid had put up with far too much shit this week to let Vincent get off that easy.

Cid grinned wryly, amused by his thought processes, but his inner monologue had a point. Vincent’s fingers were pressing in just the right way to make colours flash in front of his eyes and make his breathing go funny.

“Vince…” Cid moaned, heels digging into Vincent’s back as he fought for control, “I think… I’m gonna… oh, fuck.”

“Go ahead.” Vincent purred, turning his head to tongue Cid’s inner thigh, “Let it go.”

“But…” Cid whimpered shamelessly at a particularly insistent twist and press of Vincent’s fingers.

“You’re too tense, Cid.” Vincent spoke in admonishment and promise, “Stop trying to hold back. Don’t worry, I’m not going to let you get away with just once.”

“Oh fuck.” Cid keened as his control snapped and he spilled in hot pulses over his own stomach. Extremities tingling as his body went limp and boneless, Cid breathed, “Fuck.”

Vincent let out a pleased noise as it suddenly became much easier to move his fingers within Cid’s body.

Cid was still floating around in his own personal happy place when Vincent’s (wonderful, perfect) fingers pulled out of his body. Frowning a bit in disappointment Cid opened his eyes (did not remember closing them) and looked at Vincent questioningly.

Vincent looked back at Cid and very deliberately lifted the pilot’s hips, tilting Cid’s body to an angle he was satisfied with. Cid felt a solid touch at his entrance, bigger, hotter, more insistent than Vincent’s fingers.

“Yes.” Cid breathed, trying to pull Vincent in closer with legs that still felt like limp noodles.

Vincent purred, the last miniscule traces of lingering doubts fading as the tight heat of Cid surrounded his aching erection. The relaxed, stretched flesh opened easily around his turgid length, seeming to pull him deeper, but that was just Cid urging him on with legs that were quickly regaining the strength sapped by his orgasm.

Watching Cid’s face, Vincent searched intently for any sign of discomfort as he slowly eased his way in. Cid just braced his hands against the headboard, grinned winningly at Vincent, and shoved himself down onto Vincent’s erection. White noise filled Vincent’s head, blocking out everything but for Cid’s blissful, supremely self-satisfied moan.

Dazed by the sudden rush of pleasure, Vincent could only growl and make embarrassingly happy noises as Cid slid his legs off Vincent’s shoulders and hooked his knees around Vincent’s elbows. Getting a solid grip on Vincent’s shoulders Cid gave a practical demonstration of his flexibility and hauled himself up. Vincent reflexively slid his hands down to Cid’s waist, bracing him and hold the pilot steady.

Cid wrapped his arms around Vincent’s neck and grinned in challenge, “Awright Vince, show me what’cha got.”

Vincent blinked and raised his eyebrows, but received only another blinding grin in return. His brow furrowed and Vincent released a low, warning growl, “Cid, I don’t want to harm you.”

“Y’won’t, do c’mon.” Cid scoffed, doing something that was part grind, part flexing writhe - whatever it was, it made Vincent’s eyes cross and a large portion of his good intentions were devoured rather messily by his raging libido - Cid grinned in victory when Vincent started the continuous growl that signalled to him that Vincent’s hormones had staged a coup and supplanted the gunman’s rational thought as the controlling force behind his actions, “Just fuck me already.”

Vincent’s eyes flashed at Cid’s frustrated demand, and he drew in a sharp breath, holding it as he took a moment to savour the tight intimate clasp of Cid’s body.

Then Vincent released the breath he was holding, firmed his grip on Cid’s waist, and finally (finally!) began to move. Both men moaned, this moment having been torturously long in coming. Vincent lifted Cid up, the position they were in giving him almost complete control over the pilot’s movements. The thought was both deeply exciting and vaguely daunting.

Cid’s eyes were wide open, pupils dilated as he panted into wet, open-mouthed kisses that neither man seemed able to break. Everything about Cid at that moment was open, welcoming, pulling Vincent in, urging him deeper. The air around them was saturated with the familiar scent of lust; it clung to their skin, was caught in their hair, sank into the sheets.

Gritting his teeth against the wail that threatened to escape - so good, it filled him to nearly bursting, hard and hot and huge, the best thing he had ever felt - and Cid did his best to grind down into Vincent’s thrusts, guiding the gunman with hands and thighs to exactly the right angle, excited even more by the way Vincent lifted and moved and adjusted him without apparent effort. Vincent is rewarded for his diligent heed of Cid’s directions by the feeling of Cid beginning to harden again between them, the tip Cid’s renewing erection sliding along the lines of his stomach.

Cid whimpered into Vincent’s mouth with each thrust of the other man’s hips, letting the ex-Turk swallow the pitiable sounds that Cid would never make under any other circumstances but the current one. The blonde squirmed in Vincent’s steady grip, the thick pressure moving within him making all his nerve endings stand up and do a happy little dance.

Vincent had lost himself, lost to the tight, hot clench of a willing body. Lost to the sweet gasps and moans that he pulled from between soft, chapped lips and swallowed down, greedy, wanting it all. Vincent was lost to the scent and the sound and the feel and the sight. Vincent moved faster, harder, let himself go just a little bit more (careful, so careful, always testing how far he could go until something broke.) The increased friction fanned the burn in his loins, flames licking up his spine, building, insistent.

Cid keened, every muscle clenching in rhythm to Vincent’s thrusts. The pleasure built on itself, coiling tighter as they strove for completion together. Cid’s eyes flickered over Vincent’s face, and a little voice urged him on. Cid grinned and shoved himself down hard into the next few thrusts, tightening around Vincent’s erection as much as he could without pain. The volume of Vincent’s growls rose sharply and Cid clamped down tight, fingers digging into the skin over Vincent’s shoulder blades and heels pressing into spine as his teeth found the tendon on one side of Vincent’s neck and bit down hard.

Vincent was silent through his climax as his hips pounded - once, twice - in helpless reflex, pumping deep into Cid’s welcoming body as he reached release. Vincent slowly collapsed forward, deep shuddering breaths shaking his chest.

Cid made a wordless, deeply unhappy sound when Vincent caught himself on his arms, halting his slow fall and slipping from the pilots’ body when Cid continued to slide down the rest of the distance to the bed.

“You…” Vincent managed to growl even gasping for breath as he was. Cid was impressed. Really. Vincent growled again when Cid chuckled, “You little bastard. How would you like it if I drove you out of your mind with lust?”

“Ah.” Cid’s pulse jumped but he managed a sly grin even as he slid one hand down to stroke his erection, “Sounds like fun time Vince, but ya don’t have ta sulk, there’s no shame in not being able to keep up with the Captain.”

Vincent’s eyes flared at the taunt and Cid yelped as he was flipped over onto his knees, both hands coming up to save him from a face plant into the pillows after the sudden movement.

“Vince, wha - nnghn!” Any protests Cid might have made were dissolved in the fierce cry of pleasure that was pulled from him when Vincent gripped Cid’s hips and shoved back inside of the pilot. Ancient’s bless mako exposure side effects and accelerated recovery periods.

“Let us see…” Vincent breathed into Cid’s ear as he pulled Cid’s hips up to a better angle, “Let’s just see who cannot keep up with whom.”

“Oh fuck.” Cid said feelingly. Who would have thought that sex made Vincent chatty?

“Precisely.” Vincent purred and started moving in earnest.

The pale gunman dragged his mouth over the back of Cid’s neck and shoulders, tasting the other man’s skin and putting both lips and teeth to good use. Cid moaned and clenched his hands in the blankets as Vincent’s flesh hand gripped and pulled at his erection, the claw arm wrapped around Cid’s waist to hold the blonde steady. Cid was holding both their weights, gravity aiding Vincent’s attempts to screw Cid blind. Cid could feel his orgasm approaching and grit his teeth, shoving back into Vincent’s thrusts.

“No!” Cid howled, unable to stop a whine from escaping him when Vincent stopped moving, draped across the pilots back and holding perfectly still. Cid could feel Vincent’s smirk against his shoulder blade and cursed, “You bastard!”

Vincent chuckled and kissed the back of Cid’s neck, still unmoving, and oh, if that was the way they were going to play this one out…

Cid twisted, shoved, and in a lucky combination of leverage, surprise, and momentum managed to roll Vincent onto his back. Grinning down at the surprised expression on Vincent’s face (and it was about damned time the broody bastard lost his cool) Cid swung a leg over Vincent’s hips and lowered back down on to Vincent’s erection. Head thrown back, Cid let out a pleased cry as his sweet spot was hit. With a happy purr Cid began to lift and lower himself only a few inches at a time to pet that special spot. Vincent grabbed Cid’s hips, hissing between his teeth as his back arched. Cid chortled as Vincent surged upwards, dumping Cid onto his back and slinging Cid’s leg over his gauntleted shoulder. They strove against each other. Trying to out last one another, feeling the pressure building to the final height.

Cid knew he was not going to last much longer, so he grabbed Vincent by the back of the neck and hauled him down into an open mouthed kiss. The smooth pace of Vincent’s thrusts stuttered, then grew frantic as Cid bore down, using his inner muscles to grip tightly around the thick length moving inside his body. The end came suddenly, a solid strike to his prostate and Cid threw his head back and shouted; a wailing cry of completion escaping parted lips as he shuddered through his orgasm. Vincent snarled, the noise he made in his own completion muffled in the curve of Cid’s neck, the tight, rhythmic clenching of Cid’s body milking him as he spent himself deep within the pilot.

They remained locked together for a breathless moment, then one of them released a shuddering breath and time resumed its course. With a sigh Vincent slowly withdrew. Cid felt a small pang of loss as Vincent slipped from his body, but with his ardour cooled he was slowly becoming aware of the sticky mess of semen and lube covering his lower abdomen and inner thighs. Exhaustion was creeping up on him and an ache was starting up in his lower back, a pleasant burn and reminder of their activities. Cid was a mess, the kind of dishevelled that indicated having had a really fucking good time, but even more important than cleaning up was one particular thing.

“Mmhey, Vince?” Cid smirked when Vincent jolted beside him; the gunman had probably been lost in his own after-the-fact thoughts.

“Yes?” If Cid had been anyone else he might just have actually believed that Vincent was as calm as he looked. Good thing Cid knew better.

“Y’wanna get me a towel’r somethin’? I’m a mess.” Cid grinned as Vincent stared at him.

“And you cannot get it yourself?” Vincent asked, feeling a bit stupid about it even as he finished the question.

“Well I could, but I don’t wanna.” Cid snorted, “Besides, I’m tired. Been workin’ all day, so go earn yer keep, ya freeloader.”

If Vincent’s eyebrows went any higher they would fly right off his face, so Cid figured he should help the poor guy out. Cid had seen, heard of and read about how most people reacted after sex (freak out or ignore it) how many people became shy or ashamed or afraid. Cid took a somewhat different approach. Blunt honesty. It worked out well for him, and seeing as how Vincent was the kind of guy to take the worst impression out of any given situation if you gave him enough time to brood about it, Cid figured his usual tactic would work just fine.

“Highwind - Cid, I…” Vincent was struggling, if was obvious.

“Shut up.” Cid said calmly, speaking right over whatever Vincent was going to say, “We just had two back-to-back sessions of fan-fucking-tastic sex, and I don’t want you brooding about it. So if you’re gonna say anything other than ‘let me get you a towel’ or ‘let’s do it again sometime’ I don’t wanna hear it.”

Vincent’s mouth snapped closed, his jaw tightening as he glared at Cid in affront. Cid just grinned at him, unrepentant.

“Plus I think the scars are damn sexy. You’ll have to let me lick ‘em sometime, yeah?” Cid snickered as Vincent’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, wounded dignity forgotten. Hell, he did not know why the other man looked so surprised; surely Cid’s shamelessness during ‘the morning after’ conversations was legendary by now. (Or maybe his gossip-mongering crew could keep a secret better than he had believed.) Cid yawned, cutting off his good-natured laughter at Vincent’s expense.

“Ah, fuck it.” Cid muttered, tired of waiting for Vincent to speak up, and crawled over Vincent’s legs.

“What are you doing?” Oh look, Vincent appeared to be verbal again. How nice.

“I’m gonna take a shower.” Cid declared, clambering off the side of the bed as he stretched and yawned again, cracking his back. He crossed the room, throwing an invitation over his shoulder as he went; “You can join me if you like.”

Cid left the bathroom door open just in case Vincent had not gotten the hint.

A few minutes and a quick all-over scrub later a disappointed Cid exited the bathroom, expecting to find Vincent long gone from the room and maybe even the airship entirely. Instead, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Vincent had stuck around. His bed had been stripped and remade, the soiled linens dumped in the hamper and the scattered articles of clothing had been picked up.

Vincent stood up from where he had been seated on the edge of the bed, unconcernedly naked, and for a long moment they just stared at each other. What did you say in this sort of situation? What were you supposed to think when you crossed that line which separated friends and lovers?

“Shower’s free.” Cid said as he resumed towelling his hair, breaking eye contact as he stepped out of the way, clearing the door to the bathroom.

Vincent hesitated. Was that it?

“I don’t know if I’ve got anythin’ that’ll fit ya fer sleepin’, but I’ll take a look. That okay with ya?” Cid had wandered over to his dresser and was rooting through the drawers as he spoke.

Apparently so, and with Cid being so calm and rational, Vincent would feel very foolish indeed if he gave into the urge to angst now. Vincent inclined his head in acquiescence, stepping away from the bed.

“Thank you, Cid. That will be fine.” Vincent said quietly before he disappeared into the bathroom.

Cid pulled on a pair of boxers and managed to find a pair of sweatpants that looked as if they would fit Vincent. The sweats were several sizes too large for Cid. The blonde man frowned at the pants in his hands; they looked pretty new. He certainly did not remember buying them, so where had they come from?

Abruptly Cid realized that he was trying to distract himself (and succeeding dammit!) from his disappointment and stopped wondering about the mystery of the pants. You did not check the length of a gift chocobo’s talons after all. At least they were black.

Cid turned around, wondering if he should leave the sweats inside or outside of the bathroom.

He stopped. Blinked. Grinned.

Vincent had left the bathroom door open.

The End


End Notes:

Yeah, so my version of Cid is a shameless hedonist, very accepting of his sexuality and all that entails. So because I got really peeved at not being able to find any decent fic with Vincent-on-top or at least not being a total woman about sex, I wrote me own.

Happy belated Valentine’s Day people.

Hope you all enjoyed that! If anyone sees any grammer/spelling/characterization issues, feel free to drop me a line. Concrit is always welcome! <3<3<3

smut, fanfiction, pairing: vincent/cid, final fantasy vii fic

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