So much has been happening around here; knitting, traveling, cooking, knitting, working, thinking about work, knitting, travel planning, thinking about knitting, moving, knitting, shopping...
First things first, I promised you all pictures of my finished sweater and
here they are...
A friend, Leah, took these last weekend while we were at
Stickfest i Väst (Knitfest West). Thanks Leah!
From the front...
From the side...
Close up of the cables...
From the back...
It's very comfortable and warm, if a tad bit small. Right now I'm closing it at the bust with a lovely silver heart shawl pin that received as a gift a couple of years ago. But, I'm thinking that I want something a little more permanent, like a large silver button or two with an i-cord loop connecting them, to hold it closed. It's already become my go-to jacket/sweater, as the weather starts to warm up for spring.
Did I ever mention that I like to knit? Well, I do! And, last weekend I got to do a lot of just that at
Stickfest i Väst (Knitfest West).
I met up with
old and new friends (and did some knitting)...
Then, there was shopping (and knitting) in "the market square"...
And, did I mention that there was knitting?!?
I started these on Friday after I arrived...
They are the Round 2 socks for
Sock Madness 4. I finished the first sock on Sunday evening, after I arrived back home from Stickfest. The pair was completed on Wednesday evening, March 31st. I finished 21 out of the 26 that are to continue on to Round 3 for my team.
I had a wonderful time at Stickfest! Didn't want to go home and can't wait until 2011, when I can go back!
One of the first friends that I met up with at Stickfest was VisaLisa (she blogs in both
English and
Swedish). She was the mastermind behind the
So You Think You Can Knit challenge that I participated in late last year
(here are some of my blog posts about it). In any case, after Lisa finished up her Knit-lish class (English knitting terms simplified for Swedes), she dragged me off to her cabin because she had a surprise for me in her bag, so she said. She handed me two wrapped packages and told me I had to open them in front of some of our mutual friends.
So, I did and found this...
and this...
It turns out that my friend, Lisa, was my
Hemlis 6 pal and this was my third (and final) package from her! I was blown away! Thanks, Lisa!
In the traveling news...
Tickets have been purchased and we (L & I) will be touring around Indiana and Wisconsin for 3 weeks in June and July. We will be seeing the grand babies and attending a family reunion, among other things. We'll also spend some time with my mom and her husband up at the lake. It will be the first time that I have been there since my parents 50th wedding anniversary party in the summer of 2005 and my father's subsequent passing in the spring of 2006. I anticipate that it will be difficult for me, but it is past time to go there.
Work has been difficult, lately. We re-installed the internet server at the beginning of March (well, it was really a consultant that did the actual installation, while I watched and assisted when necessary) and there has been a few configuration problems with the whole system since then, so I had to shutdown the servers last Monday. I hope that we can resolve the problems next week, while the students are on spring break, so that everything will be up and running again when they return a week from Monday.
In other work related news, things are a bit up in the air, as the principal will be leaving for a new position as superintendent of schools in a nearby community on the first of May. They have been interviewing to fill the open position, but we don't anticipate anyone starting before August. So, things are in a bit of an uproar, and the boss will be sorely missed.
On the moving front...
I now have a full-fledged craft room! A couple of weeks ago, L helped me move the bed out of the room in the garage and my yarn stash, among other things, in. The following week, I bought a rug to put by the door and a desk for my sewing machine, in addition to the the worktable and book shelves that I had previously purchased. It's not totally organized, but it is all mine! I haven't decided if I will move all of my craft books out there, and the sewing machine is still in the house, but it's coming along.
Phew! That was a lot! So, I think I'll sign off with some baby shots!
P.S. A proud grandma knit that blanket... I'm just saying...