ART: Inside Edition (Bucky/Steve; Shrunkyclunks BB19)

Jul 13, 2019 00:35

Another day, another art post! Once again for this year's Shrunkyclunks Big Bang, my second story "Inside Edition", written by the wonderful romanticalgirl, is set partly in a world I used to dream of since I was a wee little girl - Journalism. It took some more time to get all the "right" things together, but I finally can present it to you in all its glory. And Laura, my dear, it was a real pleasure to work with you! I hope we meet again at some Big Bang, and that you like what I have created!

And now - start the presses!!

Story Cover:


Magazine Cover:



Steve Cover pic: genrecaps
Bucky pics Cover/Divider: Sebastian Stan Fan Gallery
Steve pic Divider: Google Image Search/own hoard
Newspaper in Cover, Divider Background: Pixabay
Steve pic Magazine Cover: Marvel Cinematic Universe Fandom Wiki


Title/Magazine Title: Amarillo
Credits/"Special Issue"/Magazine Tag Line: American Captain
Names: Beyond Infinity

That's it! And now please head over to the story and leave my author some love!!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

pairing: bucky/steve, pairing: shrunkyclunks, character: james "bucky" barnes, character: natasha romanoff/black widow, character: tony stark/iron man, movie series: marvel cinematic universe, character: sam wilson/falcon, challenge: bigbang, character: steve rogers/captain america, medium: fanart

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