ART: Isn't It Ironic? (Don't You Think?) (Bucky/Steve, Shrunkyclunks BB19)

Jul 11, 2019 20:01

That I have a soft spot for Bucky Barnes (or any character played by Sebastian Stan for that matter) is, by now, no big surprise (anymore). I more or less read pretty much anything that has him in it *shrugs* yes, I can be that simple - sometimes XD But I have an even bigger soft spot for stories with Daddy Bucky Barnes, and so I jumped headfirst into creating some art for "Isn't It Ironic? (Don't You Think?)", a story with that venue by the wonderful imhereforgaysuperheroes, as a pinch hitter. Katy, it was a pleasure to work with you. Hope you like what I have created! *hugs*

Don't get confused when you suddenly see characters from "Moana" appearing here - it's still a Shrunkyclunks story through and through (for those not in the fandom, Shrunkyclunks means Captain America Steve Rogers, as we have seen him from "The Avengers" on, and Modern Bucky Barnes) But the Moana references are like a thread through the whole story, and therefore "starring" in most of my art ;)

And now - on with the show!


Chapter Headers:




Steve: Chris Evans Central Gallery
Bucky: Google Image Search/own stock
Background pic Cover: Google Image Search
Background pics Header/Divider: Pixabay
Moana pics: KissPNG (yep, they are pre-fixed PNGs with a transparent background)


Title/Chapter Headers: Moanas
Credits: Dancing In The Beat

That's it! And now please head over to the story and leave my author some love!

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pairing: bucky/steve, pairing: shrunkyclunks, challenge: bigbang, character: steve rogers/captain america, medium: fanart, character: james "bucky" barnes

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