ART: I'll Worship You Like You Should Be (J2, SPNJ2BB2019)

Jul 20, 2019 23:20

Time for another artpost! The second and last story I claimed in this year's SPN J2 Big Bang is "I'll Worship You Like You Should Be" by blackrose_17. Sherri, my dear, it was a pleasure to work with you, even when it seemed that forces were working against us! Anyway, we made it to the end (of this bang), and another adventure together already awaits us!

And now - on with the show!!





everything via Google Image Search; no copyright infringement intended


Title & Credits: alfa delta

Names: Bonjour Allgera Sans Regular (part of the font pack linked)

That's it! And now please head over to the story and leave my author some love!!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

celeb: jensen ackles, celeb: christian kane, celeb: jared padalecki, pairing: j2, challenge: spnj2bigbang, celeb: stephen amell, fandom: supernatural, tv: supernatural, medium: fanart, celebs: other

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