mother fuck it all

May 31, 2004 00:03

im just really getting sick of my fucking life..... its really Gay. im at dans house right now and i had a beer bong. and the beer was like all fome. and i pucked. i guess i pissed everyone off caz that was my 7th one im not really drunk but i just got sick from all the fucking fome. and everyones getting pissed off. but fuck it i guess. i was going to get some fucking water and they told me to go back down stairs so i did without the water so i got some ice cream. and everyone got pissed off about that shit too. shit i just wanted to get the fucking puck out of my mouth.. oh yeah i cut my hand with a sword, and yes it was really dumb of me but fuck its fine shit i cleaned it up myself and shit. fuck im not ever that drunk i mean i feel it and everthing but damn if you can read it i guess i cant be that trashed huh. megans mad at me i guess. i dont really know what i did yet. but im just really sick of it all. im just fucking sick of it.

so i got a new car last night.its a 2002 sunfire. its really fucking nice. i love it.

so yeah i kind of feel left out now a days. i kind of feel like my friends are forgeting im around i mean i work a lot but still come one they should feel free to let me in on their convos and shit. the other night kris was coming home from state track meet. and i just kind of wanted to see how he did but nick woudnt let me come caz him and sydney neeeded to talk to him and shit. yes i knoq i put 3 Es on needed but i dont care i just didnt want to go back and fix it so die bitch. and i just kind of felt left outi guess caz like ive always been in the circle i guess and now im outside looking in and thats gay caz they are the onlys reason im getting over teresa.

she had me cut her hair last night i did it caz i dont know why i really shoudnt have. i just kind of wanted to kiss her but what i did is i just got done with her hair and i left. i thought if i was good at things i did like art and shit and if i had nice things like my car i would be happy but im not happy im very unhappy. i just kind of want to go home and like never leave my house never do anything just sit there and play my ps2 and die. just fucking die. not like it would really fuck with people all that much all my best freinds just keep leaveing me. teresa bird nick kris dan megan. i finding myself alone. more alone than i want to be.

i seen birds pic in the news paper. his friend died by a land mine. bird carried his body back. bird is a very good guy i wish i was there in irac with him. i would die for that man. i really would.

im going to go caz im kind of crying and i dont feel good anymore. goodnight everyone BIRD i love you dont die on me. just dont die.
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