Siren's Pull Application

Mar 12, 2010 08:16

Here be the application to RP the Splinter Cell character, Sam Fisher. Took me about 12 posts... so it's really long. I got inspired, LOL.

Also, I would appreciate if no comments are posted in here for the sake of keeping things organized. If you wish to reply on something concerning this application that feel free to go to the Siren's Pull HDM post ( Read more... )

siren's pull related info, role playing information

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Sam Fisher [1/X] Player and Character Information samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:29:56 UTC

NAME: Shade
AGE: 21
AIM SN: sgshaday
BONUS: HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT SIREN'S PULL? I've been looking for a place to RP Sam with and meet new fandoms and people. scribble-cloud is the guilty one on getting me here.


CANON SOURCE: Splinter Cell
CANON FORMAT: Videogame and novel
CHARACTER'S NAME: Samuel "Sam" Leo Fisher
CHARACTER'S AGE: 45 (following the stated age of the first game, Sam being exactly 40 years old instead of the stated year of birth from Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.)
WHAT FORM WILL YOUR CHARACTER'S NV TAKE? The NV will be a program inside his PDA/OPSAT. This way he can link his cochlear implant (subdermal) and his goggles (for video feed) to the network after a failure of communication with the outside world.


Sam Fisher [2/X] Abilities samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:31:37 UTC
CHARACTER'S CANON ABILITIES: Trained as a sniper at first, Fisher has 'Mark and Execute' eye, so to speak. Although rare, it is possible for him to miss a target. However, this isn't a superhuman characteristic but rather an ability that he acquired from his long years of training and practice same as his ability to aim and shoot with both hands even if he is right handed ( ... )


Sam Fisher [3/X] Weapons and Equipment: Weapons 1 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:34:20 UTC
WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT: If there's something that Sam knows very well... Here's a link to the Splinter Cell Wikia on weapons. Since there are too many, I'll point out here and summarize every detail of the ones that are standard to Sam to make things easier and also because I don't like making things up or making my fellow RPiers' life difficult. I'll also make an Equipment session for the same purposes. So help me God...

---> Weapons--->
- SC 20K - The SC 20K is a customization from the Israeli FN 2000 that can shoot up to 400 fps (feet per second) with the slight modification of the common barrel that shoots up to 350 fps and it's a standard NATO 5.56 x 45 mm round, each magazine containing around 30 bullets. It also carries its own built in suppressor, a dry silencer, which quiets down the shot but makes it harder for a first time shooter to aim. On top of the rifle, Sam can mount two devices to make his aim much more easier:
oo Reflex Sight -Easy to use sight, no zoom included. The target will be marked by a red spot inside the ( ... )


Sam Fisher [4/X] Weapons and Equipment: Weapons 2 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:35:44 UTC
- SC 5-7 or SC Five-SeveN - This is the standard pistol for every Splinter Cell. The 5-7, also made by FN Herstal, is a 20-round, semi-automatic handgun with an attached suppressor that uses NATO 5.7mm ammunition. Although the military handgun is designed for its bullets to cut through Kevlar armor, the SC Five-SeveN takes about two to three bullets to take an enemy down if the shots are not meant for the head. This could be explained by the use of subsonic ammunition. These slower-moving rounds are used to quiet the report by eliminating the supersonic crack of a bullet traveling faster than the speed of sound. The suppressor reduces the report of the pistol further by slowly allowing gases from the barrel to expand and escape, resulting in a soft "pfft" noise. The SC 5-7 is much quieter than the SC 20K. On the bottom of the barrel, there's what is called an OCP or Optically Channeled Potentiator prototype. Once aimed and triggered, the OCP disrupts the lights or electronic equipment desired for a temporal amount of time. It also ( ... )


Sam Fisher [4/X] Weapons and Equipment: Equipment: 1 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:37:15 UTC

- OFW Suit - Here's a link for more information: The 'Objective Force Warrior' suit (a customization of the Mark V Tactical Operations Suit) is not only tight in order to silence the movements of the body, but it is also tough and incredibly flexible; tough enough for sustaining bullets from 15 feet or more in which they might penetrate the suit, but not the wearer and flexible enough for Sam to do any kind of stunt he wishes to do. The elephant-skin-like texture of the suit consists of photosensitive cells able to sense the heat of light whether it is from a light bulb, the moon, the sun, fire or even the laser of a sniper rifle. The suit counts with a microprocessor that analyses the signal of said heat to the OPSAT (OPSAT information below in this section). The OPSAT takes the signal and interprets it back to Fisher, whether like the so call 'Light Meter' that allows Sam to know how ( ... )


Sam Fisher [5/X] Weapons and Equipment: Equipment: 2 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:38:34 UTC
- OPSAT - The OPSAT, designed and programmed by Grimsdottir, is a compact wrist-mounted military version of the standard civilian PDA. Through it, Sam can receive mission objectives, download data from a terminal (audio files, image files and text files) or from HQ, upload data, use it as an interface for either easier communication with a terminal or even receive the real-time images and audio from sticky cameras. He can also use it for hacking purposes in a short range along with the goggles or with other devices in order to hack cameras and others. Usually, the information of the mission is sent by Grim to this device along with maps, pictures and descriptions that might help Sam to complete his mission. The OPSAT is programmed in a way that it will be easy to access for each Splinter Cell, almost personalized. Other than the OPSAT there is also the subdermal, a cochlear implant that allows Splinter Cells to receive radio transmissions while not allowing the enemy to notice any sounds or to even triangulate the signal, the last ( ... )


Sam Fisher [6/X] History and Point in Canon samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:39:30 UTC

CHARACTER HISTORY: Splinter Cell Wiki for Sam's history . Although it's well done and polished, I'll go deeper in the personality traits. Also, I'll like to clear out that for this point, Sam is looking for the truth on what exactly happened to his daughter, after learning that she was alive following the storyline that we have so far. That would be the only change when it comes to his history.

POINT IN CANON: Taken just after Splinter Cell: Double Agent; in between Splinter Cell: Essentials and Splinter Cell: Conviction (the game). Sam's life went down the drain with the sudden and supposed accidental death of his daughter Sarah caused by a drunk driver. What didn't he do? In his desperation and almost a suicidal attempt, Fisher accepted the most dangerous mission of his entire career: insertion in enemy grounds through the means of serving a double agent; a double edged sword. The mission itself ended in success. That couldn't be said about Sam's sanity. Everything went wrong for him. Sarah was ( ... )


Sam Fisher [7/X] Character's Personality samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:44:29 UTC
CHARACTER PERSONALITY:When it comes to his personality, Fisher is basically a man that prefers to be alone, whether it is in the field or in his personal life. He doesn't have a lot of close friends except Lambert, Grim, Frances Coen and Redding, and enjoys the company of a few selected ones including his daughter, some old friends from the SEAL days and Grim from whom he has learned a great deal when it comes to technology and others. Thus this make him an individualist;a self-dependant human being ( ... )


Sam Fisher [8/X] Character's Plans, Appearance samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:45:43 UTC
CHARACTER PLANS: Fisher finds himself illogically pulled to this place just after the mission of his life started. He's confused, so the first thing that he needs is information, followed by means of communication with the outside world. If all else fails, then he'll use anything on his power in order to attain information as to how to escape this strange realm and continue what he had to do which is finding his daughter. He has no idea what's going to happen in between though.

Appearance/PB: Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell Conviction: Image 1, Image 2


Sam Fisher [9/X] Writing Samples: First Person (NV pov) samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:48:05 UTC
FIRST PERSON SAMPLE[Static... Complex yet simple static made of thousands of disturbed pixels that collide with each other in a mass of grays, blacks and whites. It goes like that for a while before the image of a man finally comes into the screen. Although the image is disturbed constantly thanks to heavy rain and fast movements of the device and the colors not being exactly clear, one can notice the man at the other side of the line is a middle aged man. Well, the lines of expression and the gray hairs do all the talking, but other than that, he looks relatively young; a rare contrast. Said man seems focused enough, but if the spectator was good at reading expressions, as in really good, he or she would be able appreciate a panicked expression behind the man's strong one. Said man shakes his head here and there, the device moving abruptly as if said person was in constant movement ( ... )


Sam Fisher [10/X] Writing Samples: Third Person 1 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:52:02 UTC
THIRD PERSON SAMPLE"Huh..." Fisher gasped as his lungs recovered the desired oxygen he thought had lost; his chest moving up and down erratically. "Whu... Where... What ( ... )


Sam Fisher [11/X] Writing Samples: Third Person 2 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:54:54 UTC
His eyes turned back to the OPSAT after scanning the place around him and quickly noticed something new. "What's this?" He scrolled down on the screen with his finger until he spotted that the icon for wireless connections was detecting something around the area. He allowed the OPSAT to connect to it and quickly managed to set up his cochlear implant or subdermal to the new frequency ( ... )


Sam Fisher [12/12] Writing Samples: Third Person 3 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:57:10 UTC
Nevertheless, Fisher knew he had to get out here and recognized that he would need the help to do so. Also the fact that he was losing blood through the injury was not helping either. It was raining and he was cold, hungry and confused ( ... )


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