Siren's Pull Application

Mar 12, 2010 08:16

Here be the application to RP the Splinter Cell character, Sam Fisher. Took me about 12 posts... so it's really long. I got inspired, LOL.

Also, I would appreciate if no comments are posted in here for the sake of keeping things organized. If you wish to reply on something concerning this application that feel free to go to the Siren's Pull HDM post ( Read more... )

siren's pull related info, role playing information

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Sam Fisher [5/X] Weapons and Equipment: Equipment: 2 samuelleofisher March 12 2010, 12:38:34 UTC
- OPSAT - The OPSAT, designed and programmed by Grimsdottir, is a compact wrist-mounted military version of the standard civilian PDA. Through it, Sam can receive mission objectives, download data from a terminal (audio files, image files and text files) or from HQ, upload data, use it as an interface for either easier communication with a terminal or even receive the real-time images and audio from sticky cameras. He can also use it for hacking purposes in a short range along with the goggles or with other devices in order to hack cameras and others. Usually, the information of the mission is sent by Grim to this device along with maps, pictures and descriptions that might help Sam to complete his mission. The OPSAT is programmed in a way that it will be easy to access for each Splinter Cell, almost personalized. Other than the OPSAT there is also the subdermal, a cochlear implant that allows Splinter Cells to receive radio transmissions while not allowing the enemy to notice any sounds or to even triangulate the signal, the last one occurring only if Sam is underground where he could lose communication if the signal isn't strong enough. To communicate back to HQ, Splinter Cells use a PTT (Push-To-Talk) transmitter located close to the vocal cords that translates data for use with a voice synthesizer located at their HQ headquarters.

- SC Goggles - The trademark that are the goggles, 'tri-focal goggles' or 'tri-goggles', called by many and called Multi-Vision-Goggles by Sam, is what identifies the usual Splinter Cell. Fisher's goggles have three modes of vision and binoculars attached to them. Night vision (NV), thermal vision (TV) and electromagnetically enhanced vision (EEV) are the three modes. The optic cable that he uses to collect feed from cornered places has these three modes too but the image is received through the OPSAT. Using the goggles in EEV will allow Fisher to scan for electric devices and to know if the device is OCP affected (for OCP look under the weapons description for the SC Five-SeveN), available to be hacked, explosive danger, laser designated and/or remotely accessible. If the icons for 'Hacking Available' and 'Remotely Accessible' are on view, Sam can use the goggles for wireless hacking by pointing the goggles to the desired device and opening an interface through the OPSAT. While the goggles work like the monitor, the new keyboard would be the OPSAT. The goggles' video feed and even radio feed (if available via earpiece if not the radio should prove enough for it) can be enabled for someone to see and/or hear in a certain frequency from a computer, but both devices need to be set up first. In other words, everything that Sam's sees through his goggles is transferred back to 'HQ'. (Could work really nice using the City's network to set it up).

***It's good to point out that the three green lights are not really visible nor is the radio or the OPSAT dim glow. In the game, the lights are a mechanism for the player to know where Sam is if the surroundings become too dark. There is, though, a very dim green glow behind the goggles but it's only visible if one is as close as about an inch or less. Plus, the goggles being down on his face and active doesn't let the glow to be visible at all. The three bright lights makes good for crack RP but not for a more serious approach, LOL.

*** Sam will appear with nothing of this on himself, but rather carrying it in a bag with only his pistol holstered on the back of his pants. He'll be dressing casually with the suit under the casual clothing, pretty much like in Splinter Cell: Conviction, perhaps wearing some bandages as well. I'll make sure to explain why in the post.


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