Writing meme day 2

Aug 03, 2010 16:02

Day 2 - How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females?

How many characters I have? O_o

Wow. Ok, original characters in original fic... Counting only the "heroes" and not the "OCs" and discounting all my very early attempts of fic, that would be... at least 18 that I can think of. But I used to write before fanfiction, and I created entire worlds so... *shrugs*

Original characters in fanfic - who even knows?

When I write a story, it sorta takes over me. I live the characters. They do what they want to do, and I just write it. Hee. I'm Chuck. Anyway, I rarely write characters I don't like (except for Sam. I suck at writing Sam, and yet I keep doing it for some reason...) simply because it's too hard to live through that character's eyes.

As for male Vs. female - I don't really have a preference. I usually try to balance, though, at least in my original fics. There'd usually be at least one of each (cuz romance and sexual tension rock!).

In fanfiction - or rather SPN fiction - I try not to write women, cuz no one reads it, and I'm a storyteller. I care what people think.

It kinda suck, but I do care. So what can I do? *shrugs*

meme, writing

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