How do you come up with names, for characters (and for places if you’re writing about fictional places)?
Names. I HATE the name part.
Usually I watch the credits at the end of a movie or a tv show and write up the ones I like to be used when I need.
I keep thinking everyone will figure out I named the character after that peron or how lame that name is and just... urgh.
Names are the most troublesome part for me. I'll even change them halfway through a story *facepalm*
And worse than that - titles.
For me, titles should mean something. I love titles with double meaning, those are the best. I'd even hold off on posting fic if I don't like the name, and it can take me quite a while to come up withthe right title.
As for fictional places... Well, I open the Atlas and play around with the names a little (for original fic). It's easier when writing fantasy stories. For the SPN fanfic, if I even bother naming a place, it'll usually be something with 'ville' at the end...
I hate names. And to think this part comes easily for some people...