gnomic utterances? or just hard of hearing?

Apr 07, 2007 08:46

I was recently told that some of my posts are gnomic, which is true, so here I'm giving you some straight talk.

Don't fly if you have a cold. I did, and now I have an ear infection -- what, am I four years old? I spent the last few days not being able to hear so well, which on the plane was an advantage, as I could ignore the children yelling (they were probably yelling about the pain of their ear infections) and concentrate on reading my book. Since the hearing loss and pressure didn't go away, I went to the doctor yesterday, and now I'm on antibiotics, and a prescription nasal spray decongestant. I hate nasal sprays, but I'm beginning to hear normally again.

Which probably means that I'll begin to write gnomic posts again, too


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