i want to make some sort of "my ear infection is fine, it's my ear that's feeling sick" joke, but I don't have the energy. i'm okay -- cold still around (oddly), ear still a little wonky (though I can hear and have no balance issues), and antibiotics killing all the useful bacteria in my gastro-intestinal tract (as usual). sick, tired, but taking care of myself and trying to get back into life a bit.
Comments 4
- gnomic
- mathematic
- graphic
- horrific
- malefic
- beatific
- geographic
- ethnographic
- pornographic
- static
- dramatic
- enigmatic
- emblematic
- diplomatic
- cinematic
- traumatic
- operatic
- technocratic
- systematic
- idiosyncratic
- prolific
- scientific
- ecstatic
- emphatic
- erratic
- bureaucratic
- post-traumatic
- melodramatic
- monochromatic
- polychromatic
- aromatic
- Socratic
- honorific
- pseudo-scientific
- aquatic
- Asiatic
- acrobatic
- automatic
- semi-automatic
- pragmatic
- holographic
- pacific
- terrific
- hieroglyphic
- non-specific
- site-specific
- fantastic
- drastic
- spastic
- bombastic
- scholastic
- monastic
- sarcastic
- enthusiastic
- iconoclastic
- ecclesiastic
- unenthusiastic
- quick
- slick
- sick
- realpolitick
- oblique
- antique
- Ancient Greek
- Middle Greek
- Modern Greek
- meek
- chic
I could do it long-winded, short-winded, a tall tale, a plain song, dark, light, heavy, hard-hitting, soft-hitting, not-hitting-at-all.Reply
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