"man was given language in order to hide his thoughts"

Mar 28, 2007 20:51

-Georg Groddeck

Blogs, of course, were given man in order to expose his feelings. I'm going on a trip soon -- home, for a few days, for Passover -- and you may not know it, but when it comes to trips, I have a vivid imagination of disaster. Perhaps it's actually a failure of imagination: when I go away, I almost can't imagine coming back. Usually this takes the form of imagining a plane-crash, a typical modern-day fear that I've never been all that afraid of; not, mind you, because of the statistical safety of flying, but more because it seemed philosophically satisfying to leave one place and simply... not arrive anywhere else. What better metaphor for the mystery of death? And, after all, if your death isn't meaningful, it can at least be iconic.

So before I go on trips -- thinking that I might not come back -- I usually try to tie up loose ends, whether that means giving back a borrowed book or telling people what I really feel. But if you're waiting for me to tell how I feel (or for me to give back a book), you've come to the wrong blog post. Right now, I'm keeping quiet about how I feel (also, I'm holding on to the books, but that's the last I'll say about that). And it's not because I don't know how I feel, and it's not because I don't want to tell how I feel.

I'm not going to tell you how I feel now, because I'm coming back, and we can talk then -- because the story isn't over, and there are some things that still need to be said.

breakdown, meta, travel

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