Oh. My. God.

Sep 13, 2004 04:08

I know it has been like forever since I last made an entry on my journal. Let me tell you a whole hell of a lot has happened in those few weeks.
But I went and witnessed the strangest thing today.
I went to a flesh pull.
Yes, just like it sounds. Four people pushed 9 gage steal hooks, as big as your palm, through their arms and backs, attatched ropes and pulled against each other. It was crazy insane. This one chick, unreal as this sounds, had like multipul orgasms.
I was just their watching and taking pictures.
And when it was all said and done, I still have no desire to ever try out this activity.
I'll stick to skydiving, thank you very much.

Slash Rec's of the Day:

To The Moon - By Constant Vigilance
Fandom: Harry Potter - H/D slash
Summary: Draco is turned into a child. Harry takes care of him.

Freedom - By Sage
Fandom: Shawshank Redemption - Red/Andy slash
Summary: This is my take on Red's trip south at the end of the movie and What Happened Next.

Debriefing - By Taylor Dancinghands
Fandom: Star Trek Next Gen. - Picard/Data slash
Summary: Picard comforts Data
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