Oh Well.

Sep 19, 2004 11:05

My mom and dad came up for a day. It was a really short trip, and they only stayed one night but, oh well. I miss them a whole bunch, living in a nother provence from them now.

I know I haven't mentioned this before now, but my little sister is pregnant. 8 months now. I know, I can hardly believe it. The little is relative though, at 22, she's not a kid anymore. While my mom was here we went and got my sister a shower gift from me, because I wont be there for it. Got her one of those diaper genie's.

Seem's strange that I'm gonna be an aunt. Boggles the mind a bit. My little sister having a kid. wow.

I'll never forget the time we were sent out to clean the crall space under the house, and having a screaming match, beating eachother with some broken fishing rods we had found.

Gotta love family.

Slash rec's.

Okay first one's not a story. Its a flash film.
Snape and I'm to sexy. Oh yeah

A little touch of Harry In the night - by CKC
Fandom: STVoyager
Paring: Paris/Kim
Summary: They make it back to the alfa quadrant and can they stay together

Denuo Universe - By Macx and Lara Bee
Fandom: CSI crossover Mag 7
Paring: Gil/Nick
Summary: Somethings are not as they seem. Love will prevail.
Long, muli chapter universe. Oh god, so good. go. Read.
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