sometimes we watch movies. [pt 2 of 2]

Dec 01, 2008 01:43

[00:42] arrriel: HAHA
[00:42] dr of rpology: ...y
[00:42] ladolceverbena: here are the really ugly vampires
[00:42] dr of rpology: i like how all the ancients are just like YOU ARE ALL SO FUCKING DUMB
[00:42] dr of rpology: I HAVE A HEADACHE NOW
[00:42] dr of rpology: YOU LITTLE PISSANTS
[00:42] ladolceverbena: HAHAH Y
[00:42] ladolceverbena: that's
[00:42] ladolceverbena: the dude from korn
[00:42] ladolceverbena: in a cameo.
[00:42] dr of rpology: HAHA
[00:43] dr of rpology: oh roger
[00:43] dr of rpology: and your shitty shitty job
[00:43] ladolceverbena: roger what is your life
[00:43] dr of rpology: babysitting bitchy mcflufferkins
[00:43] arrriel: groupie wrangler for vampires
[00:43] arrriel: :(
[00:43] ladolceverbena: wow
[00:43] ladolceverbena: the other girl is um
[00:43] ladolceverbena: ... busted
[00:43] dr of rpology: y.
[00:43] arrriel: that chick's white face is so bad
[00:43] ladolceverbena: red lipstick: a privilege, not a right.
[00:44] dr of rpology: roger: :( :(
[00:44] dr of rpology: HAHA
[00:44] dr of rpology: "it's a good thing *sigh*"
[00:44] ladolceverbena: lol her priorities
[00:44] dr of rpology: NEXT BIT
[00:44] arrriel: ...sigh
[00:45] arrriel: man there's only five more bits and like
[00:45] arrriel: nothing has happened, really
[00:45] arrriel: a crazy old ho set a bunch of people on fire and lestat assaulted people with his mouth penises
[00:45] dr of rpology: & marius was prissy
[00:45] dr of rpology: & david was prissy but less dead
[00:45] dr of rpology: (the clock is ticking old guy)
[00:46] ladolceverbena: READY?
[00:46] dr of rpology: Y
[00:46] arrriel: y
[00:46] ladolceverbena: three
[00:46] ladolceverbena: two
[00:46] ladolceverbena: one
[00:46] ladolceverbena: gooo :3
[00:46] dr of rpology: the goodness of her "heart"
[00:46] ladolceverbena: lestat: o no you did not.
[00:47] ladolceverbena: lestat: DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I'M SAD
[00:47] ladolceverbena: jesse: but you're pretty :3
[00:47] ladolceverbena: lestat: sigh.
[00:47] dr of rpology: HAHA "you're still attached to your skin"
[00:47] dr of rpology: lestat: do you trust me :>
[00:47] arrriel: heaaavy breathing
[00:47] dr of rpology: jesse: yes :>
[00:48] dr of rpology: lestat: that kind of turns me on.
[00:48] ladolceverbena: i'm especially confused by this because
[00:48] ladolceverbena: being vampires
[00:48] ladolceverbena: not a lot of breathing
[00:48] dr of rpology: y seriously
[00:48] dr of rpology: what is that
[00:48] dr of rpology: HAHAHAHA HE NEARLY DROPPED HER
[00:48] arrriel: QUIT USING YOUR LOGIC
[00:48] ladolceverbena: LESTAT
[00:49] ladolceverbena: YOU'RE NOT A PUPPYPIRE ANYMORE
[00:49] arrriel: lestat inherited failgenes from marius
[00:49] arrriel: HAHA puppypire
[00:49] dr of rpology: GJ, FAILPIRE
[00:49] ladolceverbena: YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THIS SHIT
[00:49] ladolceverbena: stop breaking your girlfriends
[00:49] arrriel: uh
[00:49] arrriel: idk if
[00:49] arrriel: "some girl i traded eye contact with" counts as a girlfriend
[00:49] ladolceverbena: um
[00:49] ladolceverbena: in that era
[00:49] dr of rpology: does
[00:49] ladolceverbena: sure it did.
[00:49] dr of rpology: if you're lestat
[00:49] arrriel: to not-fail people
[00:49] ladolceverbena: also yes vampires have stalked for less
[00:49] arrriel: whoa
[00:49] ladolceverbena: ...jesse
[00:50] dr of rpology: did she just oh yes she did
[00:50] arrriel: is it necessary to slice your boob so much?
[00:50] ladolceverbena: what you doing to your tits there
[00:50] dr of rpology: HAHA he's like OH MY GOOD BOOBS ARE SCARY
[00:50] dr of rpology: *god
[00:50] ladolceverbena: HAHAHAHA
[00:50] arrriel: so
[00:50] ladolceverbena: considering that's where he noms her later
[00:50] dr of rpology: lestat: *STARES INTENSELY AT HER RACK*
[00:50] arrriel: this isn't going to help his mommy issues
[00:50] ladolceverbena: HAHAHAH no
[00:50] ladolceverbena: lol.
[00:50] dr of rpology: HAHAHA
[00:50] dr of rpology: i remember the first time i saw this
[00:50] ladolceverbena: lestat: D:< YOU DON'T KNOW ME
[00:50] dr of rpology: when he bites her later
[00:50] dr of rpology: i was like THAT UM
[00:50] dr of rpology: GUYS
[00:50] dr of rpology: THAT IS NOT HER NECK
[00:51] ladolceverbena: HAHAHAHA
[00:51] dr of rpology: GUYS THAT IS NOT HER NECK
[00:51] ladolceverbena: it sure isn't.
[00:51] arrriel: you missed lestat D:
[00:51] ladolceverbena: hahahaha that little vampire
[00:51] ladolceverbena: D:< crap i'm outclassed
[00:51] dr of rpology: HAHA little vampire just takes off
[00:51] arrriel: "YO I'M OUTIE :<"
[00:51] ladolceverbena: ANOTHER PART
[00:51] ladolceverbena: why are these so shooort
[00:51] dr of rpology: pt 13 >:D
[00:51] arrriel: I KNOW why are they like 5 minutes each
[00:51] arrriel: ready :\
[00:51] dr of rpology: maybe to upload them easier idk
[00:52] dr of rpology: ready though
[00:52] ladolceverbena: THREE
[00:52] ladolceverbena: TWO
[00:52] ladolceverbena: ONE
[00:52] ladolceverbena: gooooooo
[00:52] ladolceverbena: o someone failed in uploading there
[00:52] dr of rpology: i keep expecting you to say "sparklemotion"
[00:52] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA
[00:52] dr of rpology: NOT ANY MORE SHE'S NOT
[00:52] ladolceverbena: um
[00:52] arrriel: he's gonna kill a milf?
[00:53] ladolceverbena: yes
[00:53] ladolceverbena: jesse is like I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MY FATHER
[00:53] dr of rpology: lestat: DO YOU GET IT NOW BITCH
[00:53] arrriel: idg
[00:53] arrriel: how you could not understand "drinking blood" means "drinking blood"
[00:53] dr of rpology: her face
[00:53] dr of rpology: like
[00:53] dr of rpology: ">( ... :("
[00:53] ladolceverbena: "well you could be less of a jerk about eating people >:\"
[00:54] dr of rpology: the guy
[00:54] ladolceverbena: this song.
[00:54] dr of rpology: that she hooks up with in the books
[00:54] ladolceverbena: why is it.
[00:54] dr of rpology: is in the concert scenes
[00:54] dr of rpology: i'm gonna point him out.
[00:54] ladolceverbena: yay :>
[00:54] arrriel: lol this soundtrack
[00:54] ladolceverbena: so much bad idea mesh
[00:54] ladolceverbena: i could not be a goth, sry
[00:54] dr of rpology: roger hates his life
[00:54] dr of rpology: DAVID YAY
[00:54] arrriel: goth is hard if you hate applying seven pounds of eyeliner
[00:55] dr of rpology: david you do not belong in a pit of goths HAHAHA MARIUS
[00:55] dr of rpology: i love that moment.
[00:55] ladolceverbena: david is like
[00:55] dr of rpology: "Hello, David!"
[00:55] arrriel: I PAINTED IT ON MY FOREHEAD 8)
[00:55] ladolceverbena: oh my god what.
[00:55] ladolceverbena: HAHAHAH
[00:55] ladolceverbena: ariel i lol'd
[00:55] ladolceverbena: so hard
[00:55] arrriel: well
[00:55] arrriel: he's got room.
[00:55] ladolceverbena: THIS
[00:55] ladolceverbena: IS THE ORGY SONG
[00:55] ladolceverbena: jay gordon did this one :3
[00:55] dr of rpology: CAN WE PAUSE IT I HAVE TO BRB
[00:55] ladolceverbena: you can tell by how it's better than the others D: okay
[00:55] dr of rpology: pause'd
[00:55] arrriel: ok :<
[00:55] ladolceverbena: i am paused at 3:12
[00:55] arrriel: i have to pee too
[00:57] arrriel: man this is the best show
[00:57] arrriel: it's just all puppies
[00:57] dr of rpology: back :> sry i had a minor emergency of the lady bleeding
[00:57] dr of rpology: ...which, apt timing.
[00:57] dr of rpology: */awful*
[00:57] arrriel: HAHA
[00:57] arrriel: arsene
[00:57] arrriel: went there once.
[00:58] abbyissues: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[00:58] dr of rpology: HAHAHAHkjshgjkdgjkhg
[00:58] dr of rpology: of course he did
[00:58] dr of rpology: kay count us down :O
[00:58] ladolceverbena: OKAY
[00:58] ladolceverbena: THREE
[00:58] ladolceverbena: TWO
[00:58] ladolceverbena: ONE
[00:58] ladolceverbena: go!! >:O
[00:58] dr of rpology: f yeah
[00:58] ladolceverbena: hey lady pink hair
[00:58] dr of rpology: pink hair girl ilher
[00:58] arrriel: keyboards are never a good idea
[00:58] dr of rpology: the band: *never gets names*
[00:58] ladolceverbena: what about keytars
[00:58] arrriel: n
[00:58] dr of rpology: lestat flies in
[00:58] ladolceverbena: y >:|
[00:58] arrriel: not unless you're jem
[00:59] dr of rpology: jesse
[00:59] ladolceverbena: well maybe i am.
[00:59] dr of rpology: ok jesse's dude is coming up i think
[00:59] dr of rpology: *WATCHES FOR HIM*
[00:59] dr of rpology: HAHA this song is like
[00:59] ladolceverbena: hahahah the real version of this song is so much better
[00:59] dr of rpology: I HAVE DADDY ISSUES, MARIUS
[00:59] dr of rpology: I HAVE THEM.
[00:59] ladolceverbena: YES
[00:59] arrriel: MAKE THEM BETTER :< :<
[00:59] dr of rpology: THE ISSUES YOU GAVE ME, LET ME SHOW YOU THEM >:O
[01:00] ladolceverbena: stuart townsend seriously what is your life
[01:00] dr of rpology: the old guy
[01:00] arrriel: I COULD HAVE STUCK TO YELLOW :(
[01:00] dr of rpology: in the fur
[01:00] ladolceverbena: REALLY
[01:00] dr of rpology: who just went looking for her
[01:00] ladolceverbena: WITH THE WRAP? oh
[01:00] dr of rpology: the one who's gone to find her
[01:00] ladolceverbena: i thought you meant the albino dude
[01:00] ladolceverbena: which was actually more distressing
[01:00] dr of rpology: nnn the one in the fur who is gonna grab her
[01:00] ladolceverbena: y i got that
[01:00] dr of rpology: everyone is like ARE YOU INSANE when they hook up
[01:00] dr of rpology: which
[01:00] dr of rpology: um
[01:00] dr of rpology: .........fair enough wtf
[01:00] dr of rpology: o part is finished
[01:01] ladolceverbena: hahahaha is he a creeper
[01:01] arrriel: fourteen :|
[01:01] dr of rpology: he's a vampire
[01:01] dr of rpology: they want jesse to STAY HUMAN and shit
[01:01] dr of rpology: her spine gets snapped in the concert scene in the book
[01:01] ladolceverbena: i think this is actually 15
[01:01] ladolceverbena: but
[01:01] ladolceverbena: IF YOU'RE READY SAY SO
[01:02] dr of rpology: Y
[01:02] arrriel: ready
[01:02] ladolceverbena: three
[01:02] ladolceverbena: two
[01:02] ladolceverbena: one
[01:02] ladolceverbena: jam :3
[01:02] arrriel: STRAWBERRY
[01:02] dr of rpology: still singing the daddy song
[01:02] arrriel: ... idk
[01:02] dr of rpology: ...that's how i'm gonna think of it now
[01:02] dr of rpology: "the daddy song"
[01:02] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA good
[01:02] dr of rpology: which considering how he sings it
[01:02] dr of rpology: is
[01:02] dr of rpology: creepy :(
[01:02] dr of rpology: YOU WANT MOOOOAR????
[01:02] arrriel: them vampires don't give a fuck either
[01:02] *** abbyissues has left the chat.
[01:02] arrriel: where the hell is aaliyah, there's only like 2 more parts
[01:02] dr of rpology: she's comin'
[01:02] ladolceverbena: she'll show up soon
[01:03] ladolceverbena: a few more of the parts are longer
[01:03] ladolceverbena: this one is 9 minutes
[01:03] dr of rpology: that vampire looked like marilyn manson sans make up
[01:03] arrriel: yes
[01:03] arrriel: shout
[01:03] arrriel: at a concert.
[01:03] arrriel: i am sure they'll hear you.
[01:03] dr of rpology: HAHA VAMPIRE ATTACK F YEAH
[01:03] dr of rpology: marius is like MY BOY
[01:03] arrriel: LESTAT MAH BOIIIIIII
[01:03] dr of rpology: HAHAHA he crunched somebody under his boots
[01:03] dr of rpology: and lestat is like DADDY
[01:03] dr of rpology: YOU CAME
[01:03] dr of rpology: <33333333333333333
[01:04] arrriel: LOOK AT MY DADDY
[01:04] arrriel: :3
[01:04] dr of rpology: HAHAHHAHA i love marius's little clap clap clap
[01:04] ladolceverbena: HAHHA
[01:04] ladolceverbena: marius
[01:04] ladolceverbena: clapping
[01:04] dr of rpology: "oh, you're so cute! *clap clap*"
[01:04] ladolceverbena: *dies laughing*
[01:04] ladolceverbena: it's golfclapping
[01:04] ladolceverbena: feyly
[01:04] dr of rpology: y
[01:04] arrriel: what are all these vampires doing flying around and shit
[01:04] dr of rpology: attacking lestat
[01:04] dr of rpology: marius is feyly fucking some of them up
[01:04] ladolceverbena: the retarded crowd thinks it's theatrics
[01:04] arrriel: yes because
[01:04] arrriel: at the goth rock concerts i go to
[01:04] arrriel: they always break out into fights on stage
[01:04] dr of rpology: marius is like shiiiit maybe we're in trouble now
[01:04] arrriel: with
[01:04] ladolceverbena: in fairness if this had occurred to lestat he'd probably fake it too.
[01:04] arrriel: weapons
[01:05] dr of rpology: ...truest of fax
[01:05] ladolceverbena: oh
[01:05] ladolceverbena: mommy's here :>
[01:05] dr of rpology: marius is the only one up there with a blind clue what's going on
[01:05] arrriel: i'm not even sure what's going on
[01:05] dr of rpology: akasha did that.
[01:05] arrriel: except that aaliyah is here
[01:05] arrriel: to wiggle her hips
[01:05] dr of rpology: HAHA SEE
[01:05] dr of rpology: JESSE'S DUDE FOUND HER
[01:05] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA
[01:05] dr of rpology: but he's not gonna get lucky.
[01:05] dr of rpology: b/c lestat.
[01:05] ladolceverbena: him and his eyebrows
[01:06] dr of rpology: akasha is like F YEAH
[01:06] arrriel: his eyebrows are not invited
[01:06] arrriel: three's a crowd
[01:06] ladolceverbena: jesse's like HOW CAN I COMPETE WITH HER HEADDRESS D:
[01:06] dr of rpology: lestat: WTF
[01:06] dr of rpology: marius is like ohhhhh we're all fucked, i see how it is.
[01:06] arrriel: OH MY GOD
[01:06] arrriel: NOT SKY MAKEOUTS
[01:06] arrriel: D:
[01:06] arrriel: seriously what the fuck
[01:06] arrriel: also this soundtrack
[01:06] dr of rpology: music. video.
[01:06] ladolceverbena: it is a big music video that makes no sense, this entire movie.
[01:06] dr of rpology: i told my mom about the "it's a giant vampire music video"
[01:07] dr of rpology: and she thought about it and went
[01:07] dr of rpology: "yeah, basically."
[01:07] dr of rpology: "my wishes" STOP REPEATING HER, THICKHEAD
[01:07] ladolceverbena: they're very pretty
[01:07] arrriel: soooooo
[01:07] dr of rpology: but not king yet because you're a pussy, sry2say
[01:07] arrriel: she wants to bone him then
[01:07] dr of rpology: Y.
[01:07] ladolceverbena: i like how she doesn't pose this as a suggestion or even a question
[01:07] ladolceverbena: yeah
[01:08] dr of rpology: just "you're mine now."
[01:08] arrriel: god
[01:08] dr of rpology: "fyi."
[01:08] arrriel: these vampires are all
[01:08] ladolceverbena: her old king was not as hardcore psycho as she was
[01:08] arrriel: MINE >:3
[01:08] arrriel: *TAKES TOYS AND GOES HOME*
[01:08] dr of rpology: yeah he got tired
[01:08] ladolceverbena: so she's hoping lestat will be as big a psychopath as she is so they can happily destroy all of mankind
[01:08] ladolceverbena: because akasha doesn't care about stuff like 'preserving the stock' for future survival
[01:08] dr of rpology: akasha cares about fucking stuff up
[01:08] ladolceverbena: she will munch on humans and other vampires alike!
[01:08] arrriel: lmao
[01:08] dr of rpology: and boning
[01:08] arrriel: rose petal bath sexings
[01:08] dr of rpology: and destroying things
[01:08] ladolceverbena: rose petals.
[01:08] ladolceverbena: WHO DID THAT FOR THEM
[01:08] arrriel: yeah where'd they get all those rose petals
[01:08] ladolceverbena: i can't see akasha going to the store to buy rose petals.
[01:09] dr of rpology: maybe they just ... happened to be there
[01:09] arrriel: maybe her vampire powers
[01:09] dr of rpology: because akasha wanted them
[01:09] dr of rpology: and she gets
[01:09] dr of rpology: what she wants
[01:09] arrriel: enable her to make rose petals
[01:09] ladolceverbena: hahahaha they interrupted somebody's honeymoon
[01:09] dr of rpology: HAHAHAHA
[01:09] ladolceverbena: and ate them
[01:09] dr of rpology: that's like
[01:09] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA here goes
[01:09] dr of rpology: his armpit
[01:09] dr of rpology: wtf
[01:09] ladolceverbena: i love the look on akasha's face before she bites him though
[01:09] dr of rpology: oh no
[01:09] dr of rpology: it was his nipple
[01:09] ladolceverbena: yes.
[01:09] ladolceverbena: his nipple.
[01:09] ladolceverbena: akasha, what.
[01:09] arrriel: in fairness
[01:09] arrriel: boy nipples look weird
[01:09] arrriel: do bite them off
[01:09] ladolceverbena: AND THEN THEY MAKE OUT IN THE BLOOD ... martel and maryani are taking notes
[01:10] dr of rpology: ....y, probably
[01:10] ladolceverbena: oh her hair is loose now
[01:10] ladolceverbena: i approve
[01:10] dr of rpology: except that martel doesn't take notes from anybody >(
[01:10] ladolceverbena: well maryani says she'll do it for him, goddamn
[01:10] dr of rpology:'s probs a good thing martel was never a vampire
[01:10] dr of rpology: he probably would've been down with destroying all of mankind
[01:10] arrriel: creepy doll time
[01:10] ladolceverbena: oh hey creepy dolls
[01:10] arrriel: jessie, why
[01:11] ladolceverbena: baby you are not five anymore wtf
[01:11] dr of rpology: yes but that's her OLD BEDROOM obv
[01:11] arrriel: get real pajamas :\
[01:11] ladolceverbena: well she's in vampireland now
[01:11] dr of rpology: i don't think she got changed herself MAYBE EYEBROWS DID IT
[01:11] dr of rpology: FOR HER
[01:11] ladolceverbena: they can only dress ridiculously
[01:11] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA
[01:11] ladolceverbena: i'm sure maharet did it
[01:11] dr of rpology: brb has to pee
[01:12] arrriel: oh gosh
[01:12] arrriel: black and white dresses
[01:12] arrriel: that's not symbolism at all
[01:13] dr of rpology: in the book maharet's sister was there too with her I HAVE NO EYEBALLS AND I'M CRAZY and they bound akasha with chains of their red hair idfk.
[01:13] dr of rpology: also she borrows other people's eyeballs
[01:13] dr of rpology: but they don't last v. long.
[01:13] arrriel: "borrows"
[01:13] arrriel: i question this
[01:13] dr of rpology: ...ok, takes.
[01:13] dr of rpology: also i'm ready :>
[01:13] dr of rpology: when this came out my boyfriend was an anne rice fan btw
[01:13] dr of rpology: i enjoyed his distress
[01:13] dr of rpology: */bad girlfriend*
[01:14] ladolceverbena: well
[01:14] ladolceverbena: idk anne rice fans are made to be abused
[01:14] dr of rpology: y also this is the guy who wanted to name his babby discordia.
[01:14] arrriel: idk about this logic:
[01:14] ladolceverbena: oh
[01:15] arrriel: "you should smoke weed with me, i'm sixteen." "well, someone said i shouldn't." "they're stupid." "okay!"
[01:15] ladolceverbena: HAHA
[01:15] dr of rpology: ...HAHA
[01:15] arrriel: carry on.
[01:15] ladolceverbena: but if the 16 year old says it's okay obviously it must be :>
[01:15] arrriel: "BUT IT HELPS MY APPETITE :<"
[01:17] dr of rpology: are we ready yet :>
[01:17] arrriel: y
[01:18] ladolceverbena: OKAY
[01:18] ladolceverbena: THREE
[01:18] ladolceverbena: TWO
[01:18] ladolceverbena: ONE
[01:18] ladolceverbena: VAMPIRES >:O
[01:18] ladolceverbena: lena olin :>
[01:18] dr of rpology: maharet :> god lena olin is a beautiful woman
[01:19] ladolceverbena: jesse's dress is pretty
[01:19] dr of rpology: maharet's fambly :>
[01:20] dr of rpology: HAHAHAHA lestat freaks the hell out
[01:20] ladolceverbena: lolol whoops SUN
[01:20] dr of rpology: "...wait, i'm not dying, WHAT"
[01:20] arrriel: lol
[01:20] dr of rpology: leather pants. still. of course.
[01:20] arrriel: lestat calls shenanigans
[01:20] ladolceverbena: casually puts on his morning leather
[01:20] dr of rpology: he's so puzzled by this
[01:20] arrriel: no time for a shirt though
[01:20] dr of rpology: but not so puzzled he can't put on some leather pants
[01:20] dr of rpology: sans shirt y
[01:20] arrriel: he is
[01:20] dr of rpology: i love how he's like I DON'T QUITE KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS
[01:20] arrriel: gonna have the most terrible sunburn
[01:21] dr of rpology: HAHA corpses corpses everywhere
[01:21] ladolceverbena: akasha's blud made him sunresistant
[01:21] dr of rpology: (but not a drop to drink)
[01:21] ladolceverbena: also she killed everyone.
[01:21] ladolceverbena: LOOK AT THAT BEACH
[01:21] ladolceverbena: BEAUTIFUL
[01:21] ladolceverbena: and full of corpses :>
[01:21] arrriel: YAY
[01:21] arrriel: CORPSES
[01:21] ladolceverbena: she is so pretty
[01:21] dr of rpology: lestat is like I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT ALL OF THIS DEATH
[01:21] dr of rpology: which
[01:21] dr of rpology: ...vampire.
[01:21] dr of rpology: HAHA
[01:21] ladolceverbena: hahahha lestat is like
[01:21] dr of rpology: "why?" "...why not :D?"
[01:21] ladolceverbena: youuuuu
[01:21] ladolceverbena: love killing people
[01:21] arrriel: "i don't know, how about the resale value of this property :\"
[01:22] ladolceverbena: i just like being a drama queen omg :-(
[01:22] arrriel: "all the corpses and whatnot"
[01:22] dr of rpology: akasha is like SIGH
[01:22] dr of rpology: AM I GOING TO HAVE TO BABY THIS ONE TOO.
[01:22] ladolceverbena: lestat is like I AM IN SO OVER MY HEAD the mundane translation of this relationship is that guy who's like omg i love dangerous chix and he discovers he's dating a pyromaniac
[01:22] dr of rpology: HAHA trufax
[01:22] dr of rpology: ...kay
[01:22] dr of rpology: haha
[01:22] dr of rpology: i just flashed back
[01:22] dr of rpology: to warren and donna
[01:22] dr of rpology: */horrible*
[01:23] ladolceverbena: rofl
[01:23] ladolceverbena: who is this blond guy
[01:23] dr of rpology: the one with an open shirt?
[01:23] dr of rpology: that's armand
[01:23] ladolceverbena: he looks like gerard way but even dorkier -- REALLY?
[01:23] dr of rpology: armand and marius: *stand separately. a lot.*
[01:23] dr of rpology: y
[01:23] dr of rpology: he was russian
[01:23] ladolceverbena: isn't armand... reddish haired? darker haired?
[01:23] dr of rpology: his name was amadeo
[01:23] dr of rpology: no
[01:23] arrriel: isn't everyone's hair the wrong colour?
[01:23] ladolceverbena: really
[01:23] dr of rpology: he's blond like marius
[01:23] dr of rpology: i'm PRETTY SURE he's blond
[01:23] arrriel: akasha "i am incapable of wearing actual clothes" mcchompybits
[01:24] ladolceverbena: hey
[01:24] ladolceverbena: she has a skirt
[01:24] arrriel: lestat "look at my nipples" von daddy issues
[01:24] ladolceverbena: and a cahin thing
[01:24] ladolceverbena: chain*
[01:24] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA
[01:24] dr of rpology: oh
[01:24] arrriel: armand is pretty fug
[01:24] dr of rpology: claudia black
[01:24] dr of rpology: is playing pandora, btw
[01:24] ladolceverbena: lena olin is like I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TALK TO YOU
[01:24] dr of rpology: this is like ALL MARIUS'S EXES EVER
[01:24] ladolceverbena: claudia black does not look great here she's normally really fine
[01:24] ladolceverbena: HAHAH
[01:24] dr of rpology: in the book it was kind of a thing.
[01:24] ladolceverbena: akasha: ....FINE, be that way.
[01:25] dr of rpology: also when akasha escaped she left marius trapped under some ice
[01:25] dr of rpology: for a while
[01:25] dr of rpology: i think he needed to get rescued or bust out or something
[01:25] ladolceverbena: lestat: ... do i have to we kind of went over this before --
[01:25] ladolceverbena: akasha: *WHIPCRACK*
[01:25] dr of rpology: HAHAHA
[01:25] dr of rpology: jesse: no it's ok death is cool by me
[01:25] dr of rpology: lestat: ...all the girls i know are crazy :/
[01:25] arrriel: just
[01:25] arrriel: nom my tits some more
[01:25] ladolceverbena: yeah
[01:25] ladolceverbena: that's about what he does
[01:25] dr of rpology: HAHA she's like *helpful*
[01:26] arrriel: "HERE THEY ARE :>"
[01:26] dr of rpology: the family tree
[01:26] dr of rpology: *bleeds*
[01:26] dr of rpology: jesse stop petting him
[01:26] ladolceverbena: weird disembodied voices: *murmur*
[01:26] arrriel: never
[01:26] arrriel: he is puppypire
[01:26] arrriel: he needs pettings
[01:26] ladolceverbena: HAHAH
[01:26] arrriel: QUIT EATING HER BOOBS
[01:26] arrriel: IT'S WEIRD
[01:26] dr of rpology: you'd think there'd be more of a mark
[01:26] ladolceverbena: there's a toothy bloody mark lol
[01:26] ladolceverbena: hahaha you guys
[01:27] ladolceverbena: akasha has him wearing a fucking collar
[01:27] ladolceverbena: I KNOW IT'S NOT MEAN TO BE ONE? but damn, it looks like it.
[01:27] arrriel: remember your li'l fambly >:(
[01:27] dr of rpology: akasha has him by the balls
[01:27] dr of rpology: CRUNCH
[01:27] arrriel: god
[01:27] ladolceverbena: marius: DIVORCED.
[01:27] arrriel: lestat is always stuffing his fucking face
[01:27] dr of rpology: marius is like I DON'T KNOW IF I'M JUST ANGRY OR JEALOUS AND ANGRY
[01:27] dr of rpology: marius: EITHER WAY I AM SO NOT OK WITH THIS
[01:27] dr of rpology: marius: -wait no NOW I GET IT
[01:28] dr of rpology: brb peeing
[01:28] ladolceverbena: we only have one part left yay
[01:28] ladolceverbena: well technically there's
[01:28] ladolceverbena: the credits but why watch those
[01:29] dr of rpology: *returnz*
[01:29] ladolceverbena: ...actually the credits are
[01:29] ladolceverbena: pretty cool, iirc
[01:29] dr of rpology: y iirc
[01:29] dr of rpology: are we ready :>
[01:29] dr of rpology: also there MIGHT be something after them?
[01:29] ladolceverbena: ARE YOU READY, ARIEL
[01:29] arrriel: y
[01:29] ladolceverbena: CAN YOU HANDLE THIS o ok
[01:29] ladolceverbena: three
[01:29] ladolceverbena: two
[01:29] ladolceverbena: one
[01:29] ladolceverbena: GO :>
[01:29] dr of rpology: eyebrows LEAPS FOR IT
[01:29] arrriel: RAAAAAAAWR
[01:29] arrriel: FLYING THROUGH THE AIR
[01:29] arrriel: ATTACK OF THE EYEBROWS
[01:29] dr of rpology: and dies.
[01:29] arrriel: REDSHIRT DIES
[01:29] ladolceverbena: when you're a jet you're a jet all the wayyy
[01:30] dr of rpology: nooooo pandora
[01:30] dr of rpology: marius will cry about that later
[01:30] dr of rpology: but armand
[01:30] dr of rpology: is ok.
[01:30] dr of rpology: smoking a little
[01:30] dr of rpology: but ok.
[01:30] dr of rpology: and BACK IN THERE F YEAH
[01:30] ladolceverbena: hahaha that little head tilt
[01:30] dr of rpology: maharet: ...................sigh.
[01:30] ladolceverbena: no one wants the LAST DROP
[01:30] dr of rpology: marius: >:E that's what you get I HAVE TOTED YOUR ASS AROUND FOR CENTURIES
[01:30] dr of rpology: marius: YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH
[01:31] ladolceverbena: dele knowing this canon is bad for you
[01:31] dr of rpology: yes i know
[01:31] dr of rpology: everybody makes mistakes when they're younger fuck you
[01:31] ladolceverbena: well yes but i just did cocaine not anne rice goddamn
[01:31] dr of rpology: i was ten years old ok
[01:31] arrriel: same thing
[01:31] dr of rpology: i didn't know any better
[01:31] ladolceverbena: lestat's huge black eyes
[01:31] dr of rpology: maharet is like oh no
[01:31] dr of rpology: this bitch is mine.
[01:32] ladolceverbena: martyr :<
[01:32] dr of rpology: yeah also akasha made her a vampire
[01:32] arrriel: crunch
[01:32] dr of rpology: so her mommy issues are
[01:32] arrriel: slurp slurp slurp
[01:32] dr of rpology: more direct BD
[01:32] dr of rpology: this bit is kind of awesome idc
[01:32] ladolceverbena: yyyyyy
[01:32] ladolceverbena: the alllll black hahaha it even touches her clothes
[01:32] dr of rpology: marius's "" face
[01:32] dr of rpology: her hair is goooone
[01:33] ladolceverbena: but her eyelashes
[01:33] ladolceverbena: remain
[01:33] dr of rpology: armand's skooching back behind daddy
[01:33] dr of rpology: lestat: JESSE ARE YOU OK ARE YOU OK ARE YOU OK JESSE
[01:34] dr of rpology: */goes to hell*
[01:34] ladolceverbena: lestat immediately rushes to his OTHER girlfriend
[01:34] arrriel: she dead
[01:34] ladolceverbena: he's one down he has to save the other one
[01:34] dr of rpology: only a little
[01:34] arrriel: all the other vampires are like :< OH DEAR
[01:34] dr of rpology: armand: D: SHE'S DEAD
[01:34] dr of rpology: marius: pls, boychild.
[01:34] dr of rpology: marius: i still know better than you.
[01:34] ladolceverbena: dele
[01:34] arrriel: she's napping, god
[01:34] ladolceverbena: do you have a fondness for marius
[01:34] ladolceverbena: perhaps
[01:34] dr of rpology: i have
[01:34] dr of rpology: already told you that i do :(
[01:35] ladolceverbena: i know but i enjoy teasing you about it 8)
[01:35] dr of rpology: i can't help it :( he's a retarded genius like martel :(
[01:35] dr of rpology: THIS PART HAHA I LOVE THIS PART *waits for it*
[01:35] arrriel: i hereby ban heavy breathing
[01:35] dr of rpology: *breathes against ariel's neck*
[01:35] ladolceverbena: asthmatics: :<
[01:35] arrriel: *punches dele*
[01:35] dr of rpology: ow.
[01:36] dr of rpology: HAHA lestat
[01:36] dr of rpology: SUP :]
[01:36] ladolceverbena: if i ever randomly hear someone heavy breathing near me now i'm just going to be like I KNOW IT'S A FUCKING VAMPIRE
[01:36] arrriel: wow
[01:36] dr of rpology: david: D: BABBY
[01:36] arrriel: vampirism gives you crazy eyeliner
[01:36] ladolceverbena: yeah
[01:36] ladolceverbena: for some reason
[01:36] dr of rpology: david it's ok
[01:36] dr of rpology: you and marius can be their gay dads
[01:36] arrriel: lestat: my two daddies 8)
[01:36] ladolceverbena: lestat is cute here
[01:36] dr of rpology: he kind of is y
[01:36] ladolceverbena: ":3 she can NEVER LEAVE ME :3 now i'm happy."
[01:36] dr of rpology: david: ...thx *NERVOUS*
[01:36] dr of rpology: david: LESTAT JUST TOUCHED ME
[01:37] ladolceverbena: vampiremarrying your groupie works out sometimes i guess
[01:37] ladolceverbena: ...jesse.
[01:37] dr of rpology: jesse: COME LIVE FOREVER WITH ME DADDY
[01:37] ladolceverbena: we've had enough bitey incest here.
[01:37] dr of rpology: that never works out, jesse, ask lestat.
[01:37] arrriel: there is never enough bitey incest
[01:37] ladolceverbena: quiet you
[01:37] dr of rpology: or read his diary some more
[01:37] dr of rpology: you pervy vampire fancier
[01:37] dr of rpology: wait wait wait wait
[01:37] ladolceverbena: oh man i love this end song
[01:38] dr of rpology: THERE HE IS
[01:38] dr of rpology: marius: :D
[01:38] ladolceverbena: a heavy rock beat corresponding with marius' arrival somehow seems inappropriate
[01:38] dr of rpology: marius: hello frand :D let's hang out :D
[01:38] dr of rpology: I LOVE HIS VOICE THERE
[01:38] dr of rpology: "Hello David BD"
[01:38] ladolceverbena: marius you are an entire box of fruit loops
[01:38] dr of rpology: all of them ever, y
[01:38] arrriel: marius is delicious
[01:38] arrriel: wow it's
[01:38] arrriel: 4:30 am
[01:38] ladolceverbena: so it is :>
[01:38] arrriel: i hate you hos
[01:38] dr of rpology: i'm posting the log of us watching this ftr
[01:38] ladolceverbena: HAHAHA
[01:38] arrriel: HAHA amazing
[01:39] *** arrriel has left the chat.
[01:39] ladolceverbena: i'm totally watching the credits now but i'm not counting down
[01:39] *** arrriel has joined the chat.
[01:39] dr of rpology: *does also*
[01:39] dr of rpology: POWER WALKING VAMPIRES
[01:39] ladolceverbena: i love this actually
[01:39] dr of rpology: yeah it's nicely done idk
[01:39] ladolceverbena: because that's like... what vampire stuff SHOULD BE (lol pretentious) kind of walking through life all slow
[01:39] ladolceverbena: aww the aaliyah memorial
[01:40] dr of rpology: :<<<<

hi i'm kay, sometimes i watch movies, ariel is a homewrecker, aim log, as rolled by hos

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