Oct 20, 2008 21:16
So, seriously--why does it seem like folks in Seattle hate on Qwest for both internet and landline phones? I'm honestly curious.
Maybe I've been insanely lucky but I've always received excellent customer service from them. It's been professional, helpful, and I could get something resolved almost instantly.
More importantly (to me), I've RARELY (like maybe once every few years) have had to actually deal with customer service at all. I hear different companies all the time talk about how they have excellent customer service and that is what sets them apart from other folks. But really? The best customer service of all is that the only time I have to think about the company is paying my monthly bill. If I have to deal with you regularly, that isn't good customer service for me. Not having to do anything but receive the services I pay for is all the transaction I want. Sure, if I have to do more it It can be a nice transaction. It can be pleasant and courteous and I can feel like I was "heard" and my "issues were addressed", but I'd really prefer to give you X so you can give me Y and otherwise, we stay out of each other's way.
I want a company and out motto would be "We don't need to talk about our customer service because our shit works". Of course, I'd have to have a company where that was true, but if it was, we'd make billions.