Our thoughts compressed, which makes us blessed and makes for stormy weather.

Oct 25, 2007 13:19

I'm contributing to Dili's friendslist having a simultaneous crop of weird dreams.

Last night I dreamed that I was in Heroes, and I was in a house full of people who had powers. The only one I remember was this teenage boy who had the ability to look at blueprints of anything and make it out of nothing (albeit imperfectly). It was cool-- he made a working car, that admittedly had quite a few parts missing. Sylar was also there, although he didn't have his powers, so I got to call him Gabriel and tease him. I don't think he ended up liking me, but that's okay. He has no reason to kill me, I don't have powers or a car. There were random sideplots, including me being stranded in the woods and hunting a monster with, of all people, my ex-girlfriend. She wasn't awful, she just spent the entire time not grasping that we were hunting and whining about how mean I was. Perhaps most strangely, there was also an excursion into my neighbor's yard (which, in my dreams, often becomes a wilderness) with a young David Sedaris, because there was marijuana growing wild there and he wanted to harvest some. All right, then.

It was a good dream overall, though.

Mom and I talked about the possibility of me transferring to Cornish, an arts college that I've looked into (and know more than a few professors and graduates of), and I actually took the first step and began speaking to representatives and applying today. My thought is that I'll finish this quarter, take the next off to work (goal: earn enough money to buy a used car), and come in as a freshman or sophomore student with transfer credits spring quarter at Cornish. If it's not the college I belong in, that's fine, but it's pretty universally agreed that I have to get out of SPU and try somewhere that's a little more... focused. So Cornish is a good place to take a new shot. I'm very optimistic about this-- I liked it the first time I visited two years ago, but we thought I'd do better at a liberal arts college (ha, I say bitterly, ha), so I didn't apply. Now that we know otherwise, it's a good place to at least try attending.

Miscellaneous stuff:

  • Last night, I managed to be emo at a production of Spamalot. How this is possible I don't entirely know, although I did cheer up considerably when "You Won't Succeed on Broadway" came about. That song is definitely my favorite in the show, probably because of the piano interlude and the grail-dancing. Robin is also probably my favorite character, mostly because I've not yet seen a Robin actor who fails (I've seen sucky Galahads and Lancelots, sadly) and he's just so adorable.
  • This is Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh from Heroes). This is a guy I built a house with this summer in Mfuleni. Coincidence?
  • On Facebook today, I noticed that I have the opportunity to "bite" any of my friends. It made me wish my girlfriend was on Facebook so I could perform that action on her. Mmm, mild homoeroticism that's guaranteed to gross a lot of my friendslist out.
  • I've worked my way through two webcomics in the last two days. How... college student of me.
  • It's a little... ill-fitting to use a Sylar moodtheme and enter your current mood as "good".

Now to get on with my day and replenish my supply of coffee.

disorder and chaos, get me the fuck right out of here, theatre is my one true love, heroes, dreams, wtf, tristanish ramblings

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