Inexperienced minimum-wage jobhunting, round two.

Aug 27, 2007 14:44

This should not be as difficult as it is.

The difficulty doesn't mean no results, it means merely that I have to do a lot of ass-kissing to get to where I want to go. Yeah, that may be typical of any employment situation, but my cheeks hurt a bit from smiling and I'm starting to feel like a mop-headed Barbie doll. I played up the charm and may have actually landed a job working as a cashier in a sandwich shop about a mile from my university campus, which is good; it'd be working around creepy old men, which is not so good; but everyone in the store today who was not a creepy old man was some sort of alterna-punk rocker or hardcore goth, which means they'd probably let me wear my lip jewelry to work, which is good but not any kind of priority. There's no harm in looking at the bright side, at any rate. They're going to call me this afternoon if they have an opening for me.

Aside from the punk-rock sandwich shop I dropped off applications at Peet's Coffee and Starbucks, all the while being as adorable and appealing as I possibly could be. Peet's seemed really interested, despite my lack of experience as a barista; Starbucks is going to pass my application on to a store in desperate need of employees, possibly about two or three miles from my university.

Ow, my face.

In more lazy news, I had a dream last night that luckilyotto had to save blindmadness from some kind of trap-- she was attached to it by a bar into the stomach, of all things, and to unadhere it, Heathre cut a hole in Maja's stomach and inserted mice into it to chew the adhesive away. It was a dream, so there was no health risk here, besides it obviously hurting like hell. I wonder if this was somehow tied up to my job hunt today.

Oh! And Dad seems to have actually gotten it through his head that I don't want a new computer; I need a new computer. Specifically, I need the new computer Mom promised me in July because my computer is about two months away from dying entirely. Nat doesn't seem to quite get it yet, though-- he says that since the parents are buying me a laptop, why aren't they buying him one? Mom keeps trying to explain that they already bought him a computer (he had his choice of models when he started college and picked a perfectly capable new Dell desktop model in 2005), which apparently needs replacing immediately because, uh, it's too big all of a sudden.

Tomorrow brings us to Moroccan food, Wagner chatter, and British comedy (what a lineup) with gandsgirl. And Saturday is D&D! Something to look forward to this week.

computers, sucks to be brian, nat, dreams, d&d, heathre, claire, maja

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