Everyday is Caturday.

Oct 03, 2007 23:01

~*~ I've been sick and I've been sleep-deprived, and with their combined power, I've had a raging headache since Monday. :( And I can't rest because it's only Wednesday and I have a EngrEco test tomorrow which I haven't started studying for because of Pushing Daisies Gossip Girl Life LJ EngrEco is really boring. :( Gah, why is it only Wednesday? Die in a fire, Wednesday.

~*~ Doom, running LabVIEW + iTunes + Firefox simultaneously killz my computerz. Actually, LabVIEW by itself is pretty much killing it. And it also keeps freezing and shutting down with an internal error if I use my mouse scroll wheel. Wtf? Die in a fire, LabVIEW.

~*~ Yay The Daily Texan slammed Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance today as "slow and pretentious" and "vapid and unoriginal". I <3 you, the Texan! Apparently, some places banned that book for "unspecified religious reasons" because it has the word "Zen" in the title. Lol, most obvious and egregious case of banning a book without reading it, y/n? Except for maybe Harry Potter. HP book-banning wank is pretty hilarious though. You have people going "It promotes witchcraft and will turn our kids into devil-children!", and other people going "It's obviously a Christian allegory that's trying to subliminally convert our children to Christianity!" Anyway, in conclusion: die in a fire, Pirsig.

classes, gossip girl, sick, books, computers, tv, sleep, harry potter

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