"'Sort of' is such a harmless thing to say, 'sort of'...

Oct 04, 2007 13:42

...it's just a filler; it doesn't really mean anything. But after certain things, 'sort of' means everything. Like after 'I love you.' Or 'you're going to live.' Or 'it's a boy!'"

It's a teevee post. :)

Heroes - OMG so good. I <3 you, Sark! (Lol I was totally a Sark/Sydney shipper.) And he gets to play a (sort of) good guy this time! Sexy! Also, the lack of Niki/DL/Micah = A+.

Gossip Girl - Yay I'm keeping my tweeny-bopper roots. Actually, I'd like to believe that this show is better than your One Tree Hill's, probably because I've been brainwashed by TWoP. The person recapping this show will inject deeper meaning into anything, even teenage socialite catfights. When he was covering Doctor Who, he pretty much wrote a thesis every season on the show's thematic implications. It was badass.

Brothers & Sisters - The end of last season was misleading; Kevin and Jason have no chemistry unless they're snarkily fighting with each other. Come back, Scotty! Also, this show is falling a little bit into 7th Heaven territory (7th Heaven in its early years, when it wasn't completely horrible yet), except with better acting. Don't be so...platitude-laden. Or at least be less heavy-handed with the platitude-loading; the beginning/ending narration was a bit too much.

Desperate Housewives - Hmm this wasn't as bad as I remembered it. Susan's still annoying. Mike is still boring. And annoying. Edie is still gross. Everyone else is awesomesauce. Lynette's mother rocks. The mystery is...kind of obvious? Their kid died (or something) and they abducted some other random little girl and brainwashed her, yes? Eh well, at least there is a mystery. The lack of a mystery killed last season for me.

Pushing Daisies - I only caught the second half of this last night. It reminded me of Big Fish (or the 15 minutes of it I've seen) minus the Southern. It was very very twee, and bubbly, but in a good way. If Kristin Chenoweth's personality were a TV show, I imagine it would be something like this. Also, their pie retaurant is the bestest thing ever.

British invasion shows - I've been watching Life, but I'm going to stop because the writing is clunky, and I don't like police procedural shows unless they're comedies (e.g. Psych). So, which other show with a hot British actor/actress should I watch instead?
A: Journeyman - I saw an interview with McKidd on Today, and it was really cute, so I want to give it a chance now.
B: Bionic Woman - Yeaahhh I'm not watching this, but I <3 Michelle Ryan and was sad when her character basically disappeared for the last 2/3 of Jekyll.
C: Moonlight - Haha I keep hearing that this is the worst new show on the fall schedule. If Logan Echolls couldn't save it, I doubt Mrs. David Tennant could.
D: House - Or I could just start watching House since Tuesday is like the only night I'm home.

brothers & sisters, desperate housewives, grey's anatomy, gossip girl, hot british people, heroes, tv, doctor who

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