But what about....um...um...Philip Zimbardo? Meh I tried.

Jul 13, 2007 01:03

I am an "alphabetically challenged" individual. See here.

True story: my 6th grade teacher's maiden name was Zyteck or something like that. (All I remember was that it began with Zy.) She married a man with the last name Burrows, and she claimed she was purposely going for the name. Genius woman.

Also true but less relevant story: Ambler has about half a dozen anecdotes/jokes/things that he uses repeatedly. One of them goes like this: all famous inventors/innovators have had weird names, and there has never been a Smith or a Jones amongst them. First of all, he apparently considers names like Turing weird. Second, he was saying this to a EE class, which at UT is at least 30% Asian (and that's a generous underestimate). Add the other minorities and the non-Anglo Caucasians and stuff, and it's like "You are talking about weird names? Using Smith and Jones as the standard? Seriously?"

teachers, random, ambler, serious links

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