Take that, McCombs. :P

Jul 12, 2007 18:21

Oh shiny! We got ourselves a sugar daddy!

Subject: College Renamed Cockrell School of Engineering
From: dean@engr.utexas.edu
Date: Thu, July 12, 2007 9:20 am
To: [redacted]@ece.utexas.edu
Priority: Normal
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To all Engineering Students:

I am pleased to tell you that the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System honored long-time friends of the College of Engineering at UT Austin, the late Ernest, Jr. and Virginia Cockrell and the Cockrell family, by renaming the College the “Cockrell School of Engineering.”

On July 11, 2007, this honor was given the Cockrell family for their sustained support for the College spanning more than three decades.

Please see below for the press release announcing this honor.

[a bunch of boring press release-y stuff]

Warmest regards,

Ben G. Streetman
Cockrell School of Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
tel. 512 471 1166
FAX 512 475 7072

I hope the administrators are not oblivious enough to change our email/internet domain abbreviation to cock.utexas.edu.

On second thought, I hope they do.

shiny, rich people, ut

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