It's cold and hard and petrified.

Jul 08, 2007 18:20

In this week's installment of Conversations with My Mother (2 posts = a series with installments), my mom learns about the true nature of monkeys. She was calling relatives and found out that one of my cousins is an avid gamer:

Mom: [talking about her phone call and relatives complaining that my cousin plays computer games all the time etc etc] So then I asked whether he was playing educational games.
Me: Lol educational games?
Mom: Educational computer games. They exist, right?
Me: Yes, but only for, like, third graders.
Mom: But what about the boys your age who play computer games? The so-called "gamers"? They all play educational games.
Me: O.O What?
Mom: I thought it taught them programming skills and computer science and stuff.
Mom: That's not true?
Me: No! They play computer games, not create them.
Mom: Wait, so what kind of games do they play? *horrified tone* The kind that's unproductive and wastes time?!?!?!
Me: Lol yes.
Mom: But but but...I thought the gamers were smart and good students...
Me: They probably are. They just also play games all the time.
Mom: But but but...*is disillusioned*

skits, monkeys, relatives, parents

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