HP reunion!

Nov 03, 2014 15:45

My comment on the HP Reunion roll call post --

Name/LJ Name: saladbats

Favorite HP Character(s): Snape!
Favorite HP Book(s): Half Blood Prince.
Favorite HP Movies(s): (With a little internal head canon editing) Prisoner of Azkaban.
Where were you when you read the last book?: in London at the Sectus con with several people I met through LJ and now have the pleasure of knowing in RL and counting as dear friends. <3
Did you attend any midnight book sales or movie premieres? Did anything memorable happen at them?: I went to midnight releases for all of the movies and most of the books. For the last 2 movies, I was on the road for work. So had to coordinate bringing my Slytherin uniform in my luggage and figuring out where the releases were being held. For Deathly Hallows Part 2, I ended up going by myself to a Regal cinema in Niagara Falls and chatting with some fun folks from nearby Grand Island. Then the next night I saw the movie again at a drive-in under a full moon with fireflies in the shrubs nearby. Magical!

How did you get into the online fandom?: I was on LJ for strict journaling purposes and decided one day to see who else on the site was into this interesting new book series about a boy wizard. And it just exploded from there.
Are you still active in HP fandom?: Yes!
If so, what are your contributions to fandom? Anything exciting you want to tell us about?: I remain an avid reader and ogler of fanart. I do beta now and then. And still contribute to my little part of the fandom, the hpvamp community.
I also get together with local folks as often as I can, often through connections we try to maintain through pacific_slash.

Do you still post on LJ? If not, how long has it been since you posted? Yes, I post probably once every 1-2 weeks. My work schedule is such that I often come home and faceplant rather than get online. But I am still here and try to post as often as possible.

Are you active on other fandom networking sites? No, LJ remains my main place for fandom.

Are you open to having new friends on LJ (Yes/No)? Sure!
If not on LJ, on Twitter, Tumblr, etc? I use FB for connecting with RL people. I don't really like/get the interfaces on any other site.

Excited about the reunion? Please tell us. Gifs are welcome too!
Umm, yes! 8)

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