Reunion Roll Call: Are you here?

Nov 01, 2014 13:19

Hello and welcome to the Harry Potter Fandom Reunion!

If you're just hearing about this now, you can check out the details over here. There are other events going around the fandom, including those for the reunion and also fests happening around fandom right now. Check out the daily_snitch!

Important Note: Anon comments are allowed for all events in this community. You do not have to have an active LJ to partcipate in the reunion.

Let's kick thing off with a fandom roll call!

Under the cut, are some questions to get us started and at the end is a text box you can c&p the roll call into the comment to answer. All questions are optional.

Name/LJ Name:

Favorite HP Character(s):
Favorite HP Book(s):
Favorite HP Movies(s):
Where were you when you read the last book?:
Did you attend any midnight book sales or movie premieres? Did anything memorable happen at them?:

How did you get into the online fandom?:
Are you still active in HP fandom?:
If so, what are your contributions to fandom? Anything exciting you want to tell us about?:

If you're not active in HP fandom, are you active in any other fandom(s)? If so, which?:
What do you miss most about HP fandom?
What was your most memorable experience?

Do you still post on LJ? If not, how long has it been since you posted?

Are you active on other fandom networking sites?

Are you open to having new friends on LJ (Yes/No)?
If not on LJ, on Twitter, Tumblr, etc?

Excited about the reunion? Please tell us. Gifs are welcome too!

Name/LJ Name:

Favorite HP Character(s):
Favorite HP Book(s):
Favorite HP Movies(s):
Where were you when you read the last book?:
Did you attend any midnight book sales or movie premieres? Did anything memorable happen at them?:

How did you get into the online fandom?:
Are you still active in HP fandom?:
If so, what are your contributions to fandom? Anything exciting you want to tell us about?:

If you're not active in HP fandom, are you active in any other fandom(s)? If so, which?:
What do you miss most about HP fandom?
What was your most memorable experience?

Do you still post on LJ? If not, how long has it been since you posted?

Are you active on other fandom networking sites?

Are you open to having new friends on LJ (Yes/No)?
If not on LJ, on Twitter, Tumblr, etc?

Excited about the reunion? Please tell us. Gifs are welcome too!
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