Fic: Unspoken

Aug 04, 2006 22:36

Some anon thought my Sano over at PC was too homosexual. LOLZ.

Title: Unspoken
Fandom: Air Gear
Pairing: YoshiSano
Warning(s): A bit of language and a kiss~ :O
Rating: PG/PG-13
Word Length: ~2,390
Summary: Apologies don't always come out as easily as they should.
Author Notes: This started out as a drabble for metronome, and then it exploded and turned into a fic. 8D; This is written in the polychromatic universe, and events leading up to this include this, this, and this. Writing for this makes me sad for the YoshiSano island currently at PC, as it's sitting at the bottom of the ocean. *puts a giant bandaid on it* >___>;

It’d been a joke.

It was a hot summer night, and the stars - were they really stars? - twinkled high above in the sky. The carousel turned as it always did, and it went tick tock tick tock. The streets were empty, and in the sickly light of neighboring lampposts, the faces of the horses looked ghastly and gruesome. The ride at that point in time would’ve been more suiting for a haunted house than a light-hearted carnival.

A cigarette hung limply from Yoshitsune’s lips; he barely noticed that the thing was nearly burned to the butt. He stared ahead of him, expression blank as he simply stood there waiting. At the last minute, he pulled the cigarette out and away, tossing it to the side with disregard.

His hand reached into his pocket, searching for his little box of death and his lighter. When his fingers closed, however, all they found were candies. Yoshitsune glanced down, noting the different flavors of the Jolly Ranchers he’d just pulled out. He shoved his hand back into his pocket and tried the other one. Same deal.

Well, shit.

Yoshitsune took one of the candies and unwrapped it, popping it into his mouth. They weren’t peppermints, that much was for sure, but for now, they’d have to do. Still, considering what he was about to do, he could’ve done with a few extra smokes. He bit down on the candy, causing it to crack and shatter inside his mouth.

“Where the hell is that fag?” he mumbled. “He better get his ass here before I lose this fucking buzz…”

As if on cue, aforementioned fag appeared by the carousel. His motions weren’t as smooth as usual, and it didn’t take much to figure out that the other was also a bit intoxicated. His expression, however, seemed to show that he was still in control of himself.

Well, it didn’t really matter.

Yoshitsune had promised no booze, and it wasn’t like his cause would be helped if the other were any more buzzed than he already was. He fished out a candy from his pocket and tossed it over. Sano caught it easily and looked at it for a moment before unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth; it was watermelon. A sardonic smile crossed his features before disappearing once more.

And so for a moment, they stood there, silent and unmoving in the warm night air.

“Simca said you had something to say. Something that’s worth my time.” Sano crossed his arms lightly across his chest, gaze directed away from the other. Yoshitsune popped another candy into his mouth. Nope. They definitely weren’t as good as peppermints.

Damn. He’d kill for a cigarette right about now.

His eyes slid shut for a moment as he sucked thoughtfully on the Jolly Rancher. He raised a hand to gently tap his forehead, mind trying to work through the blur of alcohol. How should he start this? How should one go about this delicate business of apologizing? “Yeah, I might’ve said something like that to the bird~”

Sano gave him a look. Yoshitsune caught the glance and held up a single hand in defense. He’d get all of this out, that he would. “Look, Sano. I’ve got a bit of explaining to do,” he started. “It’s one of those ‘long talk’ sort of things.”

The other was listening.

“Care to go on a stroll?” Yoshitsune glanced over at Sano out of the corner of his eye. He gestured toward the street, adding more flourish to the action than was strictly necessary. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

There was a soft huff from the other, but before the Rumble King straightened up, Sano was already walking in the direction he had motioned toward. Yoshitsune gently pressed his fingers against the frame of his glasses, settling them a tad higher on the bridge of his nose. So there was hope for repair.

“You coming or not?” the other asked, voice biting in the otherwise silent street. Sano had slowed and turned to face the other, the soft whir of his ATs growing quiet as he came to a neat stop. Yoshitsune popped another candy in his mouth and strolled over, giving the other man a mildly reproachful look as he walked past.

“You’re taller and you’ve got your ATs on. I don’t think that’s quite fair, Sano~” he said, the corner of his mouth tilting up into a smirk. If he’d have to suffer a blow to his ego by apologizing, Yoshitsune sure as hell was going to do this in a way that he was comfortable with.

For one thing, the word “sorry” wasn’t going to be slipping past his lips tonight.

“Tell me, Sano… Would you have come out to meet me if that bird hadn’t suggested it? If it had only been my invitation?” The Rumble King glanced at Sano out of the corner of his eye, careful to watch the play of expressions on the other’s face. There was a split second of surprise followed quickly by a burst of anger before it finally settled into a look of resignation. That in itself was enough of an answer for Yoshitsune, but he waited for the other to answer verbally.

“Yeah, I would’ve come out.”

From the looks of things, the Iron Clock had wanted to say something else, too, but he had cut himself off before anything else could slip past his lips. Yoshitsune looked away then, hands slipping into his pockets. “Heh. You really wanted those candies, didn’t you?”

He laughed before suddenly throwing a Jolly Rancher at the other. Sano’s hand zipped out, snatching it out of the air with a clenched fist. The other’s expression hadn’t changed, but the action told the Rumble King what he wanted to know: his defenses were still up.

Take it slow, take it slow. Sano was in a fragile state, and with an uncertain mindset, all it would take send him running back into that damn bird’s arms was a single wrong word. Think your words through, Yoshitsune. Think. This would probably be the only chance he’d have to make reparations.

A rather awkward silence had fallen between them now, and they had come to a standstill once again. The Iron Clock had his arms loosely folded across his chest - an oddly protective posture for the other - while Yoshitsune had his hands in his pockets, fingers curling around the numerous candies there. Their shadows stretched far down the street, and for a second, it seemed like the black shapes had moved of their own accord.

One never knew what could and would happen in the City.

“I like to tease, Sano~” Yoshitsune finally said, a hand rising to pull away his glasses. He looked at them, studied them for a second, before pushing them back on. “In my comments, face-to-face conversation, and…” He paused, gaze sliding over to settle on the other. “…in bed, of course.”

No reaction.

“But it doesn’t always come across that way.” The Rumble King resumed walking then, hand going into his pocket to fish out another candy. From the sounds of things, Sano still hadn’t moved from his spot, and for just a second, Yoshitsune worried that he had lost the other. However, when he was a few steps away, the gentle hum of ATs could be heard again.

It took just a matter of seconds for Sano to catch up to him, and then they were walking side by side again. Silence fell between them again, and Yoshitsune turned away slightly as he tried to think of the next step to take. He reached into his pocket before tossing another candy in Sano’s direction again.

His eyes followed the beeline the Jolly Rancher took through the air and narrowed slightly when again, a hand seemingly appeared out of thin air to grab the candy. The Iron Clock’s speed was well-known, but it certainly wasn’t something he used all the time. Yoshitsune could remember times when he threw things at Sano, and his catch had never been quite that… offensive in nature.

“I don’t keep the company of idiots,” he started again, gaze shifting away from the other to settle on a point further down the street. Yoshitsune fished out a candy for himself and took his time unwrapping it. After popping it into his mouth, he sucked on it thoughtfully for a second before looking at the other. “I expect people to understand what I’m saying and to read between the lines.”

“But sometimes your lines are blurred.” The Iron Clock unwrapped the last candy tossed to him. “Either that, or the meanings that you project are different from the ones you intend.”

So the other wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet. Yoshitsune nodded his head slowly in response, acknowledging Sano’s point. It was understandable for him to act that way, seeing what the offense had been, but an inkling of annoyance appeared in the Rumble King’s mind. For the moment, however, he ground it out of his thoughts.

“That… might be the case. Though, that might just be because you’re making assumptions about me.”

“I make assumptions because I assume I know your character to enough to do so, but I guess I don’t really know you.”

That was, apparently, the wrong thing to say. Yoshitsune popped another Jolly Rancher into his mouth, cracking it quickly and munching rather angrily on the pieces. He’d put Sano on the defensive, and walls certainly didn’t need to be put up again. Yoshitsune cursed softly under his breath before taking a single step closer to the other, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Sano tensed visibly under his touch. The Rumble King narrowed his eyes slightly before giving the other’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he murmured. Yoshitsune pulled his hand away. “That’s not my goal at least.”

“Then what is your goal? Humiliate and use me? If that’s it, you’ve already done it.” While the words carried force, the expression on the other’s face didn’t share it. There it was, that look of fragility that could stop Yoshitsune in his tracks. The Rumble King grit his teeth and looked away, unwilling to face him like that.

Fucking soft spot. Dammit to hell.

He wasn’t giving up that word. He wasn’t going to let his pride take a blow of that degree. That stupid fag wasn’t going to drag something like that from his lips, not with a look like that. The Rumble King wasn’t going to be bought with pity or guilt, oh no.

“I…” Yoshitsune rounded on the other, expression twisting as his temper came dangerously close to exploding. Sano was just looking back at him, that same expression on his face. What was he? Some wounded puppy? Yoshitsune scowled. “Just fucking listen to me, faggot.”

“I’m listening. I’ve been listening and I understand where you’re coming from.”

“Then I don’t need to continue explaining myself.” The Rumble King moved to lean against the wall of an adjacent building, arms folding behind his head. The nice buzz he had had earlier was disappearing fast, and without any cigarettes, Yoshitsune wasn’t entirely sure how much longer he’d last before giving up on this endeavor. “If you understand, then we’re all set.”

“I want you to actually say you’re sorry.”

Yoshitsune made a soft sound of disapproval before letting his hands fall back into his pockets. His head tilted slightly to the side, and his eyes focused on the ground. His fingers closed around a candy, and with a quick flick, he sent the candy over at Sano, aiming purposely at the other’s head this time.

But unlike the previous times that night, the Iron Clock didn’t reach up to grab it like a snake striking its prey. Instead, his hand rose almost slowly and closed gently around the candy as it neared his cheek. Sano pocketed the Jolly Rancher and walked over to stand in front the Rumble King. “Is it that difficult for you to apologize?”

Yoshitsune carefully kept his gaze away from the other. He wasn’t going to answer that question, and he certainly wasn’t going to give in to the other’s demands. This wasn’t working the way he had planned it out, dammit. Sano was supposed to understand and just let it slide; there wasn’t supposed to be any of this demanding an apology crap. He opened his mouth to speak, but the other suddenly leaned in, pressing a swift kiss to his lips.

“That wouldn’t be your style, would it?” Sano said softly as he drew away. He smiled at him before turning around to face the way they had come from. “I forgive you but only because I…” He paused, not finishing his sentence. “Never mind. Just know that I do forgive you for what you did.”

The Rumble King simply stared at the other for a second. What with how this was going, it seemed almost as if this little chat was going to be unsuccessful. However, it seemed like Sano was already wrapped around his little finger; the other really didn’t want him to go. This… this could be useful in the future.

“I’m glad to hear we see eye-to-eye - glasses-to-glasses, Sano~” Yoshitsune pushed himself away from the wall and took a few steps closer to the other, lips curling into a smirk. No, he wasn’t going to return immediately to making gay jabs at the other, but the time to be annoyingly nice had passed. “Say~ Why don’t you come back to my place tonight?”

A questioning look appeared on the Iron Clock’s face.

“To discuss things like growing up to be Mario or… your glasses,” Yoshitsune quickly responded. He closed the distance between them and placed a hand on Sano’s shoulder, noting how the other didn’t flinch this time around. The Rumble King kept his hand there for a second, fingers squeezing gently. He could still say it now. It wouldn’t be too late.

He couldn’t do it.

Yoshitsune pulled his hand away to reach into his pocket and pop another candy into his mouth. He yawned and shrugged his shoulders. “We can do whatever you want. I just really need a cigarette,” he said. “Your call, buddy.”

Sano smiled and nodded in reply.
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