Fic: A Lover's Tale

Aug 02, 2006 00:41

Once you pop, you just can't stop. ._.; This bunny literally ATTACKED me, and my muse demanded some writing to get done. D:

Title: A Lover's Tale
Fandom: Original
Pairing: N/A
Warning(s): A smidgen of language, suicide, murder, and a tiny mentioning of sex.
Rating: PG-13/R
Word Length: ~1,199
Summary: It's the beginning of the end, this lover's tale.
Author Notes: This is not written in my normal style, and I think it could be really annoying to read for some people. I abuse repetition like a total whore, and yeah, let's just say that I take grammar for a ride in artistic license land. Sorta. 8D;;; Bonus points to anyone who can figure out why there are four parts to this piece. :x


It’s all over the television, kid. It’s all over, all over, all over. The game’s up, and there are sirens outside your door. Can’t you hear them coming? The lights, they flash, turning, turning, turning. Your paper-thin blinds can’t hide you now.

They’re after you, kid. They want to give you a nice pair of silver bracelets, kid.

They’re pounding on your door now. Yeah, that’s the harsh sound you hear, mixed in with their shouts. They know you’re in here, kid. There’s nowhere to run, kid. Can you hear them cocking their guns? Can you hear the orders being given out?

So what are you going to do?

Your hands are still shaking, trembling from what you did. Their blood, it’s still there, isn’t it? It’s glued your hands to that cold steel, that cold, killing steel. It’s heavy in your hands, ain’t it? Ain’t it?

You get on your hands and knees. You beg for forgiveness. But from who? Who are you asking? Who are you calling? Who who who? Who’ll hear your cries and care? The ones that can sure don’t give a damn. Yeah, yeah. Apologize all you want, kid. There ain’t no going back.

The safety’s back, and that muzzle’s found a good home under your chin, under your chin. Can you do it? Can you do it, kid? Can you pull the trigger? They’re getting closer, you know. They’ll find you soon. Soon. It’s only a matter of time, and the seconds keep ticking away. What are you going to do?


It’s all over, kid. It’s all over. The game’s up, the game’s over.


So anger got the best of you, kid? It’s made you see red, red, blood red. You can’t take it, can you? You can’t take the pressure, always pushing, always pressing, always there against you. You can’t take it, so you’ve snapped. You’ve lost it, and there ain’t no getting it back.

The lock isn’t anything you can’t handle. Yeah, yeah. You’ve scoped this place out, you’ve planned your moves. Locks, doors - they’re nothing but paper waiting to be punched through by your will. Go go go and claim your prize. Yeah, your prize, drizzled with blood, covered with the smell of gunpowder.


He’s down. The man’s down with a clean bullet to his head. He falls to the ground without a sound save for the heavy thud of dead weight. She screams. Oh yeah, she screams.

That’s never sounded quite so beautiful before.

She’s calling you names, kid. Calling you names. She’s white, paper white with fear, and you can smell it in her sweat, see it in her eyes. She doesn’t understand, kid. She doesn’t understand why you’re doing this, even with the reason lying dead at the door.

Give her a warm smile, give her a second of hope. Say sweet nothings in her ear, tell her how much you love her, how much you want her… want her dead. You tap the muzzled against her forehead once, twice, thrice. She’s shaking, shaking, shaking, and all you can do is laugh, laugh, laugh.


The room’s gone quiet, kid. Silent, like a tomb. Dead silent. But what’s this? Your breathing’s gotten quicker, quicker, quicker. You’re shaking, kid. You’re trembling, kid. Stop it. Get it a grip. You gotta run, kid. You gotta get going, kid.

The blood’s sticky, yeah. The gun’s stuck to your hands. Stuck, stuck, stuck. Can you get it off, kid? Can you get it off?


That’s a nice bouquet you’ve got there, kid: roses a fine shade of red, red, passionate red and carnations a pure white, white, pristine white. Yeah, yeah. They make you think of her, your Snow White, your perfect angel, your one and only. The very thought of her brings a smile, a blush to your face. You can’t get her off your mind, can’t get her off your mind.

You dream, you daydream, you think, you breath, you need her. Her her her. It’s all about her.

You’ve got a good idea here, kid. You’ve got a good heart, kid. A surprise for her, just for her. She’ll never expect it, she’ll never think of you to stop by. Never, never, oh yeah, never. It’ll be the best thing to happen to her, and everything will go according to plan, your grand master plan

So what are you waiting for, kid? Go in, go in. No need to knock, you’ve got the key. Yeah, yeah. You’ve got the key. You slip it in the lock all quiet-like, all silent-like, and you press your ear to the door to listen for a sign, a sign she’s heard.

There’s nothing, nothing at all, and it brings a smile to your lips. They’ve just tilted upwards when there’s a sound, a loud sound that makes your stomach curl and twist, curl and twist. A groan, a moan, a sigh, a pant. Your eyes are wide, kid. Real wide, like plates, saucers.

Curiosity killed the cat, and curiosity’ll kill your humanity. Stop, kid. Don’t go in, kid. What are you doing? Why’s your hand on the doorknob? Why’s your wrist turning? Why’s your foot stepping forward? Stop stop stop. Don’t do it, don’t do it.

You've done it now, kid.

Your Snow White. Your whore. Your perfect angel. Your slut. Your one and only. Your harlot. Yeah, yeah. She’s there, she’s there, but who is he, the one who draws out such sounds from your, his, your, his, your…

Who is he, the one who draws out such sounds from her?

She doesn’t notice. No, no, she doesn’t notice you coming in, flowers dropping all over the floor. She loves you, she loves you not, she loves you, she loves you not. Where will it stop, kid? What’ll be the last flower that falls?

She loves you not.

They finally see you, standing in the hall, standing with an empty bouquet, a plastic wrapping of air and broken hearts. Yeah, yeah. They see you standing there, and they laugh, laugh, laugh. They laugh at you. At you.

Turn around, kid. Turn around, turn around. Walk away, kid. Walk away, walk away.


Who is she? Who is she, kid? Yeah, yeah, who’s the girl who’s caught your attention? Is she a pretty thing, a lovely thing, a darling thing, an innocent thing?

Your eyes, they follow her, don’t they? They follow her steps, her movements. You’ve watched her from afar, but you’ve yet to speak with her. What are you waiting for, kid? What are you waiting for? Go on, go on. Meet her, speak to her, get to know her.

That’s it, kid. On your feet, kid. Take a step, and then take another. And another, another, another. Don’t back down now, don’t lose your nerve. You can do this, kid. Just another step and you’re there, there, there. Yeah, yeah. You’re by her now, and she turns her pretty head to give you a smile.

She says hello to you, to you. Say something, kid. Open up your mouth and speak, kid. Start something, start a story, start a tale. Start a lover’s tale.
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