A Deal's a Deal: Part V

Nov 22, 2012 21:17

Title: A Deal’s a Deal Part V
Author: sajaal
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Casey Hughes, Henry Coleman, Noah Mayer, Katie Snyder mentioning of other ATWT characters and some others that I’ve added for the fun of it.
 Rating: Pg 13-R,

Disclaimers: Not mine I mean no harm.  All mistakes are mine and I apologize for my editing skillsJ

Summary:  Luke has made a deal with Reid to stay away from him at the hospital, but it’s not working and they end up spending more time together.

A/N:  I’ve decided to continue with this one, there's a lot of history but I’m adding a few new characters and changing some of the events (for the better LOL), I hope you enjoy my take on the beginning of LUREJ  A big shout out to lemondrop for helping me with my focus…I now know where it’s going to end so enjoy the journey.

Part V

“Can I help you?” Jessy had asked as Reid walked in.

“I swear this town is one of those “Land that Time Forgot” places, I haven’t seen a bookstore like this since I was kid growing up,” Reid marveled looking up and down the bookshelves in the dim lighting.

“I like to call it quaint,” Jessy said with a smile, “How may I help you?”

Reid shook his head, “Quaint, figures is the word someone would use is this rabbit hole I’ve fallen into,” he looked intently at the gentleman about ten years older than himself, he had long light brown hair that hit the tops of his shoulders, he reminded Reid of Owen Wilson the same height with that little crook and bump on the top of his nose and his eyes were a hazel green.

“If you don’t like it why don’t you leave?” Jessy asked confused at this man’s rude behavior and evident perusal, he smiled to himself, Ken always told him how hot he was and he was happy to see he still had it.

“I am finally, after being blackmailed, forced by the law to stay here and a miraculous surgery to perform,” Reid replied caustically.

Jessy’s mouth gaped open trying to process that information and he finally found his voice, “Well how can I help you?”

“Do you carry any medical journals or recent books from the last decade?” Reid asked with an exaggerated sigh, this town was so crazy he couldn’t wait to get back to Dallas and something closer to civilization, and away from a certain someone, “Then why did you follow him into the bookstore?” a little voice asked in his head and he shook it away.

Jessy laughed and replied, “Anything you want in particular?  We actually stock some medical books and journals for the students at the college and if we don’t have it in we usually order it and we have it the next day, but your leaving today so you’ll have to make do with what we have.”

Reid actually gave Jessy a tiny smile and rhymed off a list of journals and books, they actually had one journal available and an older book that Reid had been searching for when he was in Dallas.

“Your little bookstore impresses me, Mr?” Reid said flirtatiously and he let the question hang.

“Duncan, Jessy Duncan, we try to have a wide array of books, in a small town like this you need to have all kinds,” Jessy explained to Reid.

As Reid walked to the door he heard Jessy call, “Hey Luke, did you find what you were looking for?”

Luke came down the stairs he had been waiting for Reid to go before he came down, “Yeah, Jessy, thanks, Natalie will be so happy to get this book,” Luke told him paying for Natalie’s book and a paperback and hardcover book for himself, he put the paperback and Natalie’s book in the cloth bag that Jessy gave him and held the hardcover in his hand, he wasn’t sure when he would get a chance to actually read them.

“So I’ll see you this weekend?” Jessy asked as Luke walked towards the little hall to the door.

“I’ll try to make it Jess, thanks,” Luke told him as he rounded the corner towards the door.

He gasped as he saw Reid with his hand on the door handle, “Shit, he had not heard the bells chime so Reid must have overheard what Jessy had said,” Luke thought.

“Mr. Snyder,” Reid said smugly as they walked onto the sidewalk.

“Dr. Oliver,” Luke replied as he walked the other way.

“I think he’s a little old for you don’t you think?” Reid asked snidely at Luke’s back, “Noah hasn’t even left yet and you’re making plans with someone else, I thought that Noah is the love of your life.”

Luke stopped and turned, “I don’t think that it’s any of your business Dr. Oliver.”

Reid arched an eyebrow at him and replied with a smirk, “You seem to be racking up the men in this town, Noah, Casey and now this Jessy guy, I didn’t think that you were like that.”

Luke shrugged he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of explaining his personal life to Dr. Reid Oliver, “Jealous?” he asked instead, “Did you want to ask Jessy out yourself?  I guess you’re a little closer in age.”

Reid narrowed his eyes at Luke, what a bratty shit this kid was, he walked up to Luke until they were standing toe to toe.  This time Luke did not back away but held his ground as Reid came face to face with him.

“Maybe I am,” he said his breathe tickling Luke’s face and the he turned and walked away.

As he rounded the corner Luke finally let out his breath, thank god he was holding the book in front of his crotch or Reid would’ve seen the prominent bulge pushing against the zipper of his jeans, “Why does he do this to me?” he groaned softly.

Then he heard the voice again, “You only have to ask Mr. Snyder,”

Luke shook his head and turned towards the voice, “Maybe if you learn my first name,” he challenged in return.

“There you are,” Katie said to Reid as he almost collided with Jacob’s stroller.

“Hey Blondie,” Reid said breathlessly the encounter with Luke knocking him off kilter again.

“I have something for you,” Katie told him handing him a small box.

Luke had heard Katie’s voice and peered around the corner watching Reid open the box and laugh as he lifted out a key chain with a tiny pair of handcuffs.

“I got something for you too, but it’s not wrapped,” Reid told her handing Katie a business card.

Katie took it and laughed, “A business card Reid, you shouldn’t have.”

“Turn it over, that’s my pager number only the hospital has it and now you, call me anytime you need to and please try to get help and not do everything yourself,” he told her and Katie leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

“Okay, Mr. Snyder you can stop eavesdropping,” Reid told him snarkily.

Katie looked over but her phone rang before she could say anything, she came back a few seconds later, “I need to go but I’ll see you before you leave,” she told Reid, “Bye, Luke,” she added.

Reid’s phone rang next and he rolled his eyes as he heard the news, “Fuck, I can’t even get out of this god forsaken town,” he mumbled, “I need a drink.’

“Problems Dr. Oliver?” Luke asked pleasantly.

“Not that it’s any of your business but the plane is delayed, which is not a surprise even the airport is incompetent in this town,” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose and getting up to leave.

Luke followed as Reid walked towards the Lakeview he was sitting at the bar when Luke came up to him.

“Uhm,” Luke started hesitantly, “You could use my jet and then you and Noah could leave whenever you’re ready,” Luke suggested helpfully.

“No, Mr. Snyder,” Reid sighed moving to sit down in one of the comfy chairs in the lounge area.

“Ah, c’mon why won’t you let me help you?” Luke persisted sitting in the chair across from Reid.

“You’re sitting down, why can’t you get this straight, I don’t want your jet and I don’t want your help” Reid told Luke emphatically, “I’ve got to get of here,” he thought hoping Luke wouldn’t see his arousal from Luke’s unwanted attention.

“You know at first I thought you were antagonistic because of the blackmail and then because Noah and I are gay, but you’re gay so I don’t get it why don’t you want my help?” Luke spluttered, he was genuinely perplexed and couldn’t figure out why Reid wouldn’t take the jet when he couldn’t wait to leave town.

Katie’s phone call to Reid prevented any more discussion and Reid excused himself telling Luke to just leave him alone.  Luke watched open mouthed as he left, and picked up his bag of books and headed to his mom’s house.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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