The Boys in Boston (One-shot)

Nov 20, 2012 22:17

Title: The Boys in Boston: Thanksgiving 
Author: sajaal
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Natalie Snyder, mentioning of other ATWT characters and some that are not.
 Rating: Pg 13-R,
Disclaimers: Not mine I mean no harm.  All mistakes are mine and apologize for my editing skillsJ
A/N: I decided to write a one-shot of our boys in Boston taking a glimpse at Luke and Reid a year later after they meet in "We were only Freshmen", this goes out to everyone who wanted to see how the boys are doing and to anyone interested in some LURE and I wish those enjoying Thanksgiving this week a very happy and safe one:)

The Boys in Boston: A glimpse into the lives of Luke and Reid after “We were only Freshmen”

Thanksgiving a Year Later:

“Jesus Luke this is hard,” Reid was sweating, and his arms were aching with exertion, this is not how he expected to spend Thanksgiving, he had hoped that he and Luke could sneak out to the cabin but Emma had other ideas and had decided that Reid and Luke should help her in the kitchen and do the honors of massacring the Hubbard Squash.

“I know for a fact that you like it hard,” Luke whispered devilishly in Reid’s ear, he was enjoying Reid with the huge knife trying to cut through the squash.

“Honestly Luke, I need power tools or an axe this machete it not doing it for me, and don’t say it,” he chastised knowing that Luke would once again make comparisons to their off the charts sexcapades.

After a year together they were still unable to keep their hands off one another for even one day, they worked hard and they played harder, at least once a day if they saw each other they would get each other off, whether by hand, mouth or other means.  They had mastered the art of having sex in Reid’s and Luke’s office’s, quickies and lots of air fresheners, when they stopped using condoms it was pretty crazy and Ester and Natalie had both almost walked in on them as they were too hasty and forgot to lock the door.

The past year hadn’t been complete sunshine and roses for these two intense personalities the house they purchased needed a complete over hall of the kitchen and upstairs ensuite bathroom to suit the taste’s of Luciano Grimaldi.  Reid was amazed at the skills of negotiation Luke had and his ability to tell people what he wanted firmly and then with a smile that made them nod their heads in agreement even though he had told them that he wasn’t happy with what they did.

“How do you do that?” Reid would ask in awe, “When I tell someone they did something wrong they usually get teary eyed or angry and stomp away.  You tell someone that their work is shit and clean it up and they’re all smiles and say of course Mr. Snyder we’ll fix that right away.”

Luke would laugh and shake his always too long blonde hair and reply, “Don’t you know Dr. Oliver it’s all in the delivery,” he would smirk and then back Reid into the nearest wall and show him just how good he was at delivering.

Reid would chuckle after Luke was done with him and remind him that he never actually answered his question but was really good at distraction.

“Distraction, negotiation, what’s the difference?” Luke would ask sauntering away and giving Reid a good look at his delectable ass, which of course would distract Reid again and he would chase Luke into the closest room, and do some negotiations of his own.

The biggest fight if you want to call it that had happened the weekend before they headed to Oakdale for Thanksgiving at the farm.  Luke’s old fuck buddy from college had come by with his partner Liam on there way to Liam’s family in LA, Kevin wanted to spend the weekend in Boston meeting up with some old friends before heading to LA for the rest of the week.

Kevin and Liam worked in London and would travel back to the states a few times during the year to visit family and friends.  Reid wasn’t too impressed with the potential visit especially when Luke invited them to stay in one of their guestrooms.

“Luke, I don’t think it’s a good idea that a former bed-pal is coming to stay with us,” Reid had told him, he was feeling very vulnerable.

Luke was being a little too oblivious about this one, and Natalie finally pointed it out to him quite bluntly.

“Luke, you’ve never met anyone with personal history with Reid and Reid has never met anyone who has had a personal history with you, we won’t count Noah, and your history with Kevin is pretty intense, you guys screwed around together for years,” Natalie told him one evening when Luke was complaining about Reid acting weird with Kevin and Liam coming over.

“Jeez Nat, a little more subtle please, but remember, Nat, I didn’t love Kevin, he was just an ends to a means at the time, we were just friends and we are still just friends,” Luke tried to explain, trying to convince himself that he could handle seeing Kevin again now that he was with Reid, he had strong feelings for Kevin but not like his feelings for Reid, he loved Reid.

“I don’t want you jeopardizing what you have with Reid, and having Kevin and Liam staying with you might be too much for Reid,” Natalie tried to explain, she knew Reid and how he could be around situations that made him uncomfortable, and she really didn’t want to interfere with her brother’s life but she figured she should at least warn him.

“Thanks Nat, I know you’re just looking out for me and Reid, but we’re fine, he has nothing to worry about, I love him and nobody else, there never could be anyone else, besides Liam and Kevin are solid,”

Luke told Natalie, not aware that it wasn’t as smooth sailing as he had thought, Kevin and Liam had been together for five years and they were going through a rough patch.

“Man, Luke you’re looking awesome,” Kevin said as he enveloped Luke in a huge hug, he was a few inches taller than Luke, with a wiry build and short dark brown hair, he looked like Adam Levine and had piercing brown eyes, that gave Reid a once over that Reid felt to his toes.

“Shit,” Reid thought, “This guy is like sex on a stick, no wonder Luke hung with him for so many years.”

“You must be the one who finally caught our Mr. Snyder’s heart, I tried but he was happy with something else from me and it wasn’t my heart,” Kevin said smoothly.

Reid held out his hand and gave him a smirk, “Yeah, I get the heart as well as the rest of the package.”

“Touché, Dr. Oliver, touché,” Kevin replied sardonically, quirking an eyebrow at him in a mock challenge, or was it.

“Hey Luke it’s great to see you,” Liam said from behind, Liam was smaller about 5’9” with sandy brown hair and beautiful green eyes that seemed to twinkle with mischief, he was completely adorable, he was solidly built but was filled with charm, he reminded Reid of a younger Robert Downey Jr., with lighter hair.

Luke pulled Liam into a hug and turned to introduce Reid, “Liam McIntyre, meet Dr. Reid Oliver, my boyfriend,” Luke said proudly, he was always amazed at how easy it rolled off his tongue, my boyfriend.

Reid put out his hand to shake Liam’s, but Liam pulled him in to a hug and whispered in his ear, “Kevin is being a total dick, so ignore him.”

Reid smiled at the words and replied, “Good to know.”

It was late on Friday evening so the boys went back to Luke and Reid’s house for something to eat before heading to bed.

“I love your house, Luke,” Liam told him, Liam was an architect and loved the old period house and its unique features that Luke had tried to maintain through the renovation.

The kitchen was large with beautiful grey-white granite counter tops with black cupboards and stainless steel appliances.

“What’s with the massive fridge?” Kevin asked looking at a refrigerator that you would usually see in a restaurant.

“Reid likes to eat,” Luke replied with a knowing look at Reid.

“I’m sure he does,” Kevin replied quietly, once again staring intently at Reid.

Reid cleared his throat and said, “Sorry I can’t stay up guys, I have early rounds tomorrow, so I’ll see you later on in the day.”

Luke went over to Reid and gave him a soft kiss, “I’ll be up in a bit.”

Liam went over to Kevin and said, “I’m beat baby, I’m going to bed as well, are you coming?” he asked softly.

“Uh, no Liam, I’m going to hang with Luke for awhile,” Kevin told Liam, looking a way and not meeting his gaze.

Liam gave a defeated shrug, and gave Kevin a chaste kiss on the cheek, before following Reid upstairs.

Luke’s gaze followed Liam out of the room and he turned to Kevin and lifted an eyebrow in question at the tension he felt coming off the men.

“Not going there Snyder,” Kevin said tightly, rubbing a hand through his short dark hair.

“Okay, but I have some papers to grade but you’re welcome to join me in the study as I work,” Luke suggested as he went over to the study and opened the double doors.

“Wow Luke, this room is amazing, look at that terrace and the fireplace, what a wonderful place to work in,” Kevin said a little in awe over the beautiful room.

Luke chuckled remembering how he only looked at this room and he wanted the house, he didn’t care what the rest of the house looked like, he would change it and he did, but this was the house for him and Reid.

A few hours later, Luke had completed his marking and Kevin had caught him up in all of his drama at the financial institution he worked at in London, it wasn’t until Luke was getting ready for bed that he realized that Kevin had barely mentioned Liam’s name in those few hours, something was definitely going on.  He climbed into his huge bed and smiled as he saw Reid, he was on his stomach, his faced smashed into the pillow and drool running from the corner of his mouth Luke couldn’t have loved him more seeing that beautiful face relaxed in sleep.  He knew Reid wouldn’t wake up and pulled him onto his side so Luke could spoon in behind him, this is how they always slept, because Reid wasn’t a cuddler.

Reid had already left when Luke awoke late the next morning, Liam was downstairs with the coffee on and pancakes cooking on the stove.

“I hope you don’t mind Luke, but Reid showed me where everything was so I started to make breakfast,” Liam told Luke with a sunny smile.

“What time was that?” Luke asked, Reid was usually up at 6 am and out the door half an hour later.

“I couldn’t sleep with the time change and I’ve been up prowling around since 5 am, I love your den by the way, I helped myself to your library,” Liam explained to Luke and then added, “So when are you going to start writing again?”

Luke looked up at him startled by the question, he had sent a copy of Lily and Rose to Kevin but he figured that he never read it, Kevin wasn’t a big reader, “I guess you read it,” Luke stated.

“Yes, I did and for a first novel it was great Luke and I’m sure the next one will even be better,” Liam told him honestly.

“Right now I’m focused on work and Reid, which doesn’t leave much time but I’m sure I’ll start again, it is an all encompassing process and I may need to take a leave of absence for a semester to really do it right,” Luke explained to Liam, then he asked, “So how are you and Kevin doing, what have you two been up to?”

“Oh I figured you guys were caught up on all our goings on last night,” Liam turned away from Luke and said quietly, not letting Luke see the emotions of pain and hurt cross his face.

Kevin, finally made an appearance looking delectable in a pair of sleep pants that were slung low on his hip bones showing off the tattoos on his arms, chest, shoulders and back.

“Good morning sweetheart,” he said to Liam, giving him a soft kiss and rubbing his pelvis suggestively against his hip.

“Morning,” Liam said softly returning the kiss and slapping Kevin gently on his ass.

A frown crossed Kevin’s face for a second before he looked over at Luke, “Morning Snyder.”

“Hey, Kevin did you sleep well?” Luke asked, he remembered most of the tattoos but the one on his chest above his heart made him smile, Liam was written in Gaelic and Luke thought of maybe getting another one himself but he would wait until he asked Reid, maybe Valentine’s day.

Luke went out with the guys after breakfast, he needed to pick up a few things to bring back to Oakdale and left them after lunch and made his way back home.  He had more papers to grade and a seminar still scheduled on the Monday before school was let out for the Thanksgiving break.  At 5 pm he heard the key in the lock and the door open and knew that Reid had come in, Reid was finishing up some extra work since he was heading out with Luke on Wednesday to Oakdale and had a number of administrative duties to complete.

He walked into the study, smiling at Luke lounging on the large overstuffed couch, papers across his lap and a pencil stuck behind his ear, he walked over bending to plant one on his man, more than 24 hours had gone by and he needed Luke, it was like the air he breathed now.  Luke moaned pulling Reid closer and almost dumping him on his lap but Reid pulled back, “Upstairs now, I don’t want to be interrupted,” he growled seductively and turned, letting Luke watch his cute butt walk away.

Luke almost dumped his papers on the floor, but then thought, I’m an adult not a horny teen, and he stacked the papers, kind of neatly and ran after Reid who had already made it to the bedroom, and started removing his clothing as he walked across the room.

Luke ran into the doorway and stopped to admire the man in front of him, even at forty Reid was a specimen to be admired, he wasn’t tall, but he was muscled and firm in all the right places.  Luke walked in a closed the door, pulling his sweater over his head he unbuckled his belt and the top button and then stopped.

“Where do you want me Oliver?” he asked, they still took turns topping and bottoming but Luke wanted to let Reid be in control this time, he knew he had asked a lot of Reid letting Kevin and Liam stay and he wanted to let Reid know how much he appreciated it.

Reid crooked his finger at Luke and motioned him to come to him, Luke stood in front of him and Reid pushed him down on the bed, crawling up between his legs, tugging the jeans down and mouthing his straining cock through Luke’s tight jockey shorts.  Luke moaned again as Reid gently pulled the waistband down of the shorts, trying not to catch Luke’s cock which was full and not being cooperative.

Reid chuckled and Luke shivered feeling the air from his mouth brush the tip of his cock that had a small drop at the end, “Miss me Snyder,” Reid smirked and gulped it down with one quick motion.

“Reid,” Luke yelled, holy hell but Reid gave the best blow jobs and Luke was shaking his head back and forth on the pillow, he was never going to get bored of this.  After a few minutes of ecstasy and before Luke was going to come, he pulled Reid’s head up, “Fuck me baby please,” he said breathlessly.

Reid smiled kissing him senseless and then pulled his jeans and shorts off, his eyes never leaving Luke’s as he reached over for the lube and thrust two slicked fingers in, with their active sex life it didn’t take much time to prepare, and although they had skipped using lube a few times, they knew that using the lube made sense and they had regretted it when they hastily decided they didn’t need it.  Before Luke could think Reid had sunk in balls deep and began to thrust knowing exactly the right angle to hit Luke’s prostrate, and how to move slowly and enjoy the feel of one another.

“Mio dios, Reid, grazie bambino,” he moaned in pleasure.

Reid looked down at his blonde angel watching his beautiful brown eyes flutter then close and his neck was tilted back in a wanton display, his mouth was slightly open and he was breathing hard and it was the most amazing thing Reid had ever seen and he wanted to be able to see that look on Luke’s face for years to come.  He picked up the pace and watched as Luke’s breath became more erratic and the Italian words fell from his lips, making Reid work harder, those words were so hot and Reid loved to hear them.

“Come for me baby,” Reid murmured as he grabbed Luke’s neglected cock and stroked hard once, twice just rubbing the edge under the crown and then Luke was swearing in Italian as his orgasm rocked him.

Reid followed, filling Luke up, the feeling of being bare inside Luke was indescribable and he stayed in as long as he could, the small pulses from himself and Luke making him jerk with sensitivity, as his cock finally softened and shrunk, sliding out of Luke.  He loved the connection and sometimes when they took each other from behind on their sides they tried to remain connected as they slept.

Luke looked over at Reid and smiled, pulling him in for a kiss, “That as always was amazing Dr. Oliver,” Luke teased.

“I aim to please Professor Snyder, but only you,” Reid replied pulling Luke up and they went together into the shower.

They heard angry voices in the foyer when they came out of their room after they were dressed, Kevin looked up and smirked seeing the blissed out look on Luke’s face and the relaxed look on Reid’s, he sighed inwardly wondering where that time had gone for he and Liam.  All they seemed to do was argue, ever since, and Kevin stopped he wasn’t going there again it was too much he was here to enjoy the company of his friend Luke.

Kevin and Liam freshened up and then the guys went out to a local restaurant famous for it’s chicken wings, Reid smiled at Luke, remembering one of their first dates at this restaurant, when they had to re-think their night time activities since blow jobs were out of the question after some hot chicken wings.  Luke returned the smile and mouthed to Reid “No BJ’s, tonight baby,” and gave him a kiss.

Dinner was good but Kevin was drinking a lot and becoming more and more obnoxious and rude to Liam, Liam just sat stone faced when Kevin taunted, but was all smiles for Reid and Luke.  It was around 11 pm when Reid’s pager went off and he had to head to the hospital for a neurotrauma.

“Does that happen often?” Liam asked Luke as Reid gave him a quick kiss and ran out the door.

“Yep, it’s interrupted us many times in many situations,” Luke chuckled, “But Reid’s the best and he helps people and I wouldn’t want him to do anything else.

“Wow, you really are in love aren’t you,” Liam said wistfully, watching Kevin chat up one of the guys behind the bar, they really needed to get things sorted out or they would end up hating each other.

Luke and Liam finally were able to drag Kevin from the bar around 1 am and he was drunk and whiny and a pain in the ass, Liam and Luke dumped him on the guest bed and Luke said, he’s all yours and headed to his room.  He heard his phone vibrate on the night table a half an hour later, a text from Reid telling him he was on his way home.

Luke wasn’t sure if he had fallen asleep but he awoke to a pair of warm arms encircling his shoulders and then moving down to stroke his half hard cock.  He didn’t turn but murmured, “Reid,” and relaxed as he felt a nose nuzzle his neck and soft lips kiss his hairline.

“Luke,” he bolted upright in the bed, seeing Reid standing in the doorway, he turned to see Kevin behind him.

“What the fuck Kevin? What are you doing here?” he yelled, he turned to see Reid walk away and jumped from the bed glaring at Kevin.

He ran down the stairs but Reid had already left, the squeal of his tires as he raced down the street, “Reid,” Luke screamed again, tears streaming down his face.

He went back upstairs to find Liam sitting with Kevin, Kevin was crying on Liam’s shoulder and Liam was rubbing small circles on his back.  Luke came in watching the scene and knowing that this was something that had been brewing for a while.

Kevin looked up at Luke, his tear stained face so sad and so lost, “Jesus, Luke I’m so sorry, I don’t know what to say, I just brought our shit into your life, I’m so sorry,” he cried, turning back into Liam’s shoulder, “I’m so sorry baby, you know I love you and only you.”

Liam nodded and pulled Kevin up, “We’ll be downstairs in the kitchen, with a big glass of water and some pain killers, come down and we’ll explain,” Liam told Luke as they passed by.

Luke’s phone vibrated on the side table and Luke picked it up seeing a text from Shelley, “WTF, Reid is here and he’s a mess, babbling about you cheating on him with your old buddy????”

Luke let out a big breath and texted back, “Sorry Shelley, huge misunderstanding, I DID NOT CHEAT ON REID!!!!”

His phone rang and John was on the other end, he and Shelley had been living together since the spring and were planning to get married the next May, “Hey, Luke so what do I tell the mess I have in my living room?” he asked.

“Just tell him I love him and I know it looks bad,” Luke said to John and explained what Reid had seen, “But nothing happened and I know he’s upset, just try to get him to go to bed and we’ll sort everything out in the morning.”

“Okay, Luke, I’ll try, he’s exhausted and I will try to tell him what you told me,” John promised Luke.

John looked over a Reid, sitting on his couch a pillow hugged tightly against his stomach, looking like he was afraid that he was going to come apart.  He told Reid what Luke had said and Reid just nodded not saying anything and let John drag him into the guestroom.

Reid was numb, when he saw Kevin kissing Luke and stroking him his whole world fell apart in front of his eyes, all of his hopes and dreams went up in smoke in a matter of seconds, the pain in his chest was unbearable, he couldn’t breathe and the panic attack came on suddenly.  He stumbled down the stairs into the street and ran to his SUV taking big gulps of air, he saw Luke in his rearview mirror yelling his name but he had to get out of there, the panic was swallowing him up.  He parked his SUV in front of John and Shelley’s house and rang the doorbell, John was up still having just returned home as well and he was shocked to see Reid and pulled him into the house.  Reid hadn’t said more than a few words, “Luke,” he said, “Cheating on me,” and then he sat on the couch hugging the pillow, tears slowly streaming down his face.

Luke wiped his hands on his face, looking at Kevin and Liam knowing that if Reid and he weren’t careful they’d find themselves in the same situation.   As the story unfolded Luke would let the two of them stop and talk to one another which they hadn’t done since Liam had dropped the proverbial bomb a few months ago just after their 5th anniversary as a couple.

“Okay, honey, it’s been five years, do you want to adopt or find a surrogate?” Liam had asked one day, as they were getting ready for bed.

Kevin stopped standing stone still, not believing that the five years had gone by and remembering a conversation with Liam years ago about a family, Kevin really didn’t want kids and he figured that if he told Liam after they were together five years they could think about he thought that Liam would forget all about it.  But that wasn’t the case and Liam realized that Kevin hadn’t wanted kids ever and that had hoped Liam would forget about it, Liam was hurt and pulled a way from Kevin, they hadn’t had sex for a number of weeks both of them hurting and not talking.

Kevin in his drunken state had sought out Luke he needed the reassurance that he still could be wanted since Liam always refused now.  Kevin apologized to Luke again and told him how terrible he felt and that he and Liam would leave and find a hotel.

Luke shook his head and told them, “You two need to figure out what you want from each other and I think it’s better that you stay here.  You’re leaving for LA in the morning anyway and then I can go and get Reid and explain to him what happened.  I can’t blame him for losing it, I’m sure I would have too if I found another man in our bed with him,” Luke shuddered at the thought and what he might do if he ever found Reid with someone else.

Kevin came over and gave Luke a big hug, followed by Liam, “Do him for me okay,” Luke whispered in his ear.

Liam smiled and grabbed Kevin’s hand who looked at him in surprise, seeing a look that he hadn’t seen in months and followed him silently up stairs.

Luke looked over at his tough surgeon wrestling with the big machete like knife trying to saw through the hard exterior of the squash, he had to smile, thinking of how he had to do the same the next day and he came to John and Shelley’s with Reid’s favorite sandwich and medical journal, which was no small feat for an early Sunday morning.

With promises of not inviting former boyfriends or fuck buddies and many blow jobs and various other sexual favors, Reid forgave Luke and after a shortened visit to Reid’s Uncle Angus on Sunday, the boys spent the rest of the day in bed together, closing off the rest of the world.  Reid looked up at Luke smiling goofily at him as he wrestled with the squash, yeah he had been a bonehead and should’ve stayed, he knew that Kevin had been drunk and should’ve been more trusting of Luke.  He apologized as well and never wanted to relive that feeling of hopeless and helplessness as he saw another man touch his Luke, yep his Luke and nobody else’s.

Luke leaned in a gave Reid a kiss his brown eyes filled with love, hearing Ethan in the background, with an “Eww, why are they always kissing?” and Natalie shushing him and telling Ethan, “It’s because they’re in love.”  Luke smiled into his kiss and felt the responding smile from Reid, and whispered against his lips, “I love you, Oliver.”

“I love you too Snyder, but get me a goddamned power saw to cut open this stupid squash, so we can finally eat” Reid growled back with a smile and a twinkle in his blue eyes.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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