
Mar 20, 2007 07:01

Dear gods, Revan looks practically chipper today ( Read more... )

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Comments 169

onemorebounty March 20 2007, 12:58:28 UTC
It's an ongoing experience, being wanted. In several senses.

*The armored figure of the Hunter seems comfortable standing.*

Incarceration... well, if it's just keeping someone contained for a set span of time, then it's almost useless except as a deterrent. And then, not much of one.

*The helmeted head gives a disdainful shake.*

How do you usually treat prisoners of war?


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 13:05:49 UTC
"True enough."

This is the first time he's been able to sit in a couple days without immediately going to sleep, and he's bound and determined to enjoy it.

"Then I do not know why one would threaten someone with it."

He snorts.

"I usually do not take prisoners." It offends his sensibilities. "But I thought keeping this particular man alive might be useful."


onemorebounty March 20 2007, 13:34:15 UTC
Just because I don't see the deterrent value of incarceration, it doesn't mean the view is universal.

*She considers his answer on the subject of keeping prisoners only briefly before answering.*

Cryostasis, then. It keeps captives in good health but easy to manage.


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 13:46:40 UTC
"Naturally enough. I find it to be a waste of time and effort, myself."

He nods slightly, considering her suggestion.

"It would be something like carbonite freezing, then? I believe I could manage that. Are there any particular detrimental effects if someone is kept in cryostasis for a long period of time?"


meatbagkiller March 20 2007, 15:21:28 UTC
Query: Ruled out or exhausted?


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 15:25:32 UTC
((For the record, I love you forever.))

Wow. This must be Revan's lucky day. He was just thinking about his HK, even. "Ruled out, as of this point. But I am willing to be convinced that doing so would be of some merit."


meatbagkiller March 20 2007, 15:31:39 UTC
((First pup. Doesn't get nearly enough love.))

Advisement: The joy of seeing a prisoner writhe in agony, the ecstasy of toying with their incredibly short lives, and the meer bliss of knowing that you will break their very soul. If that is not convincing, I do not know what is.


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 15:37:16 UTC
((Which is very sad. But here is love. Lots of it. *hands giftwrapped box*))

He grins widely. "Well. That is terribly convincing. And your opinion would not change if I told you said prisoner was Carth Onasi?" Or a version of him, at any rate.


canadianninja March 20 2007, 15:45:41 UTC
"Non-existent brain surgery has always worked for me in the past."


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 16:20:56 UTC
You just had to go and peak his interest, didn't you?

"Non-existent brain surgery? Oh, do explain."


canadianninja March 20 2007, 16:33:05 UTC
Oh, now that was a grin to match. "You get all the tools you're going to need. You have to be absolutely sure he knows that you're going to be poking around in there. You put him under, cut his head open, don't do anything and put it all back together. When he comes to and realizes what you've done, he'll drive himself crazy thinking about exactly what you did to him."

He gave a quick nod to that. "The human imagination is a very powerful weapon."


meatbagkiller March 20 2007, 16:35:30 UTC
Commentary: I like this meatbag.


vicioussweetie March 20 2007, 17:13:00 UTC
"You mean, aside from the posters? Every time Alured smiles at me." A tiny babyfist comes out of the blanket-bundle she's cradling, reaching for her hair. "I don't think I'd like being in prison, but some people need to be locked away before they hurt themselves or someone else.

"And I--I would treat them just like anyone else, with a chance to explain what happened. I wouldn't be kinder because we had once been friends, because they'd betrayed me, but I wouldn't be more cruel either."


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 17:27:06 UTC
Okay, he has a teeny little softspot for babies. He can't help it. Revan smiles, sitting up and peering at the bundle. D'aww how cute. "True enough. What about mental incarceration? Being a prisoner of one's own mind, as it were?"

The smile falters, just a tad. "Rather that I betrayed him, really, but you make a very valid point. I would not torment him just for the fun of it, I think." Though he's gotten some lovely suggestions about how to so far...


vicioussweetie March 20 2007, 17:37:27 UTC
It's hard not to love the little green guy, isn't it?

"Aren't we all prisoners of our own mind?" She glances at the seat beside him, then gives him a questioning look.

"Tormenting people for fun isn't really, I've found. I mean, the only thing I've ever gotten out of it was a release of aggression, and there's pillows and bread dough for that. Especially bread dough. You get bread afterwards."


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 18:00:37 UTC
It really is.

He raises his eyebrows and scoots a bit before gesturing to the spot to say 'you can have it if you'd like; I'm not using it'. "In one context or another, I suppose we all are, yes. Some more literally than others."

He chuckles. "Alas, I am very bad at cooking, and would likely run out of pillows very quickly if I did that."


rhysofthenine March 20 2007, 19:54:25 UTC
"Today. In one of the more annoying contexts of the word." He looks unhappy.

"I'd prefer to avoid it, and I think killing people is a lot more efficient if they need to be kept away forever anyways."

"And... that's a tricky one. Do I still like them? Are we simply enemies due to politics, or is there some personal problems?"


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 23:03:26 UTC
"My apologies. Do you care to elaborate?" He gives Rhys his best 'I want to help' face.

"Very good points, on both accounts."

"Personal problems and politics both; they think you betrayed them, as to the personal, and you are on opposing sides as to the political."


rhysofthenine March 20 2007, 23:33:04 UTC
"Well, saving the world brought some fame along with it. I could really do without that." Rhys pulls a face.

"Thank you. And hmm... I'd probably have them treated fairly well- kept secure, though. Until you have a reason to release or kill him."


prodigalsith March 20 2007, 23:40:41 UTC
Revan smiles, but he's definitely sympathetic. "No good deed goes unpunished, as they say. You could always fake your death and go into hiding for a time, until things calm down?"

He nods thoughtfully. "Secure is a given; they are fairly high-profile and I would be very cross if someone happened to kill him." The tone on 'very cross' suggests that 'pissed off and forced to go on a rampage' might be better substituted.


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