Sad Baby, Sad Mommy

Mar 13, 2009 22:23

Peanut's Cute Thing of the Moment, whenever he is refused something he wants, is to heave a dramatic sigh, drop his forehead into his hand, and moan softly, "So sad..."

If his intent is to manipulate through sympathy, it is ineffective, because we wind up giggling instead of empathizing.

Tonight, however, it is my turn to be so sad. During a jaunt at the local playground, Mr. Right Brain was taking Peanut down one of the slides and somehow during the descent their legs got tangled up, resulting in the too-fast-to-determine-the-specifics twisting of Peanut's ankle. His screams brought me flying like a winged Hermes, where a moment before I was sitting on a swing feeling like it would take a bulldozer to get me to the car.

There is no swelling and not even any tenderness that I can tell, and he has full range of motion and no apparent pain when sitting or lying down. But he won't walk on it, though in lieu of being immobile he stubbornly crawls in a hands-and-feet position, with some whimpering. We'll take him to a doctor tomorrow morning if it has not improved; although to my knowledge there is not much to be done for a simple sprain, we can at least rule out something more serious.

There is no feeling so terrible as watching your baby suffer and being powerless to stop it. My heart breaks for parents of children with serious chronic illness. How they even get by day to day is amazing to me.

peanut, parenthood

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