
Mar 28, 2009 17:55

34 weeks, and other updated stuff...

Prenatal checkup this week confirmed my suspicion that Deuce is already low-riding, which explains why most of my maternity pants became horrendously uncomfortable about a week ago - the seam between the pants fabric and the stretchy bit is cutting right across the spot where his head is sitting. I remember this with Peanut... it basically reduces me to wearing all-knit bottoms and tent-like skirts for the remainder of the pregnancy. Le sigh. I guess I should be thankful my babies drop early - less chance of any last-minute rearranging in order to stick a foot or shoulder where their heads belong. Whether he is still posterior I do not know; prodding at him only sends my uterus into outraged Braxton-Hicks contractions, so I just try to have the correct posture and let him sort it out.

I'm beginning to get the open-mouthed stares upon informing curious questioners that I still have over a month to go, assuring them that no, I am not carrying twins and no, I don't expect he'll come early, if my history is anything to go by. I am a huge, lumbering cow and can at least be ironically thankful that Peanut's long gestation gave me such an ample network of stretch marks that my body has not needed, so far, to add to the collection this time around.

Peanut seems to be recovering well from his mishap. His cast is as filthy as only a two-year-old boy can make it; it has gotten damp on numerous occasions and he does all but pour dirt inside it. We keep it covered with one of Dad's socks most of the time, and he has begun to bear weight on that side again, even to take a few tentative steps, although he finds the lack of traction between cast and bare flooring discouraging in that respect. I very much look forward to his return to normalcy in less than two weeks; although he gets around surprisingly well by crawling and climbing, his activity level has suffered and I have let him watch entirely too many dvds just to keep him quiet, a habit I am sure to regret fostering.

My crop of potato plants that had popped up in my compost bin had to be transplanted, along with the compost, to my garden plot, but seems to be surviving the move. In the process I harvested six tiny new potatoes the size of shooter marbles, roasted them with asparagus and chicken, and enjoyed them with smug delight that something actually survived and produced. Hopefully the coming months will see more of the same. Currently the taters are all I am growing, although I need to get a few more things in the ground before the month is out if I am to have any hope of harvesting before the hot weather starts. I also started an avocado seed indoors - the trees will grow here quite well, I'm told, and if one is going to muck around with fruit trees one might as well go for something as nutritionally-dense as possible, though I'd love to see about getting some citrus in our yard as well. Somebody beat us to the orange tree in the woody lot behind our house this year, and I didn't realize until then how much I'd come to enjoy fresh orange juice.

So...time ticks away...even during a "slow" month. We are tightening the budget, spending on nothing but food and gas for this month while we pull our finances under control after several careless weeks of too much eating out and frivolous expenditures. March is the mildest time of year here, usually requiring us to run neither a/c nor heat, so I expect to at least get the credit card paid off before Peanut's medical bills start showing up.

peanut, pregnancy, parenthood, gardening

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