Civic duty, FTW

Feb 12, 2008 12:32

Just finished mailing in my absentee ballot for the primaries! Too bad I don't get an "I voted" sticker since I didn't vote in person. :( But it was a pretty exciting thing. I always feel unprepared for voting, and didn't even know who I was going to decide on until this morning. It's a momentous occasion for America- it looks likely that we'll have either a black president or a female president by next year. (Unless the Republicans win, in which case we'll have neither.) Pretty radical stuff, wouldn't you say?

Got some good news about a couple of my classes this week. First of all, even though I don't have school off for President's Day this coming Monday, the elementary school kids do, so I don't have to come in for placement next Monday! This will make my day a lot less hectic. I'll even be able to have a proper dinner before my 6:00 class. Then today in fiction writing, JCB reminded us that we're joining with a photography class next week. Instead of meeting at 8 a.m., we're going to be meeting next Tuesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. So yay not getting up at 8 in the morning! Even though I'll have to miss choir on Tuesday to do it. I never really practice the choir pieces outside of choir, but I might make some time this week to run through it, to make up for the fact that I will be skipping the next rehearsal.

Also, Professor Johnson really, really liked my first reflection that I turned in! Yay! :)


P.S. I was really randomly tempted to label this entry as "adult content". I was like, Haha, it has explicit adult content, because I'm an adult, doing adult things!! :)

...I'm so immature.

politics and social issues, school, random, for the win

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