Be my valentine?

Feb 14, 2008 23:00

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Actually, the typical theme of the holiday doesn't really merit discussion for me on this journal, at least in this entry. I am single and this fact has never once bothered me on Valentine's Day. Truth be told, I don't have much interest at all in a relationship (although I am becoming open to the possibility). So I spent the day pretty low-key, and enjoyed it greatly.

Most of the day was pretty normal. I woke up, saw the snow on the ground, hoped against hope that school would be cancelled, found out it wasn't (but the public grade schools did get a day off, lucky kids), and went to both my classes. In between I wrote a really interesting response paper using the Deconstructionist method of literary criticism to analyze an advertisement. It's really hard to explain this in a livejournal entry, or even in person, but this method basically involves identifying oppositions in a text, pinpointing central ideas and explicit meanings, and then reversing or re-interpreting them. Essentially, you're trying to prove that the text means the opposite- or at least something different- than what it explicitly seems to mean. It's pretty interesting stuff. (See, even my least favorite class can be interesting!)

On the path coming back from my 2:00 class, Gina stopped me on the path and gave me a rose!!! <3 That pretty much made my day, as did the incredibly sweet Valentine's card that Gen gave me later on. :)

Around 6:00 I realized it was past time for dinner, and after a moment of thinking about all the things I wanted to do, I decided to try and do all of them at once. :) First I went to The Suite to deliver a Valentine's card to Gina (it was a "to my wife" card, because we were married on facebook before we agreed to change it so she was listed as in a relationship with her actual boyfriend). That, of course, turned into the two of us standing around chatting, as it usually does. Once I got around to leaving there, I went to the campus center and supported the Equestrian Club by buying cookies from their bake sale. Then I got dinner in a to-go box from the Great Room. Then I checked my mail, bought Valentine's cards for people from home, went grocery shopping (for bagels, frozen dinners, and microwavable dinners), and finally came back to the room. It did only take me 40 minutes to do all this, though, which was impressive.

The late evening/early night was just as busy, only instead of running around campus I confined my activities to the dorm. :) The RAs were planning a Valentine's hangout/party starting at 8, but I had a "base meeting" (short interview evaluating my experience in the dorms) with my RA at 8:20, and "Lost" starts at 9- plus I wanted to do my laundry. So I went down at 8 and put my clothes in the wash, and by the time I finished with that it was pretty much 8:15 anyway, so I just went up to the office to meet with Molly. A ten-minute Q&A turned into a half-hour chat session (apparently I have a problem with brief conversations), so when we finally said goodbye it was almost 9. I went back downstairs to keep watching the movie (it was "Music And Lyrics", which is about the cutest movie ever) but then realized my laundry was done in the wash and needed to go in the dryer. As I was switching machines I remembered it was Thursday and "Lost" was just coming on, so I finished up in the laundry room and ran upstairs to Lauren's room to watch. Very cool episode, although pretty dark, and characters are going in directions I don't know if I like. We'll see what happens.

When it was finished I wandered back downstairs, got my clean and dried laundry, and saw that the movie in the common room was still going on. So I finished that as well and finally made it back to my room. Gen and I caught up on each other's lives- we don't see each other at all until at least 8 p.m. on Thursdays, and no, I'm not exaggerating- and I found the aforementioned incredibly sweet Valentine's card. My friends in general were so good to me today. How can you even miss having a significant other on Valentine's when you have friends like these? :D

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day! The way I see it, you're all my Valentines, because as sad as it sounds to write it out like this, you're a really big part of my life. (I'm serious; do you know how much time I spend on lj? Not obsessive levels, but it's a good chunk of my time, let me tell you!) So thanks for just being you! It's the best gift I could ask for. :)


i love st. mary's, relationships, holidays, school, fandom friends, college friends

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