WTF, immune system

Feb 03, 2008 14:56

So as of yesterday I've noticed that I'm coughing a lot more than usual. This is odd because I got over my winter break cold about two weeks ago, and for several days I've had no remaining symptoms. All I can say is, I'd better not be catching another cold- I had one over Thanksgiving break and one over Christmas break, and I'm not getting another one if I have anything to say about it.

Improv cancelled due to Super Bowl tonight, which is good because it means I'll actually be getting some work done. Gen and I went to bed at 4 a.m. and woke up at 1:30, so we got a late start on the day. Plus my hall is watching "Mystic Pizza" as a group event at 3:30, which I suppose I could theoretically skip...but I'm not gonna. :) Then at 9 the Jane Austen Society is watching the next in the series of Masterpiece Theater TV adaptations of Austen's works. Busy day of fun, even without improv- I'll need that time to work.

And now to close, a meme that gingerrose put on her lj a couple weeks ago that I liked.

1) The correct way to abbreviate the word "pages" is pp, but I still insist on writing it "pgs". I have to double-check my citations on papers to make sure I didn't write it that way by accident.

2) I change my desktop background on my computer every weekend. Except for the one I use every year around the holidays, I've never had to repeat a wallpaper.

3) I like to read out loud- whether it's schoolwork, books for fun, or even email. In fact, I put off my reading a lot because I want to be alone in the room when I do it, so I can read out loud.

4) I can make the whistling sound, but I can't whistle tunes.

5) Also, I can't snap my fingers.

6) I am almost compulsively neat in some areas of my life. When I worked at Giant over the summer, I got very good at packing groceries in a very organized way, and when I get food in the Great Room I somehow manage to arrange it on the plate so it looks pleasing. I also am incredibly neat about making my bed when I'm at home. However, I'm not necessarily a neat person on the whole- I almost never make my bed at school, and my desk can become cluttered with papers in two days flat. I don't particularly enjoy organizing my own stuff.

7) I can sing up and back down the melodic scale using syllables (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do), and then do it alternating every other one, backwards and forwards. I learned this in 7th grade and it's like riding a bike- I never lost it.

memes and quizzes, health problems, random, club stuff

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