
Feb 05, 2008 00:12

Today wasn't the best day, and not because anything majorly stressful happened. The main thing bringing me down is that I'm most definitely sick again, for the 3rd time in as many months. I just got over the last cold, and I feel absolutely miserable right now, sniffling and coughing away. Being sick always makes me cranky- as I might have mentioned before, I don't have any problems dealing with pain, but I hate being sick because I feel all energy-deprived and cloudy. I'm trying to take more vitamins, drink orange juice and tea, get sleep, etc. and hope it helps the darn thing run its course in a few days.

The cold put a damper on my entire day, though. It didn't help that Mondays tend to be my hectic days. I had my 10:40 class, then went to lunch, after which I had an hour or so to work until I had to meet my ride to my placement. We don't dismiss the kids until just after 5, and so it was 5:30 when I got back. To my happiness, Gen's family was there when I arrived, and they had gotten extra KFC chicken (because of a sale) and offered to share with me. If it wasn't for them, my dinner would've been peanut butter crackers, so they really did me a favor. I had to take half my food to class with me though, because of the hurry I was in. And of course, my professor always lets us out of that class about 5 minutes late, which gave me 5 minutes to travel from Goodpastor to Monty, change, and stretch for dance. Dance is going really well, but half of us are sick with colds, so it was tough to work. After dance I came back to the room and worked on critiques for my writing class, and now I'm thinking bed sounds like a fantastic idea.

I'm sorry for the rant. Like I said, I get miserable when I'm sick, so I was kind of depressed today. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better, despite the fact that the likelihood of my cold reaching its peak in two days is low. Am I allowed to hate everything, though? Just for one day?



health problems, worries

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