Nov 20, 2007 01:28

Well, let's pick up where I left off...on episode 8.

First off, I went through a heck of a time just to watch this episode. The NBC website was being really uncooperative and kept messing with the episode and skipping back and all that. So Florence and I finished the episode just in time to watch the one that aired tonight- literally, we ran over to the suite to catch the beginning. (We expected people to actually be watching the show there, but no one was, so feeling it would be rude to intrude on their hospitality by sitting alone in their common room watching the show, we ran back to our room again on the second commercial break.) This trouble with the site really makes me not want to miss an episode, not just for the usual reasons, but because apparently catching up is harder than it would seem. But on to the actual episode commentary.

This episode actually cleared a lot of things up. Way to go! Wow, Maya and Alejandro have quite the backstory apparently. He became a married man and a widower in the course of a few hours, she was a nun for a little while...That's some layers they've got there. So I am beginning to warm up to them, although no matter how powerful, I can't feel too good about a character who cries as much as Maya does. That woman needs to be in better control of her own emotions. Of course, she's with Sylar right now, so probably tons more crying will be in order for the next several episodes.

OK, Elle annoys the heck out of me. Almost as much as West. What is it with her and touching?! Poor Peter looked so bewildered, like he totally didn't know how to react to her groping him like that. And then she cut his hair, and that explained the fangirl shrieks of horror I swear I heard echoing through the night during tech week last week. ;) Adam's cool. He's nice to look at, and kinda evil. I'm interested in him.

No West this episode. Yay.

Oh, who called that Adam was going to heal Nathan? I totally called it. (Well, not here, but I totally was saying it all while I was waiting for the freaking episode to load.)

I don't even remember what else happened in this episode. Oh, all that Niki and D.L. stuff. Nice trick they played with D.L. surviving the gunshot wound in 1.23, since they led us all to believe that was how he died. Niki's being too gullible though. She should know better after all she's been through. That's actually a complaint I have about a bunch of these characters: they never learn. (We'll see that a bit more in 2.09.)

Speaking of which...

Wow. This episode was intense. And it sped things up a bit, resolving some stuff that I really didn't think was going to get revealed this quickly. (Was that because of the then-impending writer's strike, or was that planned all along? Anyone?) I didn't think we'd see the events of the paintings actually "come to life" until the end of the season, and yet, here we are now. And Hiro's already figured out that Kensei=Adam? They didn't wait too long on that one, I see.

Hiro ruled in this episode, by the way. I loved him talking to his younger self!!!! How did no one notice Future!Kaito, though? He wasn't actually standing that far away from Then!Present!Kaito. Seems odd to me. Is it funny, also, that I almost forgot that Hiro didn't know that Adam was Kensei? I guess the fact that we knew threw me off. It's difficult to keep track of who knows what in this series.

The episode was good with the suspense. When Hiro was unmasking Adam, I really had some momentary doubts that it was actually going to be Adam, even though all evidence pointed to him and no one else. I actually thought it might somehow turn out to be Peter for a second (like, turned to the dark side or something) until I realized that plot-wise, Peter is somewhere else at this point and couldn't possibly have done it. (Although he can might've worked.) But of course it was Adam, as it should be. Wonder what poor Hiro will do next.

My reaction to Bennet being shot was really interesting. My genuine, honest-to-God first reaction was, "Ew! Not in the eye! I had enough of that on Buffy!" This immediately progressed to the "OH GOD BENNET'S DEAD!!!!" stage. I was saddened by that, because Bennet is full of morally grey awesomeness, and I can't imagine where the storylines would go without him. Luckily though, he got a bit of Claire's blood from Bob and everything's okay- although this storyline is going to go in all kinds of interesting directions now that he's back in the hands of the Company.

This episode was all about fathers and daughters, but did anybody notice that out of the three dads in the big Cowboys and Indians showdown (Bennet, Bob, and Mohinder), only one of them actually has a biological daughter? (Bob...we assume.) It seems the people most devoted to their daughters are the ones who didn't actually biologically father them.

I must requote something from a community that I think was a great point- it's so true.
How hysterical was West's, "Mr. Buttler! What are you doing?!" How Victorian female of him.
Does anyone else remember that moment?! I laughed out loud when he said that. It really was far too earnest of him. Also, turns out he's not one of the bad guys. He's still boring me and Claire shouldn't go to him for comfort. The car talk between him and Bennet was amusing, though.

I loved how Mohinder managed to completely ignore Elle as she felt him up during his conversation with Bob. Elle, stop touching the boys. It really does bug me a little.

Everyone's been pointing out how Matt and Mohinder both really did some horrible stuff in this episode. And, um, they're right. Get a grip, guys. Someone needs to be genuinely good on this show, and I like these two. For the record, when I thought Bennet was going to shoot Mohinder, I got really worried. Since Episode 1 of this season I've been afraid Mohinder's gonna die. Everytime something new happens, I keep thinking, "But what if this-and-that happens now and Mohinder dies?" I'm totally paranoid about him getting killed, because the sad thing is it really could happen rather easily, especially with the sorts of situations he's putting himself in. Plus, that hit to the nose that Bennet gave him? That must really hurt, especially with his nose already injured. That must hurt, like, unimaginably. And yet Mohinder seemed fine three scenes afterward in the showdown. Did he even have the bandage on?

Well, that's a lot right there. As you can see, it was quite the interesting few episodes, and I'm interested to see what happens in the next two episodes before mid-season break (and what else the writers have up their sleeves for the post-writer's strike rebooting of shows...). Could be awesome.

Ten minutes or less until my laundry gets out of the dryer! Then I can finally go to bed!



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