Back today...yay!

Nov 25, 2007 23:47

First off, happy belated Thanksgiving to you all. I've caught up on pretty much everybody's entries, and it seems to have been a fine time all around.

I had a good Thanksgiving break. We went to my cousins' house as usual, and while it always goes reasonably well (no intense arguing or family drama, except for the little scuffles about politics), this year it was better than usual. A lot of good pictures were taken- I'm considering posting some of them to facebook- and we had some good conversation, particularly about books. Yay!

We did other stuff while we were home too. Friday we went to see the Edward Hopper exhibit at the National Gallery of Art. Fantastic exhibit, but bad timing on our part- apparently every art-loving person who wanted to avoid the Black Friday shopping frenzy decided to go see the exact same thing, and the lines were outrageous. We got in after about 20 minutes; others weren't so lucky. I was also surprised and thrilled to turn around while eating lunch at the gallery and see bumazhnyjsoldat and other friends who happened to be there as well- and to see the same exhibit too! Random friend sightings in unlikely places are awesome.

Saturday I saw "Enchanted", which is pretty much the cutest movie ever. Sometimes you just need something ridiculously sappy, and this was that in a nutshell. James Marsden cracked me up so bad in this, with his dimwitted earnestness. And the musical numbers (by Stephen Schwartz, no less) were really catchy. I'm still getting Giselle and Edward's love duet stuck in my head.

So all in all, a good time, and only 3 weeks left in the entire semester! I'm really excited to go back home for winter break. A whole month off, plus Christmas? What more could I ask for? ;) Unfortunately, sitting in extremely close proximity with 100 other people for a straight week during dance club tech week exposed me to many germs, and now I have an annoying new cold. It started as a bad cough that quickly progressed to a horrendous stuffy nose. I'm not happy with it, because I've been walking around campus practically hacking up a lung and I can barely breathe when I lie down to sleep, but I have faith that it will go away soon. (It better. I have to sing Handel's "Messiah" with the choir on Sunday, and I'm darn well not doing it stuffy and coughing like a chain smoker.)

Back to classes tomorrow. Wow...


vacation, holidays, health problems, family, art exhibits, d.c., college friends, movies i've seen

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