Yeah, that's right, we're pretty much awesome

Nov 18, 2007 01:49

So, basically, we kinda rule. And I love dance club. And yay to all of us!! :) I think the show run ended great tonight, with only a couple minor mistakes. Even with all the exhaustion and strain on the nerves that dance shows cause, they're still one of my favorite things. I want it to be next semester already so I can dance again. :)

The other exciting thing about tonight was that I got home from the last show to see that a friend of mine from freshman year who had left St. Mary's had emailed me to catch up. He was someone I had been really interested in getting to know better, so I was surprised and thrilled to hear from him. I have to say, in a way it takes guts to email someone after two years of not seeing them, and tell them the whole sequence of events that's happened since then, trusting that they'll actually care enough to read the email and to respond with more than a couple sentences. Luckily for him, I cared quite a bit, and sent him an equally long email in response! One of the things I hate most is losing touch with people, espcially those I really wanted to get to know better. So this ends the night on a good note for me.

Also, I'm going home on Tuesday. Totally skipping my 6:00 class. Just so you know. :)


dance, college friends, club stuff

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