Nov 17, 2007 00:52

The title says it all, guys. The dance show is going really well. I think it gets better every night! It's tough being in only one dance (out of 23) though, because I spend 9/10 of the evening just sitting there trying to keep myself occupied. But the one dance I am in is coming together fantastically. Two more performances tomorrow night and it's over for the semester- although I do still have a choir performance the day after (Sunday) and another one in December, so my performing commitments are far from over.

Also, in the past 24 hours I appear to have caught the Evil Sore Throat of Doom. There's definitely a bug going around, and I'm getting it. My goal is to get a whole lotta rest tonight and anytime I'm not dancing (or doing laundry or scholarship stuff or attending a birthday party) tomorrow, and have my vocal systems back to their full capacity before I have to sing Dvorak's "Te Deum" on Sunday afternoon. :)

Bed in a few minutes. Good night!


health problems, dance, for the win, club stuff

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