Back in America- funnily enough, as of Independence Day. :) It's good to be back, although the trip was beyond fun. I'm going to be writing a series of travel posts (probably eight, one for each city we visited) which will start going up later this week. I will also post public links to the photo albums I'm putting up on facebook. I'm estimating I took about 500 photos on this trip.
For now, though, a few things that have piqued my interest in the last couple of weeks:
- On the flight home, I discovered the music of Florence and the Machine. Well, it's not quite accurate to say I discovered it then; I'd already heard two of her songs, "Cosmic Love" and "Drumming Song", through fanvids before I left for England. But I listened to her whole album Lungs on the flight, and it is sensational. I'll definitely be buying it. Anyone else a fan?
"Drumming Song"
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"Girl With One Eye"
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- I read two of the four books I brought with me over the last three weeks: Winter's Bone and American Gods (only two chapters left to go on this one!). Since I was already very familiar with the story of Winter's Bone, it was just enjoyable to relive. It's the first time experiencing the Neil Gaiman novel, though, and I've liked it a lot. He has originality coming out all over the place, doesn't he? Surprisingly since I own several of them, this is the first Gaiman novel I've actually read. I'm much more familiar with his film work. I also read his blog (you can find it
here), which is the sweetest thing because he seems to just be this genuinely nice guy who lives in Minnesota and is awesome. I'll have to read some of his other books, because I've very much enjoyed this one.
- On a similar note, Florence sent me this song to listen to a while back, saying only that it was a good song for a fanvideo for Doctor Who (particularly the Tenth Doctor). She's absolutely right, but as I listened to it after coming home, I also realized it is perfect to represent American Gods as well. Give it a listen, particularly if you've read the book, and see what you think. (Or tell me another song that reminds you of it, if you like. We'll make a playlist!)
"Blue Lips" by Regina Spektor
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- My parents and I watched the first episode of the UK version of Skins today. It was awesome. We're going to start rewatching the Harry Potter films tonight also, in preparation for the final one coming out. Have I mentioned recently just how much I love my family?
- Finally, Gen showed me this while we were abroad, and it is officially the funniest thing I have ever seen.
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...And that's all for now!