(no subject)

Nov 26, 2006 20:17

I wrote something really weird this afternoon. I didn't even realize I was writing it really. One minute I'm thinking something and the next I'm half way down putting it on the computer. I don't have a clue what it really means, but I like it, and I think it says a lot about the how the world is. People say that everyone's special and everyone gets their 5 minutes of fame. I know that's not true. So... I wrote this. I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on it and maybe some ways I could improve it or things you liked?

Here it is...

The whole world's a stage, and we're all in the play. And it doesn't matter what they say, not everyone is special, not everyone gets the spotlight for a little. And yeah, it's unfair, but whoever said life was fair? Not us, the actors in the back. There because we can't dance, or can't sing. We're not the people in the spotlight. The only time the light shines on us, is when we lose it, and that's never nice. But who ever said the world was nice? Look at me, I'm surrounded by them, the stars of the act, and they take all the attention. Maybe that's why I'm here? To work backstage, where no one can see my tears? Must be, because I've never gotten a solo. But who does? They do, the perfect people. The ones for whom the stage was made. So just remember, the whole world's a stage so you might as well dance. Everyone's watching and everyone laughs. So put on your mask and be in the play. But it's not nice, and one day, you're going to falter, and then, the play will finaly end. And when it does you'll realize, that it never really mattered, and it didn't have meaning. It was just a play, on a stage, with actors and lines, and no one will call you back, for the curtain fall and final bows
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