First Chapter of From Land to Land

Sep 04, 2006 00:16

Here it is, my first Naruta fanfic! (Or at least the first chapter... I think it's going to be about 3 or 4 chapters long...)

The happy sounds of splashing water filled Irryk's sensitve ears as she rested in the inlet that was her normal home. Min and some of the teachers had let lessons out early and the children were gleefully taking advantage of that to play in the water. Just as she was about to go join them a soft voice called “Elder Irryk? I need your aid..." With a sigh and a promise to herself that she'd go and play later, the rather grey woman forced herself to come on land "Yes Kippal? What is it?" The owner of the voice came around the corner, revealed as a nervous young man "Um... I'm not sure how to say this, but we seem to have a problem." "I knew that. What sort of problem?" "You know how Marthlin was due today?" "Is something wrong? I'll get the healers!" "That's not the sort of problem we have. There's something odd about the child, and we think you need to take a look..." Grumbling under her breath, Irryk grabbed a robe from the pile nearby and followed the now panicking seal affinity to the birthing lodge, tying on her garment as she went.

Walking through the door, she found the new born set into her arms before she even knew what was happening. Nearly dropping the babe in surprise Irryk regained her composure and looked the clan's newest member over before placing her back in her mother's arms. "Nothing out of the ordinary, just a perfectly normal Earth sign... Wait... How did the child end up with Earth signs?" Sitting up Marthlin smiled “You forget Elder, I wasn’t born here. My own mother was an Earth sign and it appears to have skipped generations.” A smile brightened Irryk’s face as a neat solution presented to her mind. “When you are strong you and the child will go back to the Beastlands to visit your family. You haven’t been back in sometime, and your family can teach you something about raising an Earth sign. Sound good?” When both Marthlin and Kippal had nodded their agreement Irryk left the lodge to return to her own home.

Removing her clothing and sliding back into the water of the inlet she called ~Clikk?! Fish friend, I have questions! ~ ~Coming land walker! ~ Within a few minutes her best friend, Clikk, a bottlenose dolphin, had appeared. ~Questions? ~ ~Yeah, what do you think is happening out there? I have a feeling the Forces want us to look outwards, but I’m not sure to what. ~ Clikk turned his head to the side, and shrugged a dolphin’s shrug ~They’re the Forces. We’ll know eventually. Now, shall we beat Min at a game of Catch Me? ~ Swimming in front of her friend Irryk laughed ~Let’s! He has it coming!~

Yeah, this is the first part =^-^=

And now... About me: I'm a weird writer and poet who loves Roleplaying and listening to music. Most of the people I encounter inspire me and end up somewhere in my writings. I'm currently working on roughly ten original stories and I hope one day to be a professional writer. I found Naruta after meeting Northen on BRPS and deciding that it was really cool (and I'm SO glad I did!)

That good Northen?


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